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I Don‘t Have A Mate

I Don‘t Have A Mate



I Don‘t Have A Mate PDF Free Download


Savannah King isn't your ordinary human. The truth is she's a werewolf. Bitten at the age of six.An orphan, alongside her twin sister and brother, at the age of nine. Omega, of the Apollo Pack, at the age of 10.Rouge at the age of 16. Along side with a rejection from the Alpha.Newly founded member of the Sliver Lune Pack at 17. The strongest wolf in the U.S.A at the age of 20. A monster in the end.
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Chapter 1

Savannah's P.O.V

"Was that really necessary?" I muttered under my breath, as I pick myself up from the floor and brushed off the dust.

"What was that Savannah?" my older brother Luke asked from the top of the stairs.

"Was it really necessary throwing me down the stairs?" I mean I know I'm the Omega of my pack; the Apollo pack, which is weird because Apollo is the greek sun god, and yes I am a werewolf. But I got up early for me. I looked at the clock it read 3:30 I normally I would get up at 4:30 at the latest, but today it was Alpha Oliver's birthday. What does that mean for me? Well as the Omega of my pack I have to: clean the whole pack house, which is 17 floors — each one the size of a mansion, three times, don't ask why, decorate the living room for the party tonight, hang up banners at school, make everyone a huge breakfast, lunch and dinner, buy all of the food and party stuff and lastly make up all the beds in the spare rooms and all before school starts which is at 8:30.

"Well I don't want someone telling everyone I haven't punched you, or something, today and 'ruin' Oliver's birthday today, since you say I can't lie." Luke said interrupting my thoughts.

"You can't lie and if you don't it's worse off for the both of us." I pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So do you think our lovely little Bianca is going to be Oliver's mate?" Like asked casually.

"I bet everything I have, that it's her." I say confidently.

Bianca is my younger twin sister, but has told everyone that she's older, and she's Oliver's current girlfriend.

"So why are you up so early?" I asked.

"And he asked me to watch over you as you do," he hesitated. "Everything." he finished.

"Yeah, And?" I egged him on while scrubbing the wooden floor.

"And he wanted me to make sure you got the right type of food."


"And he wanted me to make sure you got the right the decorations as well."


"Are you implying that I didn't get my best friend a birthday present?"

"Well you have forgotten the last 6 years."

"Well I remembered this year."

"What did you get him?"


"I said what did you get him?"

He hesitated.

"Nothing?" I asked.

"Yeah." he sighed.

"Do you have any suggestions?" he asked he put his hand on my shoulder, that I landed on when he threw me down the stairs. Werewolf's do have fast healing but it still takes a while to heal a broken collar bone. I couldn't help it I hissed in pain as he put a lot of pressure on it.

"Oh my gosh, I so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."

At that moment I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Hit me." I said.

"No, you know I not—" I cut him off.

"Hit me, someone's coming."

Realisation swept across his face and he started hitting me and saying insults.

"Hurry up you, fat, lazy pig. It's Alpha's Oliver's birthday and just your your presences will ruin it for him like every other day." He yelled while punching me. He kicked me which made me flip over and the rags I call a sweatshirt rode up my back.

'Crap,' I thought, 'he'll see my scars.' I looked up at my brother to see his eye go wide, but he quickly recovered and threw another insult my way.

"I wish you died with our parents."

'Bianca.' The word flashed across my brain. The only reason why Luke would ever say that if it was Bianca was in the room.

And sure enough Bianca's voice filled the air around.

"Good job Luke." She said.

I saw Luke silently say 'Why couldn't be her.'

I smiled slightly it was nice to know he stuck up for me, but he couldn't show it because he would get kicked out of the pack. The only reason why I haven't been kicked out yet is because the pack doesn't want to get rid of their precious slave who does everything for them.

"I wish we didn't even have to look at it's face, it's just so ugly." Bianca said, I almost laugh when she says this considering that we are identical twins.

"But your right Luke, it should have died with our parents, since it kill them." She sneered. That's another thing I get blamed for and it bugs me. I wasn't even here when they died, I was on a plane coming back from a boarding school in France when I was 9. Bianca blamed their death on me when it was actually rouge attack by my mom's sister and her husband. Our family's were close and their only child Darren was close, but the they started moving away we all thought that it was some type of cult but it turn out to be the rouges on the edges of our boarders, but we don't know what happened to Darren, though we all think he is dead. I looked down at the floor and start scrubbing again.

"Hey, Pig, listen to me." she yelled at me, Pig was her favourite insult for me.

I kept on scrubbing the floor.

"Hey, answer me, Pig."

I looked up.

"What was the question?" I asked. I saw Luke in the corner of my eye trying to hold in his laughed. I very rearly answer back to people but it's just Bianca. I heard someone else coming down the stairs, so I put my head down kept on scrubbing the floor.

Bianca, now red in the face with anger, took a minute to reply before saying: "You'll pay twice as much for that pig."

A new voice filled the air. "You look sexy when you threaten her."

'Oliver' I thought.

"Oliver." a high pitched scream that belonged to Bianca filled the air. I looked up and saw them making out. Now, that was something that's going to haunt my nightmares forever.

"My eyes, oh my eyes, their burning, Agh." Luke screamed while running around the room with his hands over his eyes. I suppress a giggle, Luke is a joker/prankster and he's always like this around Oliver and Bianca.

I thought hit me and I watched Bianca as they broke apart.

"Come on bro, it's not that bad, surely you've done a million time before right?" Oliver said as he kissed Bianca on the cheek as she went back upstairs.

"Well, I've never had a girlfriend before." Luke answered.

"Well, you are terrible at asking out girls."

"I am terrible at that." Luke said agreeing.

"I should give you lessons."