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His To Destroy

His To Destroy

Autor: Sarah Brown

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"I am last hope, am I right Mrs. Russo?" He spoke as he closed the distance between them. "I....." Dana wanted to say something but she was stunned. She had never imagined that she will meet him in such circumstances. he was her love once, but now he was none other than a monster. A monster who was ready to devour her, because he was seeking revenge. "I am sorry. I am afraid you are going to run away with my money. After all, you ran away on me the last time, right?" "My advisor told me that you are the only one who can save me." She spoke honestly. “Ah!” He came round to stand in front of her. “Let me tell you something. I am not the one who can save you. I am the one who is destroying you. I am the one who is your biggest enemy and I am your biggest friend as your advisor thinks. I am your destroyer, and I am your savior. I can do whatever I want and I want to destroy you, Mrs. Dana Russo. And I will keep doing it unless you are burnt to ashes. I will make sure that you burn like me, that you beg me for everything, that you are run into the ground like my hopes. I promise you that.” “Why are you so…” “Get out.” “Chris.” But the devil was ruling his mind now and he took her arm and pushed her.
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Chapter 1


She replaced the receiver, and as expected, Tina poked her head through the door after a meek knock. Before she could open her pouty red-painted mouth, Dana asked, “Has the contract arrived from the Millers yet?”

“Oh, no. But a phone call came early in the morning. They said that they are cancelling the contract.”

“What?” Dana held her desk tightly. “And when were you planning to tell me that, Tina?”

“Oh, I wanted to but I forgot it.” Dana chuckled and wondered why she hasn’t fired the woman yet. But she knew the reason. Her tramp of a husband had signed a contract with her that no matter what, she was not to be replaced before five years of her service was not complete in the Linen Corp. The reason for such an arrangement was obvious. He was cheating on Dana with one more woman in his office as he was doing all around the New York city.

Today Dana was in no mood of inefficiencies, so she stood up. “Tina, you can go home for today. You will be informed once a new position has been found suitable for you.”

Tina’s face visibly changed. “But you can’t….”

“Oh, I can because my bastard husband is dead, so there is no need for your services, whatever you were offering to Marlon. Now please go.”

“The contract…..”

“The contract says that you will work in Linen Corp. and you will, just not under me. I need efficient people, those who are focused on work instead of shagging other’s husbands.”

Before Tina could speak. Dana shut the door in her face. She came back to her seat and clutched her head in her hands. Another contract was cancelled and she didn’t know what to do. They were best at what they did but the contracts were slipping faster than the sand from her hands. Why was it happening all of a sudden, she had no idea, but she knew that she will lose everything if she doesn’t take a step now.

Dana took a deep breath and once again considered her position. She was not made to do this. Running a business was not her forte, neither her choice. It was a forced task if she wanted to keep a roof over her head. The loans were piled up and the bungalow was mortgaged. If they don’t work, they will have to sell the company and the day was looming at horizon when Dana will be forced to work at a factory at a pay which was even lower than a librarian’s.

Library refreshed her mind. If only she could just pick up the literature books and get lost. It was her first love or maybe second after him but both of them were just a dream now.

She sighed. She stood up to make a coffee from the state-of-the-art coffee maker. It was not the best at what it did but it had cost a fortune. Such was Marlon’s taste in things and people. He wanted everything so he could show it off, even if they were not worth the value. This coffee machine was just an example.

Dana recalled what was her dream once. Like every other nerdy girl, she wanted a bookshop with a café where there will be all the delicious cakes, and she would eat all of them without thinking about her waistline.

But Marlon wanted her to look like a doll. After all, that’s why he had married her, but the major reason was her father that she was tied to Marlon. Being the only girl in home, she was sold off. Her brothers were spoiled children who didn’t care for anything other than drugs and women. They were just like her father. To pick the odd one out, her father picked her and sold her off to Marlon, who boasted about his amassed fortune and lent her father the money he needed, because no bank was ready to pay him. And one day, Dana was sent to a new place. Was married to an older man who could pay her value to her father.

The memory brought tears to her eyes and she realized that the coffee was cold now. She rinsed the cup in the sink and decided not to drink anything. God knows what else was she gonna see in the future. Little did she know.


It was 12 noon and he should have left for the meeting but he was waiting for a call. An important one.

Every other person could wait and why not? They were waiting for Christopher Johnson after all. He had reached where he was after hard grinding and today he could avail luxuries like being a little late. He kept himself busy by studying the new acquisition file of the Carlos’s, but his mind was stuck at something else. Finally the phone rang.

He picked it up without wasting a second.


“We got the Millers.” Ron declared without wasting a second.

Chris smiled and spoke, “Great job. Send it to the Larzo’s.”

“Ok, boss, but may I know why are we sending it to the Larzo’s? Linen Corp is best known for their material, then….” It was enough.

“Ron, you wanna keep your job?” Chris was irritated.

“Umm, yes, boss…”The man was scared and that’s what he wanted.

“Good, then do what you are asked to do. No questions, ok? Read your job description. It was clearly mentioned. If you have trouble reading it, pack your stuff.”

“Sorry, boss. I will send it right ……”

But Christopher hung up. He was not accustomed to questions. What he says, people follow. Why is it hard for people to understand? And if they can’t, they are in the wrong place. Johnson Group of Companies is not for people who ask, but for those who do.

He shut down his computer, and took his jacket but before he could leave, Simon was there at his door.

“Hey man, ready for the bash tonight?”

“Don’t you have work to do?” Chris spoke as John helped him put on his jacket. John was his secretary and his shadow.

“I am pissed off by work and want to get laid. Wanna go to The Velvet Box tonight?”

“I will ring you.” Chris stepped into the elevator for the 54th floor as he was late for the meeting.

He closed his eyes and sighed. His goal was clear and he was one step closer to it today. In the past two years, he has done it countless times, but every time, it feels like a fresh breath. People don’t hesitate handing him over their companies then why would they do for sending him a contract? They know he is doing them a favor. The more she losses, the more he gains, and the more he gains, the better are the chances of what he has been planning.


He looked at the clear glass wall of the elevator. His blue eyes stared back at him. People only see his looks and when they call him “The Shark”, he doesn’t feel the relief that he experiences when SHE fails, again, and again, and again. He was not an animal but he will ensure that she is on her knees before him and begs even for her breath. Not that he was far from his goal now. He will have her under his thumb soon.


He smiled at the thought.