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Her Secret Investigation

Her Secret Investigation

Autor: Kela Sikwa

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Her Secret Investigation PDF Free Download


“You could just fire me.” Selena whispered. Asriel froze in his tracks and stared at Selena. She firmly held his gaze as she rubbed her arm. The defeated look in her eyes made something stir in Asriel. He was not sure what it was exactly that stirred but he knew it was the reason he could not fire Selena. He looked away from her and faced palmed himself. He could not help but laugh dryly. Asaiah would not be pleased with his decision. “Yeah, I guess I could just fire you” Asriel said with a smile. He was suddenly happy for some reason. He walked to her and held her shoulders. Unable to hold his gaze, she looked down. -“but I think I still want you around.” ********************************************************************* A series of past murders catch the attention of the police and the media. All the people who were killed were women, all of which had some sort of relationship with a well known and successful businessman named Asriel Parker. For some reason, the murders all point to him as the number one suspect and connection between them. The reasonable thing to do is to put him behind bars but there is one problem. "Everyone is innocent in the eyes of the law until proven guilty." There isn't a shred of evidence that actually pinpoints Asriel Parker as the culprit. With that statement in mind, Selena March, a good police officer and detective is sent undercover as his live-in Personal Assistant to dig up whatever information she can use to put the murderer behind bars. Selena has no idea what she signs up for but she knows for a fact that falling in love is not part of the whole 'undercover' mission.
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Chapter 1

The howling wind did nothing to calm her nervousness. Veronica was so excited to see Asriel Parker again but her excitement came with extreme nervousness. She stopped looking at her reflection in the mirror to stare at the little picture of Asriel Parker that she had taped to the corner of her mirror from a magazine.

He was in a grey t-shirt and had his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. He was talking to someone on his left but Veronica had cropped the other parts of the picture and couldn't remember who the other person was. His grey eyes were always intense and he had a habit of running his hands through his hair. His handsome face only added to the fame he already had as a businessman and a major share holder in some other companies. His fraternal twin brother was just as successful and his younger sister just as him, but those other two didn't get Veronica's heart racing when they glanced at her or smiled at her.

Veronica frowned when she realised that for the past three months that she had been dating Asriel, he did not smile genuinely. His smiles were either forced, sarcastic, threatening or the nasty-give-you-chills smile. Still, she loved him. And she wanted nothing more than to be the one to make him smile brightly. At first, she was scared to date him because of what happened to his other girlfriends but she eventually let it slide and got in a relationship with him.

She got up and walked to her closet. Right before she could open it, she heard a loud crash from downstairs in her living room. She froze, fear blanketing her body. She knew for a fact that she was alone in the house. She stupidly took an empty bottle of deodorant and started walking downstairs.

"Hello?" She called out to no one in particular. "Come out and show yourself!" She shouted  Her only response was eerie silence. Her lights were all turned on and she took it as a sign that she was in no imminent danger despite her gut telling her to run and call for help.

She heard the sound of pots moving in the kitchen and she frowned. Could it be a rat? Of all days in the year, the stupid rat chose to visit on the day that Asriel was coming over for dinner.

"Stupid creatures, no respect for us at all." She grumbled as she stomped to the kitchen. "My boyfriend is coming over in the next four hours and then you decide to dance in my pots? No thank you."

Without looking around, she walked strait to the counter where she kept her pots. She saw no rat.

"Hmmm, that little vermin is in hiding isn't_" she stopped her sentence when a white film gas suddenly started coming out from one of the closed pots on the counter. She gasped, her body impulsively searching for more oxygen. It was suddenly hard to breathe as the gas had filled the entire kitchen. She coughed and covered her mouth.

She turned to run to the front door. Locked! She was puzzled but she thought better than to let it stop her. She tried all her doors but she was locked in her house. Even her windows were sealed shut. The alarming rate at which the gas was spreading was doing nothing to sooth her. Her stomach dropped when she realised what was happening and whose doing the whole strange situation was.

The Parker girl killer.

The killer was in her house. She looked around, searching for his or her figure. She had to call Asriel for help. With her body weakening due to the limited amount of oxygen in her foggy house, she went back to her bedroom for her cell phone. She was crawling by the time she reached her bedroom and opened it. She was feeling dizzy and her body was too weak. She lost all hope when she spotted her phone on the floor, smashed. She dropped, losing all energy to move and her body running out of oxygen.

The last thing she saw was a pair of black leather boots waltzing into her bedroom as if the wearer owned the entire universe. She rolled over in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the intruder. The person was tall, and that was all information her mind could collect before she finally passed out.

The killer smiled in satisfaction, she had finally passed out. The killer was smart enough to out on a mask unlike Veronica who had ran passed it in her feeble attempt to escape the trap. It was time to get to work.

Two hours later, the killer stood up and admired the handy work. A grin on the killer's face just showed just how much satisfying the gruesome scene was.

"Take that Asriel fucking Parker."