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Mr. Billionaire's Lovely Wife

Mr. Billionaire's Lovely Wife

Autor: Hijab Khan

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"Treat me like your wife. I want you to give me a chance, give this marriage a chance." He looks at me with those brilliant blue eyes of his. His eyes pierce through my soul and I wish I hadn't said anything. He takes a step towards me and I step back only to find myself sandwiched between him and the wall. I look up at him and our eyes meet. "You want me to give this marriage a chance?" He asks in a surprisingly soft tone. I nod. Yes. I want this more than anything in this world. He cages me between his strong arms and brings his face closer to mine. "Are you sure you can handle it, Marilyn?" He asks, I close my eyes because I'm scared now. I don't know what he's going- My mind goes completely blank when I feel his lips on mine. Oh my god. ****** Marilyn's life completely changes when she gets married to the hot CEO of Hayes and Co. the one and only, Aiden Hayes. Her hopes to have a great married life come crashing down on her wedding night when she realizes that her husband has no intentions to give this marriage a fair chance. To him, his work is everything. But, Marilyn couldn't give up, just not yet. She has to make this marriage work. Will she be able to succeed? Or will she end up losing him forever?
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Chapter 1

I wake up to the screeching sound of my alarm. I groan and sit up on my bed. Just another hellish day for me. I look beside me to find no one there as usual. What was I even expecting? It's not as if he always sleeps at home.

I get out of bed and head towards the bathroom to freshen up. It's six-thirty in the morning and I am currently contemplating what the hell went wrong with my life.

I got married. That's what happened.

I take a quick shower and change into a comfortable T-shirt and tights. I have to go downstairs and have my coffee before I do anything else because if I don't I'll probably die.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hayes." The housemaid greets me as soon as I step out of my room, I nod at her.

"Good morning, Tessa. Is he home yet?" I ask, knowing fully well that he isn't.

"No, Mrs. Hayes. Mr. Hayes is expected to come any minute now." She tells me as if I didn't already know. I nod again and start climbing down the stairs as she follows me.

I make my way towards the kitchen and start making my coffee.

"Please allow me to make your coffee for you, Mrs. Hayes." Tessa tries to take the coffee pot from my hand but I stop her.

"It's okay. I told you that you don't have to treat me like that, I like doing my work. Why isn't the cook here yet?" I ask her.

"He's in the pantry, he'll be here in a few minutes."

"Okay. Tell the cook to start preparing the breakfast." I tell her as she nods.

I take my coffee to the living room and sit down on the couch. I'm sleepy and I wish I could sleep more but I couldn't. I have to wake up at six-thirty in the morning, no exception. This is my life.

It's been a couple of months since my life shifted completely. I used to be a normal twenty-four-year-old girl, with a decent job and a small apartment. Which my father left for me in his will before passing away three years ago. I used to live with my mother until she had a heart attack a year ago which turned out to be fatal.

Losing my parents wasn't easy of course, as I didn't have any siblings or a family member beside them. I had to be strong to survive and that's when my life started changing.

I started working as a personal assistant for the previous CEO of Hyes and Co. last year. Mr. Hayes was a good boss, he is an old man who used to treat me like his daughter and trusted me.

Trusted me enough to make me his daughter-in-law.

Long story short, Mr. Hayes was worried about what would happen to his grandson when he dies, He wanted him to get married so that he won't be alone.

But his grandson would never agree to that, that was when Mr. Hayes told him that if he didn't get married he won't be becoming the next CEO of Hyes and Co.

That didn't budge him either and that was what lead to a big fight among them causing Mr. Hayes to collapse.

That's where I step into their story. Mr. Hayes begged me to marry his grandson because he had agreed to get married and according to Mr. Hayes there was no better option than me. And of course, being the softie I am, I couldn't say no.

I didn't have a family, I had no one in this world so it was easy for me to say yes. I thought at that time, that this marriage would be a success. Because why not?

But it was before I got to know my now-husband.

I sigh at the memory of that night. Our wedding night.

I remember everything clearly, He just said two things to me that night.

One: I shouldn't expect him to be a good husband because according to him, his work was everything to him. There was no place for women in his life.

Two: He won't expect me to be a great wife, but he wanted certain things from me.

