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Darla's Obsession

Darla's Obsession

Autor: Ruth ie

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Darla's Obsession PDF Free Download


New story✨✨ My obsession?? (He is mine and mine Darla Watson, a 17 years old girl is obsessed with I'm celebrating crush Hayden Montero. He Is very popular and well-known in the city of New York. Darla's wish and dream was to meet Hayden not knowing she's going to meet him in her new school. Will her obsession grow the more or she's gonna face alot of drama??? I know the introduction is short, but I promise you the store is going to be very intere
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Chapter 1

Darla's POV

Everything was different since my Mom, Zach my twin brother and I came to new York City.

We used to live in Los Angeles, but all a sudden mom suggested we come to be York and start a new life.

All though we respected her decisions and we all agreed. Now I realized the reason why we left Los Angeles was because of my father.


I hate it when ever I reminded myself about him. We all love one another until dad travelled to UK for a business trip, and he promised hell return.

But till now, we haven't herd from him. The day Mom called him through the phone, a lady replied and told Mom not to call his number again.

This made Mom sad and angry for weeks and it was really affecting us.

But coming to New York, was life rebooting computer. My room has always be my dream what I mean is that

living in a room painted in my favourite colour, my bed beside the huge wide window made with glass, viewing the big city


Back in Los Angeles we rented a flat, but now we are living in a resident building

I mean skyscraper

we were on the 14th floor. It was so high.

My room was painted purple, and black with a little touch of gray.

The wall was filled with posters of Hayden Montero, my celebrity crush. I f*cking love him, and he's my everything.

I followed him everywhere on social media. I never missed his live videos especially on Instagram.

I have his magazines, his pic was my wallpaper, and my phone was filled with his photos, and music.

Almost every girls have their celebrity crush, but mine was an obsession. My mom called it a mental illness.

Haha! Funny right?

From the day I celebrated my 14th birthday till now that I'm 17 and in few months time, I'll be 18..I have always wished to meet him, so we can fall in love and get married Just like some kdramas I've watched..

All my old classmates and the people called my friends called me names and told me I was being numb for chasing after a guy that.will never notice me but I never listened to them.

"I don't care what y'all think" I would say.

But all this affected my grades. I used to have an average in my results but now, it's below average, I mean it's poor.

Mom told me to stop being obsessed with him and focused on my studies. She when took me to a therapist, back in my hometown for being a phone addict.

"Hayden my heart belongs to you and you alone" I would whisper staring at a particular poster where he was sitting with his guitar on his thighs.

"Darla!!" I heard mom yelling my name.

"Yes Mom I'm coming!" I screamed and put on my Crocs and went to the living room just to see Mom putting on a mascara and then lipgloss.

"Yes Mom" I answered and she took her bag and smiled.

It's obvious she's going to work, she owned a boutique though.

"Are you going to your new school today?" She asked and I shook my head negatively.

"Okay, since Zach has gone to school, I'll advise you to hold the keys. But if you are going to work keep it under the vase beside the doorbell". She said and I nodded.

Oh yes! Today is Monday and I'm supposed to go to my new school. Zach was too excited that's why he went.

Zach was half an opposite of me. He is handsome so am I. We both had a unique colour of brownish red hair. But the difference is that he has a tanned skin, while I have a pale white skin.

He's also smart and athletic white I hate sport..

After mom left few minutes ago, I went to my room and lose my hair and wrapped a towel before going to the bathroom. After bathing I wore a black dress.

I put on my white Nike sneakers, and went to work. I worked Per time in a cafe and I was paid weekly. I did it because I don't wanna rely on mom anymore in terms of money.

I rode my bike to the cafe and parked in aside chaining it. I ran inside after realizing I was late so I can start working..


I'm sorry it's short I just wanna know how you think about this episode.. I'll make it longer tomorrow...

Love Ruthie