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Taming His reluctant PA

Taming His reluctant PA

Autor: Adepoju Olaoluwa Itunu

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Taming His reluctant PA PDF Free Download


She licked her lips to moist them, “because I said it’s uncomfortable.” “My question is why are you so uncomfortable, I mean I’m just a harmless guy standing close to you.” “You mean a harmless guy in only towel standing freakishly close to me. It’s giving me naughty thoughts.” Why did she say that? Like his ego wasn't bigger than mount everest, hearing her say this would just elevate it even more. She closed her eyes in shame. Alex laughed. “You mean you’re having naughty thoughts about your boss?” “You’re not exactly my boss,” she said quickly. “Tsk tsk,” Alex uttered in disapproval as if talking to a child. “Is that enough reason to have such naughty thoughts?” Kim closed her eyes and tried to calm her breathing. “Could you please move?” She demanded. It happened so fast. This moment, they were both standing up and the next, they were both on the bed, with her beneath him......
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Chapter 1

Alex shut the car door angrily. As he entered the car, he turned on the ignition and put on the air-conditioner, letting the cold air blast his face. imperfection keeps arising left and right with his production crew. He couldn’t even recall the number of times he had to shout ‘cut’ in producing just a scene. He made a huge mistake in letting the producer be in charge of the cast. If it wasn’t for the annual fundraising party his parents hosted, he wouldn’t even be in this mess.

He took in a deep breath, trying to calm his temper. But definitely finished his work for the day. Right now, he does not even have the strength to drag the production issue with the crew, besides it was already getting late. It was just Like the crew members were his only problem. He wondered where on earth the producer had picked such a bunch of amateurs who posed as actors when he specifically asked for top-notch actors for the film? Now everyone was going to see him as a joke. His career was on the line and all he was thinking about was how to redeem it. The more he thought about the film, the more upset he got. It was a good thing the family party was going to happen today. He will surely return to the set fully prepared with no distractions.

Stepping on the accelerator, he drove out of the car park towards his apartment. Getting to his apartment, he rushed out and takes a wider and faster step, heading directly into the elevator.

“Shit”, he cursed,

Realizing he was already getting late. He quickly discarded his suit on the couch. Undoing his shirt buttons, he walked to his room. Finally done with the buttons, he flung the shirt on the bed, took off his trouser, and dashed into his ensuite. He was enjoying the cold shower but had to cut it short because of the party. Wasting no time, he hastens to put on a black shirt, with plain black trousers and perfect matching shoes. Leaving the first two buttons undone, showing off the outline of his perfectly toned chest. Grabbing a blue-colored blazer, he threw it on his shoulder and left the apartment. He couldn’t afford to be late, if not for anything. He wasn’t ready for his mother’s temper. Her OCD made her love for perfection annoyingly canal. It was one trait he knew he took after his mother. But sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder if she had it bad. Her temper and tantrums were things he could not just contend with. Yet another trait she willingly transferred to him, minus the tantrums part. Of course, they were both hot-blooded, making it difficult for them to have a decent conversation that wouldn’t end with an argument. He drove through the security overseeing the main entrance and made his way to the mansion that stood in the middle of the vast compound.

“Mother,” he greeted, kissing both cheeks of his mother. As usual, they dressed her in an elegant dress, probably made by an Italian designer. They held her hair up in a bun, with loose curls cascading down the sides of her face. Her face glowed, beat up in light makeup, no trace of wrinkles on it. She took her Botox and spa sessions seriously, after all.

She gave him a disapproving look. “You’re almost late Alexander.” That’s right, she always addressed him by his full name.

He plastered his million-dollar smile on his face. “But I’m not, mother.” She gave him an apprehended look, but the smile on her face gave her away. Even his mother wasn’t immune to his charms.

“Did I mention you look stunning tonight?”

She blushed at the compliment, giving him a huge smile. “No, you didn’t.” Alex straightened his blazer and dipped his head in a bow, formally. “Then I must confess, you look breathtaking,” he said in a faux English accent.

“Why thank you,” she curtsied, smiling. He shook his head, amused. It was times like this that he doubted if they were born enemies.

“Your father is waiting for you”, she told him, stepping aside.

“Please,” he gestured, placing his hand on the small of her back, letting her guide him. The house was full of party guests, all dressed in extravagant suits and gowns. He tried to avoid interactions with people by giving a curt nod in acknowledgment or avoiding eye contact.

“Alexander,” a voice called out behind him. A voice he knew too well. Turning around, he forced a smile.

“Mister Marshal”, he greeted, stretching out his hand for a handshake. Mr. Marshal gave his hand a firm shake, locking it in a vise grip. Alex tried not to flinch.

“It’s a pleasure seeing you here,” Mr. Marshal said. Alex stared down at the stout man in front of him. Grey hair already lining the front of his hairline. He wondered how someone would look so alike to a cartoon character.

“You too Mr marshal.”

“You look lovely, Olivia,” Mr. Marshal said, acknowledging his mother. Olivia gave him a polite smile. “Thank you Robert. You don’t look so bad yourself”.

Mr. Marshal laughed briefly. “Maria is doing a good job of taking care of me as you also take care of James.”

Olivia giggled, “he’s been the one taking care of me, I must confess.” “You’re so modest. But you know it’s true,” Mr. Marshal replied. Alex almost rolled his eyes at their conversation.

“Mr. Marshal,” a man called out before his mother could reply. Boy, was he glad for the interruption?

“Mr. Corono,” Mr. Marshal said in reply.

Alex took that as a cue to leave. “If you’d excuse us.”

Mr. Marshal nodded his head, patting Alex on his back. Alex quickly walked ahead, not bothering to greet the other man, whatever his name was.

He stooped low to whisper to his mother. “That man gets me on the edge.”

“That’s because you’re refusing to fulfill an old man’s wish.”

Alex stared down at his mother, surprised. “Who’s side are on you, woman?”

Olivia patted his back, laughing. “I’m always on your side, son. But a little advice, look for a way to get him off your back without breaking your bones.”

He stared at her unbelievably. He would jeopardize nothing, just to please an old man.

“Hilarious. But you know that won’t happen.” “It’s your call, Alexander.”

He snorted. She can keep her advice to herself. He spotted his father with a group of men laughing.

“Father,” he greeted when he got to where they were. “Alex,” his father patted him on his back.

“How are you?” He asked of his father.

“Other than the old age creeping in, I’m fine.” His father replied, gaining a laugh from his folks.

“Aren’t we all getting older by the day?” Alex said sarcastically. The men around nodded their heads.

“Gentlemen,” his father addressed his associates, “this is my eldest son Alexander.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” a lanky man said. “So do I, Sir,” Alex replied.

“Please call me Colonel,” the man said while stretching his hand for a shake. Alex shook his hand. “Yes, Colonel Sir.”

“This is Mr. Connor. The chairperson of Perkins Group.”

“It’s a pleasure Sir to meet you,” Alex said, looking tired of the introductions.

“Same here, son. It’s good to see that James here is leaving his company in capable hands,” Mr. Connor said, smiling. He stole a glance at his father and saw him wear a proud look.