And that meant...

I had to wake up early in the morning, tell the cook to prepare his breakfast, wake him up if he's at home, and see him off.

That was it.

I hear his car in the driveway and stand up. He'll come in, have his breakfast and, sleep for a couple of hours or so before going back to the office in the afternoon.

Yes. He spends his nights working.

I make my way towards the main door and wait for him to come inside. I tuck the loose strands of my hair behind my ears and hope that I'm looking pretty. It's been twenty-four hours since I last saw him and of course, I missed him.

I missed looking at him.

Because we don't do anything else. He doesn't even look at me the way I do. He's never touched me that way. And I want him to touch me.

My poor heart.

The door opens, revealing the handsome face of my husband. It amazes me how could someone look so perfect even after working his ass off for hours?

I mean, wow.

He enters the house, and I look at him properly. His hair is messy, his tie loose, and his coat nowhere to be seen. I step towards him.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Just the usual.

He looks at me before nodding.

I suppress the urge to slip my arm through his and, leave his way as he walks towards the stairs.

I wonder if today's one of those days when he won't speak for the whole day.

I hope not.

I follow him to our room and see him sitting on our bed.

"Should I get something for you?" I ask. He ignores me and lies down.

I feel bad for him, the company lost a huge deal a few months ago and he's been working so hard to get it back. Mr. Hayes handed over his position to him as soon as he agreed on getting married to me which was four months ago. On the nights when he's not home, I just know that he's not with another woman. This makes me happy that I can trust him.

But at the same time, It saddens me that he doesn't even look at his wife.

I walk towards our bed and sit down beside him.

"Won't you take a shower?" I ask, he opens his eyes and looks at me.

Oh my god. His eyes.

"I'm tired, Marilyn. Let me rest for a while. I'll take a shower when I want to. Leave me alone now." He says in a rough voice as he closes his eyes again.

This breaks my heart. But what's new? He's always like this.

I look at him for a while, because whatever it is I missed him.

His black hair, fair skin, and his dark blue eyes...

Especially his dark blue eyes were the ones which attracted me towards him.

I first saw him in the hospital where Mr. Hayes was admitted. And the first time we talked was on our wedding day when we exchanged vows.

Promising each other to stay together till death and all. I hope he doesn't break his promise, but who knows?

He may just as well get married to his work and leave me.

I sigh and stand up, I want to go back to sleep now. But I know he's going to take a shower and have his breakfast and then he'll sleep.

Till then, I can't go back to sleep.

I come out of our room and see that Tessa is there waiting for us to come out so that she can serve us our breakfast.

"I'm going to have my breakfast with Aiden. Prepare the table in half an hour." I tell her.

"As you wish, Mrs. Hayes." She turns and starts climbing down the stairs. I take a deep breath and look at our bedroom door.

Sometimes I just want to run away.

But it's too soon to give up just now. He's so cruel, so cruel that he stole my heart and there's nothing I can do about it.

I go downstairs once again and wait for him to come out of the room, I know Tessa pities me, not just Tessa but everyone in this house pities me. I pity myself.

The only person I can talk to in this house is Tessa, she knows my pains. She was there when I first set foot in this house two months ago. She witnessed the way Aiden left me alone in our room and went to his study. He spent the night there, woke up early in the morning, and left for work.

I cry sometimes when I'm alone. Then again, I'm always alone.

He rarely spends his nights at home, he usually works all night, comes home early in the morning, and then goes back to work in the afternoon.

It's like I don't even exist in his life, the more I try to make him notice me, talk to me, the more he gets irritated.

I look towards the stairs when I hear our bedroom door opening. He walks down the stairs and starts walking towards the dining room. I take a deep breath and stand up to follow him. My mind's yelling at me to get some sleep but I can't listen to it just yet. I couldn't sleep last night because I was worried about him and now I'm nearing death. I want to cry because of the lack of sleep.

We have our breakfast in silence because there's nothing to talk about between us. I wonder if he even knows my birthday, or my age, or anything at all.

I don't think so. After finishing his breakfast he gets up and leaves the dining room.

A single tear escapes my eye and I wipe it away. I shouldn't cry in the morning.

He's always like this.

He always ignores me.
