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Rejected Luna's Second Chance At Happiness

Rejected Luna's Second Chance At Happiness

Autor: Velvet kiss

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Rejected Luna's Second Chance At Happiness PDF Free Download


Emily Andrew was the only daughter of Alpha Andrew, she was a Wolf less Princess Born a princess without a wolf, Emily had always known that her path to love and power would be riddled with challenges. But when she found her mate, a dashing Alpha prince, she believed that she had finally found a partner who could stand at her side. Little did she know that her mate's mother, a woman shrouded in ambition and greed, had other plans for Emily's future. The treacherous plotting of her mate's mother was like a spider's web, invisible but deadly. With every whispered word and knowing glance, she wove her schemes, using her son's affection for Emily as a tool to further her own agenda. She escaped out of the palace and she met a stranger who offered to help her revenge if she agreed to marry him through contracted marriage Faced with the stranger's offer, Emily was torn between her desperate need for revenge and her lingering reservations about trusting another. But the promise of justice, and the allure of regaining what she had lost, were too strong to resist. Will she accept? How’s her life going to be after she was sent out the palace? Find out!
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Chapter 1

Emily emerged from the bathroom, the traces of tears still etched on her delicate features, her eyes glistened with a mixture of pain.

Her steps were steady and resolute as she made her way towards her bed, the weight of the last few hours sitting heavy on her soul.

The cold, hard reality of her situation sank in like a pit of ice in her stomach, as Emily's mind reeled with questions. How had it come to this? How had she allowed herself to be blinded by love and false promises?

She had left behind the safety and familiarity of her father's pack, sacrificing her own status and power for the chance at a new life with Kael. But now she was nothing more than a discarded plaything, an outsider in her own home.

It wasn't fair. It wasn't right.

Emily's fingers flew through her hair, her movements precise and calculated, the sound of Mia's voice echoed in her mind, a persistent taunt that threatened to shatter her resolve.

“Watch me as I make your husband mine”

"Who does she think she is?" Emily muttered under her breath, her teeth clenched in frustration.

Her phone chimed and she checked it

*Report to the dining hall*

The message reads

Emily sighed and stood up,she put on her dress and headed to the dining hall

She knew if she spent another minutes in the room,she will definitely face the wrath

Emily's footsteps echoed through the hallways as she made her way to the dining hall, her hands were shaking.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stepped inside,a ghostly silence greeting her as she approached the long, mahogany table. At the head of the table, Alpha Kael and his mother,Luna Eleanor sat,their faces cold and unwelcoming.

“You called for me” Emily bowed

Kael raised an eyebrow, his gaze lingering on the door behind Emily.

"Where's Mia?" he asked, a hint of annoyance edging into his voice.

“Am I suppose to know where she is” Emily question back

Emily's question hung in the air, her gaze daring Kael to challenge her.

"She’s going to be the new Luna?" Luna Eleanor replied with a hint of venom in her voice. "Or have you forgotten your place?"

“You’re just a weak and useless” Luna Eleanor said

As Luna Eleanor's words sliced through the air, Emily's composure faltered for a moment, her eyes flashing with a brief spark of anger. But she quickly recovered, her features once again assuming their regal and detached air.

“I was in my room all day,I wasn’t supposed to know where she is” Emily bowed

Kael's expression remained impassive, but his mother's eyes glinted with a hint of triumph, as if she relished seeing Emily squirm.

"You expect us to believe that?" Luna Eleanor sneered, her voice like shards of ice.

"A weak and simpleminded fool like you couldn't possibly be trusted with the secrets of this castle. No, you are nothing but a pawn in our game."

“I did nothing wrong.. mother” Emily started


Emily's sobs rang out in the dining hall, each wail a wrenching cry of anguish and despair. Her shoulders shook with the force of her emotions, tears streaming down her face as she sank to her knees.

"Please," she pleaded, her voice quivering with vulnerability. "I swear to you, I'm telling the truth. I don't know where Mia is or what happened to her."

But Luna Eleanor remained unmoved, her expression fixed and unyielding. "Your tears will not change our minds," she said, her tone dripping with disdain.

"You are nothing but a spoiled, entitled orphan," Kael growled, his words dripping with venom.

Emily recoiled as if struck, the harshness of Kael's words like a branding iron searing her skin.

"Please, Kael," she whispered, her voice hoarse with pleading. "I'm your wife. You promised to protect me, to love me. Don't let them do this to me."

But Kael's expression was as hard and unyielding as his mother's, any trace of the man Emily had once known erased from his features.

