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Shall I Still Love You?

Shall I Still Love You?

Autor: Cereus

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Realistic Urban

Shall I Still Love You? PDF Free Download


Catarina Krust was an average, if not lowly, fat and ugly freak. Add to that her bad temper and intimidating looks kept people away from her. But she was just as stupid and weak like any naive fifteen year old teenager. But falling in love with Nikolai Sardov changed her whole life. She became a person she never expected to become. She gave up everything for a man who will never love her. She even gave him her kidney, so that he could be healthy and marry Roxy Chase. But Nikolai Sardov neither recognise her nor does he remember her, a girl who gave up her dreams and sacrified everything for the sake of his happiness. Only in her last moment did Catarina Krust realised how crazy and stupid she had been, wasting her life for a man who didn't even give her a second glance, and not cherishing her loved ones. If there's a next life, I never want to fall in love with you, Nikolai Sardov. That was Catarina's last thought before she thought what was her last breath. But the next moment, Catarina felt like her body was travelling at super sonic speed. When she opened her eyes, she found herself laying on a bed,tge excat same bed of hers when she was living with her mother in a small cottage during her teenage days. What's happening? Why am I still a teenager? Why am I not dead? But most of all, WHY AM I SO FAT?!? Only after a while did she realised what had happened to her. She was back thirteen years from when she thought she had died, or she really did died. Whatever forces or energy or diety had given her a precious second chance of life to her. She must not be foolish and repeat the same mistake like she did in her past life. Fate must have given me another chance at life seeing how much regret I had at the last moment. This life, I'll live for myself and never fall in love again. But why is that extremely handsome, cold and cruel Nikolai Sardov buzzing around me like a fly?why doesn't he hate me? Shall I still love him?
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Chapter 1

A thin and frail woman in a beautiful white dress was staring blankly at nothing in particular, not noticing anyone walking past by her, her tear stained and hopeless eyes evoking heartache from everyone who saw her, making them wonder what made such an ethereal beauty who looked like she just came out of an oil painting such an anguished and helpless look. Those pair of clear tear filled eyes would evoke sympathy even from the coldest of hearts.

Catarina Krust could still hear the doctor's voice ringing in her ear. It was Thursday noon when she received a call from Dr. Anthony, who was her doctor as well as a friend, reminding her of the appointment the next day, which is about her deteriorating health. Just a few months ago she had been diagnosed with brain tumor, added with her weak heart, she had been on jitters. She had been so shocked, surprised and devasted when she saw the result. Well, the result of her recent health diagnosis will be out on Friday. It could become a deciding factor in her life, in fact. She had an anxious and sleepless night, arriving to City's Hospital an hour before her appointment due to anxiety.

Dr. Anthony had been the only person who had helped her in all her stupid and unscrupulous action. Keeping her identity a secret when she gave away one of her kidney to transplant to Nikolai Sardov. The doctor who diagnosed her brain tumor and the person who had been treating her and supporting her for years. He was not only her doctor but also her good friend who knew almost everything about her.

After just few minutes of waiting, she was escorted to Dr. Anthony's office where they will be having an appointment. It was a very spacious and luxurious room, and soundproofed. There was a large desk at one corner and few luxurious but low key couches and sofas on the other side surrounding a square glass table.

As soon as she entered the room, she heard the door slammed shut behind her and she was pulled into a tight embrace, shocking her greatly. She would have screamed if not for that unique fragrance of mint, and what was that strong cigarette smell from? It was Anthony, but she had never known him as one who like being physical with others, well except for when treating his patients. What's up with him today?

         Drip..... Drip.... Drip.....

Catarina felt something warm on her shoulder, a liquid, what could it be? Tears?

        Wait... Tears?!?! Ehhh...??? Anthony's crying?!?

She froze. Anthony's not a very warm person. In fact he can be categorised as a cold person. What must have happened for him to be like this?

"..... Tony... What happened? What's wrong...???" Catarina was so stupefied seeing her friend like this, having a breakdown.

Instead of answering her, he even cried more. He was crying out loud, bawling in fact,like a kid. His cries, though not very loud, was still audible within the room. It was one of anguish, desperation and helplessness, anger and many other emotions. It was heartbreaking to hear. He was embracing her so tightly it was nearly suffocating Catarina.

      "...... Ri... Ri... Rina.."

A hoarse voice called out to her after a long time.

   "... Yes Tony... Wh.. What's going on? You're scaring know..."

Catarina was very worried about her friend's breakdown that her own worries for her health issues had been pushed to the back of her head, forgetting about her appointment or why she was there.

"..... I... I... I'm so sorry... Rina... I'm so.. so.. sorry..." Anthony was behaving in such an odd way not answering her question so Catarina could only pat his back to calm him down.

After sniffling for a while, Anthony released his tight embrace and wiped his face, looking at Catarina, with his red and swollen eyes, as a result of crying for so long. Eyes which were once a deep blue, perfectly matching his golden hair, were now so red with his always tidy hair, now a mess. A man as prideful, cold and elegant as Anthony was nothing but now a messy broken man with a wrinkled shirt and bleeding knuckles. He must have hit something pretty hard to make his knuckles bruised and bleed.

Tears threatened to fall once again as he saw Catarina's concerned and worried look over his breakdown.. He balled his hands into fist, tightened his jaw and stiffened his body to hold himself back from crying again.

