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His Forced Wife

His Forced Wife

Autor: Lilyray

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His Forced Wife PDF Free Download


Zion is a narcissistic arrogant Billionaire who spares no one from his wrath. He is a heartless man who knows no love. Mercy and forgiveness have no meaning and no one is an exception to him. Everyone who crosses him pays the ultimate price. Aaliyah Campbell is a kind, considerate strong leveled girl. She leads a simple life with her father. One fateful day Aaliyah and Zion cross paths in a nasty encounter. Aaliyah cannot stand any injustice being committed stands up against an indifferent Zion who swears to make her pay for insulting him.
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Chapter 1

Zion Diaz is always a force to be reckoned with. Whether it be business-related matters or his own life he always excels in everything he executes. He owns a chain of hotels and restaurants that are more than one can imagine. His businesses thrive and soar high under his leadership and that is a fact. He is the best at what he does and that has caused him to acquire more foes than friends and he is okay with that. In business there is no friendship, it's just business, nothing more and nothing less. That is the motto he lives by.

His presence commands the attention he gets and people can't help but feel unimportant in his sight. The only expression he always a was coarse and hard-bitten exterior. But the is a story behind everyone that played a role in the person they are in the present.

Zion was the only child of the former business hotelier. That should have made him the luckiest child because he would receive all the love his parents had to give but that is not what happened. His parents separated when he was five years old living him in a vulnerable situation. Being his father was a workaholic who cared more for his work than family and his mother was just a gold digger and never nurtured him as a mother should. She spent time treating herself and preserving her youth while handing him to nannies. Sometimes she went out for hours and came back just before her husband got back home. One fine day she just took all the cash she could get from his father's safe and left with her lover.

That is when the hard times began for Zion. His father went berserk but not because his wife left him but because she took his money and she fled with a lover. He saw it as an insult to his virile.

He took out the anger and frustration on the little boy condemning him for being his mother's son. On top of never showing love and affection much less spending time with him, he abused him verbally and physically when he saw him. He became an alcoholic and spiraled out of control which impacted his businesses.

Zion was all alone with just a nanny who could not defend him from his father's wrath. Even so, Zion tried to make his father like him. He made sure to get the best grades in school and be on his best behavior but that never changed anything. Seeking his father's acknowledgment approval and acceptance was a waste of time. The abuse went on for many years and he never once retaliated, he took all the pain and misery in silence. His father continued to drink himself to his death. He once went to the hospital because he drank and drove leading to him crashing into a tree. The doctors told him he could not stop drinking even if he wanted because then he would die.

Delirium Tremens was an alcohol withdrawal symptom he was diagnosed with. To make the long story short he chose to die because he was in ruins anyway. Zion was 17 years old when his father died and even though he should have been feeling loss he felt relieved. What hurt the most than the physical pain was watching him kill himself. From there on he closed-off his emotions. He had many grudges against his parents but he suppressed all his pain because he did not have anyone to tell. People could not recognize his sadness until it became anger and he was suddenly a bad person. He was mean and malicious at everyone who tried to approach him.

He was angry at his mother for not loving him and abandoning him all those years ago and causing him to be punished for her mistakes. With his father gone, he worked on his self-esteem and morale without anyone beating him down. He became a different person with no feelings because he believed having feelings caused one to be easily hurt and vulnerable. When the time came he had to take over his father's business or what was left of it. All the investors had abandoned the company because it was no longer making any revenue and they lost confidence in it. It had not been for many years. Zion transformed the company into a multibillion-dollar business in a period of two years. He solely devoted his life to the company because he had nothing besides it.

The boy who was once alone and scared all the time was now a feared man in society. The acknowledgment he wanted from his father he attained through his success in the business field. With his prestige and fame, many people got attracted to him but he did not entertain any of them. Fortunately, he was not just blessed with wealth but he had the looks that would make any women go crazy and men go green with envy and he knew it but just did not fret about it.He disregarded everyone around and chose to recognize them when he felt like it.

Zion had no relationships because he felt they were too much to maintain. That's what he learned through the years of his life. His love life was nonexistent. Women were just a mere source of entertainment and pleasure. He just fucked and never made love. No emotions attached, strictly business. Pleasure first and pay later. Although he did not need to pay anyone because women willingly threw themselves at him, he wanted to remind them of their place.Life gave him lemons and he made lemonade out it. The best was yet to come.