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His Greatest Possession

His Greatest Possession

Autor: jesang

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His Greatest Possession PDF Free Download


Gin has it all, an intimidating look and striking body that causes women to drooled over him. Money to get what he wants, fame that everyone wishes to have and power anyone wants to possess. Everything is fine, he enjoyed his bachelor lifestyle. One night changed it all when a drunk woman stumbled at him when he was about to leave the party. That woman's alluring beauty leaves him in awe. Indeed, he never forgot how she looked and started to draw pictures of her . It became his possession and will do everything what it takes to have her. By hook or by crook.
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Chapter 1

It was 11:29 at night when he checked the time clock, groaning from frustration he grabbed his key and went out to drive his newly purchased car.

Ginrre Clarckstone is the most listed name of those wealthy brats who always wanted a night with him. He is a successful, intimidating billionaire with his striking looks and desirable body. Most women find his frigid expression more attractive. At the age of 28 he is quite good enough to handle all the matters in the business world. Most spotted resorts, hotels and restaurants in New York City are owned by him. He owned a VIP large studio of expensive artworks. He loves to possess things that most people can't afford, money, attention, and power.

Just a few minutes drive he reached his destination. The VIP club of billionaires owned by his cousin, Teo. After parking his car he walked inside.

" Three shots of billionaire Vodka" he ordered as he massaged his forehead. He can feel the seductive stares and looks of those sexy women behind him, trying to get his attention. But he is not the type of person who enjoy sexual pleasure with anyone he did not know. He has a high standard of women he spends a night with.

He was enjoying his drinks when his cousin came out of nowhere.

" It is rare to see you here drinking. I bet it has to do with women?" his cousin Teo sits next to him. He doesn't mind him and stays silent. His mind was blank after his business trip from California. He needs alcohol and night breeze, to help him relax his body to get some sleep.

"Well, would you like me to get someone who can help get through the night ?" Teo asked again, grinning his face.

" Better enjoy yourself." he answered plainly and made his way to exit and drive home .

Teo just smiled wickedly and laughed , already getting used to his cousin's icy attitude. He finishes his drink and off to the crowd, finds someone interesting to spend the night with.

The chandelier lights are sparkling in every corner of the place, visitors are talking about business, politics and expensive things they possess, some are enjoying their delish supper, others are flirting and chilling with their cocktails.

The room turned silent when a woman entered, dressed up in red wearing a pair of silver high heels. A gorgeous body and alluring looks. Everyone stares in awe while she takes a step inside . The kind of woman that every female wanted to be and male wanted to have.

Ezye Brentdy was forced by her best friend, Ambrey Guzman, to attend her grandparents 57th anniversary. She doesn't want Ambrey to be disappointed for not attending . So here she is bearing the attention she never wanted .

She keeps a steady face, patiently waiting for Ambrey to come and get her out of the tension.

Her best friend arranged the preparation and sent some make-up artists to her place to do the makeover. It was already planned by Ambrey before she could say yes to it.

Her best friend came from a wealthy family. And being a spoiled brat is on the bloodline . They are both 25 years old but have different lifestyles as she only has a simple living . She owned a small coffee shop in Brewster Hill, two blocks from her place with one cashier and two waitresses. It is also the place where their friendship starts.

"Ezye. Did I make you wait for long? My apologies i was with the Clarckstone family to discuss about business, they're taking it too long that i wanted to cry out of frustration - anyways let us go upstairs , i know you don't like crowded places " Ambrey rant as soon as she came.

" That's okay. The tequila helps me to ignore the tension " she smiled and laughed , showing her perfect set of teeth.

" That's why I love you so much, " Ambrey giggled and hugged her.

" You look stunning tonight brey" she complimented her best friend. The brat rolled her eyes and laughed.

" Everyone here knows that you are a freakin gorgeous goddess duh" Ambrey added and both of them laughed like teens and made their way upstairs.

They enjoyed their talks and drank tequila without them noticing being tipsy already.

On the other hand, Ginrre is in the garden relaxing by himself alone drinking a vodka martini. He tends to stay longer since his mother insisted earlier. They rarely see each other because of the busy schedules. He knows that his mom won't stop nagging him if he won't stay.

So he prepared to stay in the garden, a little bit more peaceful than inside.

He was about to leave when someone stumbled at him. Without a doubt he used his arms to prevent the woman from falling off the ground.

"I apologize for not seeing you, it's kinda dark and i'm looking for the exit" the woman apologized with a drunk tone while trying to fix her messy hair. When he saw her face he was stunned. The first thing he noticed was the woman's cupid bow shaped lips to her tiny pointed nose and green eyes. They are the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen, it's like he is charmed into her eyes and can't move a single inch. His breath became heavy when he occupied his two hands to her tiny face. She stared at him with a look of a drunk eyes and smiled, that made his heart beat in race.

Slowly he lowered his head and gently kissed her lips, he could feel the taste of tequila and the softness of it.

"Ezye!" Ambrey called from a distance that made them back to reality.

She let go of her hands when she realized what she had done and walked to Ambrey like nothing happened.

"What were you doin there and who was it?" Ambrey asks while holding her hands.

She did not speak for a moment and found her voice back.

" I was looking for the exit and stumbled on some stranger," she said in a sleepy tone.

"I'm sorry again for leaving you at the terrace earlier. Mom keeps calling me to talk to those big time visitors." Ambrey apologised.

"Don't worry about it, I understand. I can't drive in my state now and I'm sleepy" she replied.

" I was worried when you were gone from the terrace and looked for you everywhere. Let's go get some sleep in my room. It's late, you'll go home tomorrow. " Ambrey holds her shoulder and they make their way upstairs.

'Ezye' that name keeps running to his mind while driving home. He keeps telling himself that it's just a kiss and there's nothing special. But another part of him can't just shake it off how much he tried.

When he got home he took off his clothes and went to shower. With closed eyes, he focused on thinking about another thing and somehow it started to fade. He stayed for 45 minutes in the shower and got himself ready for bed.

As soon as he closed his eyes the image of the woman appeared again , her smile and her charming eyes.

"Fuck!" he cursed and did it again and again until he was tired of complaining.