How was he supposed to be calm even as his profession requires, when his dearest friend was going to leave him soon? And how could not be angry when all he could do was just watch her wither away? What's the point of being the best surgeon in his field when he could do nothing to save his friend? No! HE COULDN'T ACCEPT IT!!!

But there really was nothing he could do much. After all, he's just a mere human and not a God.

He had been crying for the whole night. Once he saw the result of Catarina's health diagnosis and her tumor on Thursday, he hadn't stepped a foot out of his office.

" Rina.. You.. You're health examination result came out yesterday..."

Catarina stiffened at his words. Yes, she came for this. She knew she won't be able to live a long life like others but she thought she at least have a few more years or a decade to live. But the odd behaviour of Anthony and his deep eyes swirling with emotions gave her a bad feeling. She suddenly had an urge to run away. She turned to bolt out the door but before she could even move a step away, she was pulled back strongly and her back fell into Anthony's chest.

Catarina Krust was panicking now, her heart beat increasing by each minute, having an urge to escape far away from the impending doom. She don't want to know the result of her tumor. She don't want to hear anything. But no matter how hard she trashed around to escape, she can't,she couldn't and she shouldn't.

Anthony was still holding her tightly from behind her and she could hear his thumping heart as her head was near his chest. " Rina... My dear Rina... You have to be strong to hear what I'm gonna say"

Anthony pleaded to her with strained voice but his pleading made her panic more. She was getting impatient and frustrated not hearing the clear answer. Whatever. She have to be strong enough for whatevershes about to hear. After all, why does it even matter when she had nothing to live for?

"Anthony, will you just freaking tell me already?" With her new found courage, she pressed him for answer. Her heart has already calmed down. But what she heard next made her froze.

" Rina.. I'm so sorry to be the one saying this to you... I wish it to just be a dream... But.. I have to tell you... Just please be strong like you always have been... You... You.. You have only few months... I.. I... I can't do anything to help you... "

"Few months for what?Just be specific for God's sake! " Catarina asked with a glare.

" have only three months left to... to... to li... live... "

When Catarina heard Anthony's statement, all she felt was numbness, just a cold hard numbness piercing every cell of her body. It was so numb that she felt like she couldn't even move away and let Anthony embrace her, which is quite inappropriate to be seen. They look likava couple.

     You have only three months to live... Only three months... Just three months... Why? Why is this happening to her? Why does bad things always happen to her? Why should it be her? Why is she unlucky? Why is fate so cruel to her?

Seeing Catarina's blank look, Anthony was panicking. She have a heart problem and he don't want her to suffer from attacks due to suppression of emotions. No, he won't let anything happen to her.

"CATARINA CRY OUT! Damn it! Just please cry it out! CATARINA, JUST CRY!!!"

Anthony was shaking her, growling at her to cry it out. Her blank look tore at his heart.

   I'll only live for three more months.. What should I do? What can I do? What do I want to do? Yes... What does she want to do for the last three months of her life? She wants to be happy. What can make her happy? Yes! Being with the person she loved the most. Nikolai Sardov, her love.

The name of Nikola Sardov brought her back from her numb and dreamlike mind. She felt more than numbness in her body, impatience to see the person she love as soon as she can. She want to see Nikolai Sardov now before she dies.

Tears streaming down her face, she cried out at last. She felt heartache, anger and disappointment all at once at her fate. She turned and embraced Anthony and sobbed. Her suppressed sobs were heartbreaking to hear. It sounded like the first cry of a newly born kitten.

After a long while, Anthony's assistant came to escort Anthony to the conference room for a meeting with the director of the hospital. It was urgent and his father was getting icier due to his absence yesterday. He had a very important surgery this evening to do on a very important public figure. He had to go as he has delayed everything for one day due to the report on Catarina's health.

Catarina was made to sit down on the sofa and Anthony asked his assistant to bring a glass of warm milk for her before he comforted her saying he'll be back as soon as he can and insisting her to wait for him in his office. He left only after Catarina consented. He postponed such important task just for her. Catarina was both glad but sad for him at the same time. He's such a great friend.

After Anthony left, she didn't know how long she waited or how she even walked out of the room. She was just about to go searching for Nikolai Sardov when she saw a familiar figure of a man and a woman go down the hallway. She chased after them and saw them being escorted to one of the treatment rooms.

   What is Nikolai Sardov doing here? Is he sick? Wait. That lady looks like Roxy Chase. It's her. Haaa. So he came here with his girlfriend. What do I expect? Haaa... Haaaa.. Haaaa a...

She was smiling but tears were streaming down her face. Her heart hurt so much. She thought she was already used to seeing Nikolai Sardov and Roxy Chase being intimate and lovey dovey but it still hurts. Her heart felt like it was being ripped out of her chest.

She ran and ran till she was brathless. Only when she couldn't run anymore, she sat down on a bench provided in the hallway for the visitors to sit. Her heart hurt so much but there was nothing that could help relieve the pain. As she sat there and mulled over everything that happened to her this morning, she made the most ridiculous decision in her life.

  She want to spend the last three months of her life with Nikolai Sardov. She would pester him, annoy him and won't even mind his disdain and cruelty, if it means she could spend time with him. I will bear everything and spend the last of my days with him. I don't care that he doesn't love me. I'm being selfish but that's what he owes me at least. After that, I'll leave him forever so....

With the decision made, she made her way to her car parked in front of the ice-cream shop in her hurry this morning. As she made her way to the car with her whirring mind, she crashed into a person's chest head first. She looked up to apologise but froze seeing the person in front of her.

"Nikolai Sardov?"