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Married To My Boss

Married To My Boss

Autor: Tula



Married To My Boss PDF Free Download


Ana is a very tough secret intelligence officer and lives a single life. She has been secretly attracted to her no nonsense Boss, Nick Bayo .Since the day he picked her up from the streets and turned her in to the most sought after agent in the country, he vowed never to touch her no matter how much he wanted her to be his woman. Nick knew perfectly well that Ana was in love with him yet he ignored her over and over until she decided to accept the first jerk that appeared on her life from nowhere. Things will change when she is given a special assignment to track down a world most wanted drug trafficker. The police have assumed that the culprit they are looking for in Mike whom they believe is very dangerous. Ana meets Mark who explains to her that he is Mike’s twin brother and that he is not a criminal at all. Together they start to care for each other and Ana decides to give herself a chance at love. However how much she tried to forget Nick it was not possible. Mark tricks her in to marrying him for revenge purposes. He wanted to teach her a lesson for messing with their family when she destroyed their real estate empire which was involved in money laundering. It turns out that Mike and Mark are criminals who do not have any conscience at all. They made Ana’s life so miserable until Nick finally accepted his love for her.
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Chapter 1

“Ana, be alert he should be there any minute from now. Our guys have just informed me that Mike is headed to the beach.” Adjusting the ear phone on her left ear she scanned the beach area with her sunglasses for any signs of him. She had mastered his looks from the pictures back at the office.

“Yes Nick, I am well prepared”

“Do you need any help?”


“In that case all the best”

Ana sat on the beach of Mombasa admiring the wonderful scene of the ocean. The bright sunlight shined upon her silky soft skin. She wore a pink bikini which fitted her curves perfectly. The wind from the ocean caressed her long blonde hair and fresh air calmed her lungs satisfactory. She wished to stay like that for eternity.

Ana never had the chance to get married and have children, a decision she will regret if she fails in this specific mission as a secret intelligence officer. Since her first day at work she had been attracted to her no nonsense Boss. Nick is a very gorgeous guy. Ana secretly likes to look in to his beautiful brown eyes without his knowledge. And every time they are near each other she felt weak all over her body. Her heart starts to beat rapidly.

After realizing that Nick was not interested in her, with so much effort she managed to put aside her feelings and kept a focus on her career. She had met several men, but none of them was a match to

Nick. She compared all of them to her dear Boss, which ended up in a breakup.

She turned her head and saw a man approach her and she recognized him immediately.

She said,” Hey handsome would you come and lay down with me”.

“Of course stranger, what an honor! You are so pretty! If you were mine, I would keep you as my trophy to show around.” Ana thought to herself, if he knew that this may be his last moment as a free man, he would not be laughing.

Mike is the most wanted drug dealer in the world and she was given the mission to track him and put him in jail for the rest of his life.

“So what is your name?” He asked cheekily hoping that Ana would not turn him down or talk back badly at him.

“Just call me stranger “Ana said taking a keen interest on this man who was busy flirting with her. She had to admit that the man was charming and knew his ways well with women.

“You don’t seem to be afraid of strangers, what are you up to girl?”

“I am just looking to have a good time. I would like to feel adrenaline run through my body with someone like you.” Ana gave him her most charming smile bringing out her beautiful green eyes.

She had to flirt with him so as to gain his trust and at the slightest distraction from him she would strike.

“ I believe you “ ,he said while looking at her so seductively with those dark eyes that had no mercy killing so many people. Looking at him so close, Ana felt so disgusted that she shivered not because of the cold but by the thought of how his victims suffered.

He moved closer saying “come here stranger, you need a very big hug”. Why are you so beautiful! He whispered with a voice so soft that melted her inside. Never in her life would anyone ever held her so gently like that, it felt so good. She even thought that this man can be a good man if the circumstances were different.

The problem is that this one is a criminal and she has a mission to finish. Although the man was one of her subjects, he was awakening sweet feelings in her body she had never experienced before. This scared the hell out of her because she knew what kind of task waits ahead. In their field of work no one was allowed to allow personal feelings rule over them.

“I can be a very passionate man if you allowed me, I already feel a deep connection with you I haven’t felt before.” He continued flattering her with all those sweet words. Ana slowly found herself warming up to his advances again. She had spent most of her time chasing after Nick who did not show any interest, she even forgot how it feels to be cared by a man. The man was bent on bringing those feelings she had kept hidden deep in her soul.

“That is strange, I don’t even know your name” Ana lied. She knew exactly who he was and was desperately trying to put her emotions aside not to compromise the task ahead.

“You can call me whatever name you love “,” Um….I think I like that” Ana replied smiling. “So shall we toast to this beautiful encounter.” Ana raised her glass of champagne, it was going to be unforgettable moment in her life.

After that he asked Ana to accompany him to his room, which she agreed. The opportunity has presented itself and it was time to act, but she felt a deep void in her heart because this man has touched her in a way she thought was not possible.

With those thoughts in her mind she was determined to remove Nick finally from her head and move on.

They made their way to his room, which she thought was dark and empty .He interrupted her thoughts with a kiss on the cheeks, he couldn’t help hugging her tightly. She was his escape to reality, she was so fragile he wouldn’t care who she was or where she came from. All he wanted was to be in her arms, feel the life in him awaken and reconnect with his humanity.

Ana was so confused, feeling this vulnerable was not good for her career. They were trained not to show their emotions. Right now that was the least of her concerns. It’s not a secret she has tried finding love before, but they all didn’t work. Even her boss whom she secretly admired never noticed her. So she made a decision to be single for the rest of her life.

“Ana John” he called her. “What did you call me? “She froze with so much fright that she started trembling. If you knew who I am, why keep quiet? She pointed her gun on his face very fast that he was surprised. “Hey blondie, get that thing off my face please, if I wanted to kill you I would have done that long time ago”. “Start talking” she said without moving an inch while her gun still aimed at him.

“Alright…I am not who you think I am, my name is Mark and Mike is my identical twin brother. He chose the life of crime and nobody knows I exist, not even the police. Mike called to warn me that a person matching your profile will be looking for him.”