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Endless Love Like a Mirage

Endless Love Like a Mirage

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Endless Love Like a Mirage PDF Free Download


When I first met him, we were both squeezed in a narrow wardrobe together, watching a 'live-action film' performed by our significant others. They were extremely passionate in their performance. He was disdained by his wife, that was a no-go. I was told by my husband that I was unresponsive in 'that' aspect. Initially, I thought we could only play the role of spectators in the face of this 'live-action movie.' However, the man next to me was searingly staring at me. Who could tell me, why is this? It's a man who the whole world would say has no chance, but why is he pouncing on me at this very moment!
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Chapter 1

On a warm early summer afternoon, I was sitting behind my office desk, dozing off. Suddenly, the piercing ring of my phone on the table startled me; it was a text message. Picking it up, I noted a strange number. Assuming it was spam, I clicked to see the message: Hi, my love, let's meet at 9 sharp, there's a surprise waiting for you at room 808 at Hyatt Hotel, by Meng Chengyang.

A smirk tugged at the corner of my mouth, instantly waking me up. Grabbing my bag, I exited work early. It was time to surprise him.

So, I spent four hours meticulously dressing from head-to-toe, arriving at the Hyatt Hotel promptly at 9 p.m. and eagerly knocking on the door of room 808.

The door opened, and I was instantly frozen in place.

"Mr. Zou... Why are you here?"

The man standing before me looked slightly different from the images in magazines; he bore deep, handsome features that dared anyone from maintaining eye contact. His lips curved into a mysterious smile, and his narrow, dark eyes glinted sharply.

"Miss. Lin, you're right on time." Zou Zichen stood behind the door, his words ambiguous.

"Did you send me the text message?" I stared at Zou Zichen in disbelief.

This man became a mogul in the real estate industry of Rong City in just two years. People's opinions about him varied. Some said he climbed to the top through women, ruthless and decisive; others believed he was astute and talented, skilled at finding business opportunities, and handled things smoothly - a rare talent in the business world... In my view, this was a man with great scheming capabilities, a dangerous figure indeed.

"Let's come in first and talk." Zou Zichen stepped aside, inviting me in.

I stood there alert, asking, "Did you need something from me?" I had only met him once before and even that was a distant encounter. We were practically strangers.

"It's too late to explain in detail. You'll understand once you see it. Please, trust me." There was an earnest look in Zou Zichen's eyes.

I held his gaze for a moment before stepping inside. He closed the door behind me. I quickly scanned the room; it was a luxury business suite.

Zou Zichen awkwardly pointed at a closet beside the large bed, saying, "I hope you won't mind."

His actions left me utterly puzzled.

At that point, his phone made a sound. He glanced at it and when he raised his head, a flicker of fury could be seen in his eyes, which he quickly buried. "They've gotten on the elevator."

"Who... who are they?" I asked, feeling confused.

"My wife and your husband," he replied simply, walking to a wardrobe.

I was completely stunned, watching him open the wardrobe, instantly realizing his intention.

Zou Zichen motioned for me to step inside, his voice evenly saying, "I had this custom-made, so you can see out, but no one can see in. It looks like a plain mirror on the outside." He spoke casually, as if we were about to watch a movie.

I felt utterly shattered.

"Hurry up, they're at the door," Zou Zichen urged.

Feeling a strange sense of panic, I looked into his grave eyes and crawled into the wardrobe.

Though the wardrobe was big enough for two people, once Zou Zichen's tall figure entered, the space suddenly felt crowded. With our arms pressed against each other, I could feel his warmth through the thin fabric and the faint scent of fresh grass emanating from him.

Shutting the wardrobe door, I expected total darkness, but to my surprise, a small yellow light turned on above me.

Just as the wardrobe door closed completely, I heard the sound of the room door unlocking, followed by a solid "thud" as it shut.

"Chengyang, I've missed you so much," a woman's delicate voice said with excitement and eagerness.

"Me too."

I turned my head slightly to look at the door through the glass. The voice was all too familiar. I watched as two figures rushed to kiss each other passionately, marked by their heavy panting. The couple moved from the door to the bed, clothes strewn on the floor. Soon enough, two naked bodies were entwined in a passionate jumble, eagerly gnawing at each other, like hunger-stricken wolves. It was a sight too hard to stomach.

With wide eyes, I felt as though I had been struck by lightning. I couldn't believe that the man on the bed, wolfishly thirsty, was Meng Chengyang, the same Meng Chengyang who was always gentle and considerate to me... The same one who promised me that morning that he would treat me well forever, that he would wait for me to accept him... So all of it was a lie.

Closing my eyes tightly, I could not block out those suggestive moans filling my ears. My heart pounded with frustration. Turning to see Zou Zichen, I found him staring outside, his eyes gleaming coldly in the dim light. The arm pressed against me was as stiff as rock.