“A wife who couldn’t give birth after 2 years of marriage and so weak and Wolf that a wife”

“You’re just a bad luck” Lady Eleanor spat

Mia entered the dining hall and Luna Eleanor rushed to meet her

“Where have you been” Eleanor asked her

Emily's gaze narrowed, her eyes fixated on Mia.

"I was out in the woods," Mia replied, her voice breathless and coy. "I needed some fresh air, some time alone with my thoughts."

Kael, too, approached his mate, a protective hand on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice softening. "Is everything okay?"

“I think I’ll be heading back home..I don’t think am safe in this castle because lady Emily have been threatening me for days now” Mia said and all eyes turned to Emily

“I have been threatening you?” Emily asked confused

The tension in the room seemed to ratchet up a notch as Mia's accusation hung in the air, the sound of heavy breathing and the rustling of clothes filling the silence.

Emily's confusion quickly turned to outrage as the weight of Mia's accusation settled on her shoulders, her features morphing into an expression of righteous indignation.

"Threatening you?" she echoed, her voice low and dangerous. "I've barely spoken two words to you since you arrived. Do you think anyone here would believe that?"

"This is a lie!" she shouted again, her voice ringing out through the dining hall like a war cry. "She's a manipulator and a liar, trying to turn you against me. Don't believe her."

But Kael and his mother remained silent, their gazes turning to Mia with looks of concern and sympathy.

"Mia, darling," Lady Eleanor cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

Emily's cries of injustice fell upon deaf ears, as the pair of wolves closed ranks around Mia, their true loyalties revealed in an instant.

"Shh, shh," Lady Eleanor soothed, her voice honeyed and saccharine. "There's no need to get so worked up. We believe you, darling."

Mia, her eyes shining with crocodile tears, nodded in agreement, leaning into Kael's embrace for comfort.

"Poor thing," Kael murmured, his hand stroking the back of Mia's head. "You should have come to us sooner.

Mia's mouth curled into a smirk, her eyes darting to Alpha Kael and his mother for approval.

The smirk on Mia's face seemed to grow wider, her eyes widening in feigned innocence. "I wouldn't lie about something like this," she said, her voice dripping with faux sincerity.

"I was walking through the palace gardens when she approached me, and she threatened to have me exiled if I didn't leave Kael alone. I thought I was going to be run out of the pack at any moment."

Kael's face darkened, his eyes darting between his mate and his wife.

"Emily, is this true?" he asked, his tone accusatory and disbelieving.

“Why would I threaten her” Emily asked again and Kael grap her throat choking her

Kael's hands wrapped around Emily's slender neck with surprising force, his knuckles whitening with the effort of restraining her.

Emily's eyes widened in shock, her hands instinctively gripping his wrists in an attempt to loosen his hold. But Kael was stronger, and he held her in place, his face contorted with rage.

"You're nothing but a snake in the grass," he growled, his voice thick with contempt. "I should have known better than to trust you."

The dining hall seemed to pulsate with the raw, unbridled fury of Kael and his mother, their desire for retribution a palpable force that threatened to consume everything in its path.

Emily's gasps for air grew weaker and weaker, the lack of oxygen making her head swim, but still she fought, her nails digging into Kael's arms as she struggled to free herself.

"You're wrong," she choked out, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I love you. I would never..."

But as Emily's words trailed off, the life slowly draining from her as her body began to go limp, Kael's grip only tightened.

His knuckles whitened with the effort, his eyes burning with a rage that seemed to engulf him entirely. And as he held his wife in place, his expression hardened, his features twisting into a mask of cruelty.

"You're nothing to me," he spat, his words carrying the weight of a final judgment.

Emily, her face turning a sickly shade of blue, could only stare up at him, her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to draw air into her lungs.

And then, as if to seal her fate, Kael loosened his grip, his hands falling away from her neck.

Emily fell down and started crying

She knew they wouldn’t treat her like this if they knew she’s the only daughter of Alpha Andrew the Alpha of Crimsonmoon pack

She had hidden her identity from everyone,just because she’s weak and Wolf less

Kael mother was never good to her from the very beginning and she wasn’t surprised when she brought Mia as the new Luna

If only she had listened to her father when he told her to reject Kael,maybe this wouldn’t have happened

“Just because I was an guys treated me like trash,now you choose her as your mate and rejected me..what else do you want” Emily cried

“Leave and don’t come back..there’s nothing good with you” Eleanor spat

The words that Eleanor uttered were like a lash across Emily's soul, the sting of their contempt driving her to the brink of madness.

Mia, on the other hand, seemed to revel in the chaos, her smile widening as she watched the scene unfold before her.

"Isn't this lovely?" she purred, her voice dripping with mirth. "The weak orphan, banished and beaten down. I couldn't have hoped for a better outcome." She muttered