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Falling For My Contract Wife

Falling For My Contract Wife

Autor: Best writes

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Falling For My Contract Wife PDF Free Download


"I'm proposing a contract; the details are in the documents which are being handed over to you..." These were the words of Adryan Lake, one of the most eligible bachelors in town to little poor Janiya as he said with a flat tone and a blank expression. Janiya is a young vibrant lady whose whole life has been surrounded by one circumstance or the other and she desperately looked for a way out. After quitting school to reduce the burden on her parents she goes on a mini vacation with her best friend, Orla, there she met Adryan Lake, a billionaire who presented her with a live transforming contract, which was so enticing that she couldn’t reject. What happens when Lake starts falling in love with her and vows to eliminate anyone standing in his way of being with Janiya forever, including her lover, whom she planned on getting married to after her contract with Lake was over? Let’s find out in this heart racing romance, betrayal and obsession piece.
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Chapter 1

If against all odds was a person, it was none other than Janiya, the brunette who just informed her lecturers of her sudden drop out from school.

Underneath her bubbly and contagious everyday behavior was a struggling soul, trying to survive.

"Watch where you are going!" A girl somewhat around her age called out as she almost bumped into her, she had been so caught up in her thoughts about her misfortunes that she paid very little attention to her surroundings. Murmuring an apology to the college student, she ran out of the university grounds.

She fished her phone from her bag and rung up her best friend to pour out her frustrations.

"Hey." Her best friend Orla who was a few years older called out from the other end of the call.

"Yeah, my college life is officially over," She was torn between crying at her misfortune or being optimistic that her future held happier days. As far as Janiya was concerned, her past wasn't fun and always full of smiles, but it did teach her love, family bond, and hope.

"I feel guilty darling," The hot breeze in Berkeley blew her nude flare gown upwards, with her free hand she shoved it back down.

"Don't be, it's not your fault. But if you don't mind.... I'd love to have dinner with your brother," Her eyes shone as she gave her request, Orla on the other hand couldn't help but laugh at her friend's request.

Janiya had always had eyes for Orla's brother, Darren, he was the definition of her dream guy. Blonde hair and blue almond eyes. They've known each other since forever, he takes her like a younger sister and nothing else, at least that's what she thinks.

"When do you plan on getting home?" Orla asked. The three friends shared a rented apartment not too far from Janiya's campus.

"I'm two bus stops away from you right now," Janiya did a quick survey before replying.

"I'd see you in five minutes then," Orla said before hanging up. Sighing for no reason in particular she returns her phone to her bag and joined the others to wait for the bus.

A few seconds later saw them shuffling into the already cramped up bus and to the next stop. She was personally relieved to ease up and have breathing space from all the activities that went on within that short period, down from the mother with a crying baby who sat next to her to the high school kid playing really loud sad music and ignoring every adult trying to get him to tone his volume down.

Her thought returned to her predicament.

If there was anything she despised so much in her life, it had to be the fact where she was in no position to be of financial aid to her family. She just called quits on school to search for a way, a route out of the unending sequel of poverty looming around her home.

She soon got down from the second bus which was much more peaceful compared to the previous one. Her mind ran over a couple of theories 'I guess that's the thing.... you don't have enough money to get yourself a personal ride, you just have to take in the nonsense of the public ones.' she murmured to herself.

She reflected on the term that held the most misconceptions.

Adulthood... series of sighs escaped her lips as she pondered on the word. It was simply sugarcoating for a life full of endless responsibility and painful experiences that shape and sculpture your life. She remembered when she was a free teenager who never had to bother about a house to live in, food to eat, how to earn legit and cool cash, and compared it to her present. She wished she had paid a lot more interest in earning side money.

She walked slowly towards her apartment, she was in no mood to run all the way. Plus, she had long passed the stage of meaningless running about a couple of years back.

She wasn't old at all, but she certainly wasn't a teenager anymore and she didn't feel the need to act like one. Speaking of acting, her childhood dream had been to star in a nickelodeon series. She cracked a sad smile as the thought crossed her mind. How childish she was to think that opportunities are easy to work by, she had learned it the hard way though.... she wanted opportunities, she just had to create them.

"Babe." Orla squealed closing in on her, she flung herself into Janiya's arms engulfing her in a bear hug.

"I talked him into taking you out for dinner today and to the movies tomorrow, how does that sound?" Orla announced grinning from ear to ear, Janiya just couldn't help but share her excitement.

"Talk about perfection," They both shared an excited giggle and walk into the building. The familiar raspberry scent Janiya had become accustomed to providing some sense of homely comfort.

"Orla," A male neighbor calls out as his way of greeting. She gives him a small wave and they continue up to her apartment.

She unlocked the door with her key and they stepped in. They slump into the nearest cushion.

"I forgot to mention, the media company hired me," Orla gushed, Janiya beam at her, this had been a dream Orla nurtured since they were younger.

"You wanna spill the deets or what?" Janiya wiggles her brows and they laugh. Orla readjusts so she's looking the brunette in the eye.

"It's nothing too special though, I'm there to write spicy stories about celebrities. I'd be traveling next tomorrow for my first assignment."

