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Rejected By The Gamma Loved By The Alpha

Rejected By The Gamma Loved By The Alpha

Autor: Chaos Marie

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Rejected By The Gamma Loved By The Alpha PDF Free Download


Layla is a 17 year old beta, of the crescent moon pack . after losing her mother, her father finds his second chance mate, Marie Harlow who goes out of her way to make Layla's life miserable ,soon Layla will find her mate who hates her just as much as Marie. A chance meeting with the soon to be gorgeous alpha changes everything. helping Layla to realize that being rejected, isn't always a bad thing. it can open doors that would have never been open. Leading her to where she always belonged. Sometimes you have to be broken, to be the person you are meant to be, when you are put back together.
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Chapter 1


My name is "Layla Ann Rhodes", and I'm not like most teenagers. I have long chocolate brown hair and light green eyes, that can change depending on my mood.

I also have full lips a cheeky smile, and a natural honey-toned complexion. Definitely, something I've always been proud of.

I've always been quite small for a beta, but luckily I still have a full c cup, flat stomach, and a firm butt. I've been told I have a beautiful pear-shaped body,

if only my fashion sense could keep up.

That being said I'm excited, Because in 3 days on my 18th birthday, I will have my first shift and become a wolf!

It's definitely not like in the movies, it's more of an inherited gene from both of my parents "Tanya and Jacob Rhodes" who are also werewolves.

Most wolves live and thrive in packs and it may seem kind of cultish to most people, but to us it's completely normal.

My father is the recently retired "Beta" of our pack. A Beta is the 2nd in command. And the 2nd strongest they are known to do a lot of the work for Alphas, especially if they are absent or unavailable.

Gammas are the 3rd in command, and known to have a unique ability to calm wolves down or help them control their emotions especially the "Alpha and Luna."

Sadly, The weakest wolves are Omegas, but it's ironic because they literally do all the heavy lifting for the pack. Omegas are able to accomplish some of the most grueling and time-consuming labor and take it in stride.

So honestly I think they may be the most important and they don't get enough credit.

The Alpha is always the strongest, they are the leaders of the pack whatever they say is the law.

A Luna is the mother of the pack .when an Alpha takes a mate, she becomes the Luna and takes care of the pack and is equal to the Alpha.

The Gamma will usually be the one who cares for Luna and Alpha, sort of as a best friend. To help them make decisions and calm them in times of need he can also be the voice of reason, depending on the situation.

Most omegas are caretakers they cook clean, do laundry, or do anything you need them to do.

They're kind of like unofficial assistants. Depending on the pack they are usually there to do all the things no one else does, as long as you're working in the pack you are always taken care of, but if you don't have a pack you're considered a rogue.

Rogues are wolves that were either banished or left their pack for one reason or another, being on their own is very dangerous, so the wolf takes over to protect their human counterpart, leading them to be more animal than human, they are like wild animals and cannot be reasoned with, so most likely they will be put to death.

We also are gifted mates by the Moon Goddess.

The moon goddess picks one special person just for you, everything from their smell to how they talk, was made to your liking.

it's realizing exactly what you want, and knowing that you will never want anything else ever again when you look into their eyes. the mate bond is so strong that being rejected can lead to suicide but it's very uncommon. It's love at first sight and smell that's the best way to explain it.

When u find your mate you usually smell them first, the smell is usually so addictive and alluring u can't help but follow it, and when u do it leads to your mate.

My mother used to explain it this way:

"Do you remember how the characters find something that smells delicious? The smell is so yummy that his body floats all the way to the location of the delicious scent ..Well honey that's similar to the mate bond"

So, my dumbass thought for years that when I found my mate my body would literally float to him and he would be waiting in a window sill, just like the cartoon pies were.

Anyways, in 3 days I will be able to find my Mate!

I have been waiting so long hoping that one day I would get out of this pack, and escape the torturous ways of my stepmother Marie Harlow.

I'm forced to cook, clean, do laundry, and wait on her hand and feet all day long.

if I don't do what she asks there are usually dire consequences.

maybe a broken limb, or lashings sometimes she'll starve me, there are so many things she's done .she even went so far as to have her youngest son torture me.

We go to the same school so he likes to come up and take my lunch so I can't eat.

Then I go home and I'm not allowed to eat either luckily my friends help me at school. Always packing an extra sandwich, chips, or juice is how I've been surviving.

My day consists of 4 things, cooking, and cleaning, the pack house I'm pretty much everyone's bitch, I don't complain I just do it.

When I'm not cleaning I'm usually bullied.

I have no hobbies, I'm not allowed to have a phone because they don't want to pay the bill, even though I said I would do it myself. everything is just always hard all the time since my mother died, and my father found his second chance mate.

Yes! You can receive a second chance mate it doesn't happen for everyone, but once in a while it does, and when it does it's a second chance to be happy and to be with the wolf that was made for you, so of course you will take that chance, just like my father.

My father's second Chance mate is the daughter of an alpha, she has long stringy bleach-blonde hair, pale skin, grey eyes, and very sharp features, for a woman she's not the least bit feminine her hips are very wide, and she always looks like she's wearing an outfit 10 sizes too small, you could see every dent and dimple on her body, she dresses very distastefully, her breasts hang out all over the place, and she would flirt with anyone she came in contact with.

I never understood what my father saw in her, how can he be mated to someone so opposite to my mother?

I have half-brothers who are opposite of each other the older half-brother Taylor is nice to me, and always sticks up for me when it comes to his mother.

They don't get along very well.

but the younger one Kyle is just like his mother, anything he can do to make my life miserable is his ultimate goal..

I feel sorry for his mate if he ever gets one

I think that if I didn't have Taylor, Kayla, and Melissa, I wouldn't have made it through. I would have given up a long time ago.

Melissa, Kayla, and I have been a trio since I could talk.

We were more like sisters, and their parents loved me too.

They always went out of their way to make me feel special, living the way I do, makes a world of difference.

The school i attend is a school for werewolves, although they put up a front as a prestigious private school, that only the elite can get into, well that's what the humans think anyway. Little do they know it's swarming with all ranks of werewolves.

That's another thing that the movies get wrong.

wolves don't eat people or kill anything for sport, we respect mother nature and her creatures, we're human too the only time we violently use our wolf is to protect ourselves, our loved ones, or our territory from potential threats or danger. This can be achieved through various means such as security systems or military defense. Just like humans, we have our laws and rules that we have to abide by or we will also be punished.

Although we love the moon and the Moon Goddess, who is our Creator...

We can change and transform into our beast whenever we want, although we are possessive creatures, and territorial at times we are not particularly dangerous, but we can be if you piss us off.

Now that I got most of the explanation out of the way, I can begin to tell you my story.

I will warn you about this story it contains abuse, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault/situations, and vulgar language.