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In love again

In love again

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Short romance

In love again PDF Free Download


Two people, different circumstances yet love found them!Losing his wife turned his heart dark, turned him an alien to love and he swore to never love again, remain celibate and only care about his two daughters the remaining days of his life. Getting pregnant for a man that loved other women but her rendered her almost never wanted by another man because of her child but no matter what, Tessa would never have anything to do with a man that wouldn't want her child. And when Eric finally came to accept only her child but not her, she thought she could venture into marriage for the sake of her son who always craved for a father figure but deep down she wanted more. She craved to be loved and she wanted to love but that is not the same with Eric. But when love came knocking in their hearts, not even aunty Stella, the one that disliked Tessa, not even Eric's past could stop their love. The flame became unquenchable!Though it had seemed impossible and in fact never considered, Tessa and Eric
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Chapter 1

Eric Wills

Breathtakingly handsome, thirty four years of age but age has got nothing on his looks and appearance. Ladies kind of man. Perfect height, perfect body tone, perfect physique and almost perfect all round.

Eric though from Anambra state in Nigeria has lived most of his life at the overseas.

He is the founder and owner of Hadel textiles and fashions and has managed to circulate the industry all over the country and beyond while his major branch and office is at Lagos city.

It was after the death of his wife that he permanently relocated to Nigeria and only go abroad for business.

"Daddy!" squealed Ella and Precious as they ran to Eric. Eric lifted them up into his arms like they weighed nothing while they chuckled in the process.

"Sweethearts." He kissed their cheeks lightly tucking in their hair behind while looking at his kids adoringly.

"Daddy did you get my shoes?" Ella questioned.

"What about my new socks?" Precious added.

Eric had been away the whole of the previous week and had promised them lots of goodies.

He gently brought them down.

"Now, you close your eyes and only open them when I ask you to."

Quietly, while the girls closed their eyes, he sneaked to his safe where he hid their gifts and took them out. He hid them behind him.

"Now open up,open up."

Ella and Precious looked up at their father with huge expectant eyes. But they only turned sad the next moment.

"I'm so sorry sweethearts. I promise to get you all you want once I travel again. Pinky promise?" Eric pleaded with them as he made a sober face.

Ella and Precious looked down sadly.

"Hey, don't look that way sweethearts. Now see. Surprise! ta da!"


The girls screamed in excitement.

"Thank you daddy!"

"You are welcome sweethearts and anything for you my babies. Now be good girls and go get ready for school." He kissed them lightly on their cheeks and sent them away for school.

Eric smiled warmly as he ran his hands on his hair. His kids, the ones he believed is his reason for living now. They are his strong hold and the reason he still smile even when he had a hole in his heart which can never be filled.

He had promised himself to love them always, to always put their needs and wants before his.

They make life make meaning to him and only because of them he wakes up each morning strong and ready to conquer anything and do anything for them.

No woman will ever come between them, he thought within himself.

"Hello son," Mrs Wills said as she walked into Eric's room. She was having a mischievous smile on her face and right away Eric knew she had something up her sleeves and had come for something.

If it's money, he wouldn't hesitate to give her except that these days her incessant demand of him finding love again is one thing he wouldn't entertain at that moment.

"Good morning mother. How are you?"

"Very well son. How was your trip and meeting. Went well?" she asked as she made for the seat.

"Yes. It went well." Eric answered and gulped down the water while he waited for her main reason of coming to see him. He was damn sure she was there for something.


"Huh?" Mrs Wills was startled. Her mind had wandered off. His son, Eric used to be the happiest person she knew until Clara his wife died when Precious was barely three years old and that has completely changed him.

It has been two years since Clara died and yet each time marrying again is brought up to him, he flares up. He had insisted to live the rest of his life caring for his children and wouldn't need any woman in his life again.

But as a mother, she is worried. These kids are girls and would definitely need a mother figure in their lives someday which is sooner than he might even realize and she might not always be there. She is just their grandmother.

"Mr and Mrs Dallas was here while you were away," she said as she searched his eyes for emotions or anything at all.

"Oh! I hope they were treated well?" Eric asked avoiding his mother's gaze. He knew where she was headed and frankly he had no strength to follow her through that path.

"Did they needed anything?" Eric asked in a bid to get the conversation over with.

"Nothing I couldn't give them, except that they would want you to be happy again."

"Mother, I am happy the way I am." He replied without looking at his mother.

"If this state you are is what you call happy, then Eric I want you to be happier."

Eric sighed frustratedly and rubbed his hand on his forehead. He wished he had a way to make his mother end bringing up this topic and also make her stop worrying about him. Maybe there's a way but it obviously was not an option for him.

"Mother, you worry too much. I don't need a wife. I don't need a woman to make me happy. I am happy, Ella and Precious are happy."

"They need a mother figure Eric."

"Mum, you are here. You have been their mother for two years now and they have been perfectly fine," Eric argued.

"It is not the same Eric. You will have to think about this properly. Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes," Mrs Wills said and left giving Eric no chance to continue to disagree with her suggestion.

Eric groaned frustratedly. He hate to see his mother that way but why can't she just understand that he has lost the only love of his life and doesn't want to just pick any woman anywhere to marry.

He is willing to remain a widower all his life. He doesn't want to love anyone neither does he want to be loved by anyone.

If Ella and Precious needs a mother, she is there for them. At least they are not complaining about it.

He quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up. There were tons of work waiting for him at the office.