"And?" "You get to come with me." Janiya's jaw drops for two reasons. How was she able to secure a place for her and why?

"It's in LA and I can't go there alone so I'm working on your passport and all."

Janiya become agitated all of a sudden thinking of what her friend could have possibly done, money wasn't easy to come by these days.

"It's quite expensive Orla." She says sounding pensive. she was. To her, they had better needs than her going on a luxury vacation.

"I didn't pay for it." Orla's voice lowers as she reveals.

"Someone asked me to pick up a form and fill it on your behalf a couple of weeks back for a free vacation when I went outing with Connor. You qualified for it."

"This is sick, who gives people free chances to go to LA and not expect something in return?" Niya asks, her friend shrugs.

Niya was convinced beyond all reasonable doubts but didn't want to doubt her best friend but at the same time, things never happened this way. Maybe this was mother nature's way of appreciating all her efforts or maybe not

She suddenly started sobbing, slightly whimpering before it turned out to be a full-blown one. Orla drew closer and hugged her, she didn't need to hear it from her best friend but she knew. Niya could only cry harder as she thanked God for giving her Orla as a friend.


Darren asked her to dinner over a text since he'd be working the whole day and would want to take her out as soon as he gets home so they could spend quality time together.

Niya texted back a yes almost an hour later because she battled with what emoji to send it with and finally settled for none.

She and Orla lay in the small room they shared together as they talked on random topics, letting time run.

"We still have an hour plus till he's home," Niya noted glancing at her wristwatch. She was so excited for two reasons, Darren and she never got to have dinner together without Orla so this was a first and they would have quality time bonding over the last hours of the day.

"You're yet to pick out a dress tho." Orla reminds and she grins like the Cheshire cat. Her wardrobe suddenly looked like it was missing a few of her clothes, plus she was having a hard time picking a pair of clothing that would match the mood she had in mind for tonight. She looks at the mess of clothes on the floor she created and not still having her mind made up.

"Sometimes you act so old, anyone could mistake you for some miserable old lady," Orla says and she glares at her, her life was pretty much already planned out from the beginning of existence and so?

"Why thank you." She snorts and Orla bursts into a laughing fit, sitting upright.

"Well that enough, let's get your pretty ass in a nice dress." Orla offers the brunette who got up from the bed to slide her feet into her flats before reopening her now messed up cupboard.

"In as much as I'd love to assure you that here would be looking as good as new.... I can't. I'm too lazy." Orla jokes and Niya find a dress that she loves and pulls it out.

"Aha!" They both exclaim as if they had been looking for the dress.

"You know I was thinking about selling some of my clothes and sending them to my mum," Niya said as she placed the material over her body, it was a knee-length red gown with a whole lot of padding which you couldn't tell by just looking.

"Why not get a solid job Niya? Probably when we return your sort for something... a janitor at some hotel, baby sitter... anything." Baby sitter sounded like the most favorable option to her, Niya wasn't too old and she at least had spent a few years in college already.

"What do you think of this dress?" She asks her friend.

"Perfect, now if you don't mind I'd help paint your nails and turn you into a head-turner." She smirks and Niya blushes, Orla's playful banter goes on as Niya wears the dress.


Dress... check

Bag... check

Hair... check

Nails... check

Simple makeover... check

Heels... check

Pretty lady for dinner... check.

Actually yeah, you read that right.

The whole package was waiting for Darren to get home, her emotions were all over the place as they had spiraled out of control, it was a pleasant surprise to her that my sanity was still pretty much intact.

"Your face says a hundred and ten things right now, Ren's here already though. You may want to use the bathroom." Orla suggests closing the window blinds of the window she'd been peeping through.

Niya, hurry off into the bathroom to mentally prepare herself to meet him. She imagines his reaction.

'I walk out with my head high and we lock gazes. I give a flattering smile which he returns looking at my outfit.

He clears his throat.

"You look perfect Janiya." I blush excessively and offer a shy smile. I could tell tonight was off to a great start already.


I walk out with an already beetroot red face, his name alone is enough to send me to the world of fantasy and back....'

"Aren't you done yet Niya?" Orla's voice startles her cutting off her imagination.

"I've only been here two seconds." She replies adjusting her already perfectly set gown using the small mirror.

"The night isn't getting any younger y'know." That did everything, she opened the bathroom door and breathe in confidence- a borrowed one, before moving.

Darren sat on the couch earlier with his loose tie hanging around his neck. The first two buttons of his dark blue shirt were undone. She swallowed as I looked at him. It was supposed to be the other way around... him admiring her not her swooning at him.

His eyes suddenly snapped in her direction, they dimmed as they drank in her appearance. It was hard to tell if he liked the look as his expression clearly read tired.

"Hey, Darren." She said softly causing him to return his gaze to my face.

"Goodness Janiya, you look gorgeous." Her breath hitched as he uttered those words. She and Orla shared brief eye contact with Orla who watched her intently.

Niya gave her a grin as Darren rose to his feet, mouthing a thank you and blowing her a kiss. Orls smiled back sharing her excitement.

Darren stretched his hand out and she placed hers in his, suddenly memories of prom night flooded her head. Funny how she'd always had a thing for him since high school and even way back.