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Contract Marriage To Attorney Shin

Contract Marriage To Attorney Shin

Autor: Ladipo Michael



Contract Marriage To Attorney Shin PDF Free Download


Sierra Banks is one of the top investigative reporters in the country. She is known for her fierce reputation and fearlessness in revealing the dirty secrets of the powerful people in society. Her career soon takes a huge damage when she’s roped into a scandal. No credible Attorney is willing to take up her case and she is left to turn to Attorney Shin, her high school rival, who offers her a marriage contract in return for helping her. Attorney Shin is a top lawyer and a secret heir to a billionaire family. His father is the chairman of Triad Group. Shin is firmly against marriage but his father wants him to get married if he intends to inherit part of his properties. A contract marriage between the two polar opposites was bound for failure. But love blooms between them. What happens when their growing marriage reveals a secret of the past? Will it forge their relationship to grow stronger or will their marriage be nothing more than a contract?
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Chapter 1


“Miss Sierra! Miss Sierra! Do you deny the allegations against you?!” was one of the many voices I heard amidst the horde of reporters fighting to shove their mics to my face as I stepped out of the police station shielded by my best friend, Anna, and a few other police officers. The sounds of their cameras flashing, the sudden heat that choked me, my aching heart, and unsteady breaths, everything was coming at me so fast without mercy. For the first time in my life, I wished the ground could just swallow me. I should have known better that wearing a red hoodie, blue jeans, red sneakers with a pair of black shades and a black nose mask wasn’t going to be enough to hide me. I was just like these people after all, a fellow reporter who used to do the questioning but today, I was the one being questioned and I finally understood what it felt like to be tagged a criminal even when you know you’re innocent.

“Miss Sierra! Some sources claim to have pieces of evidence that prove you are deeply involved in the consumption of illegal drugs, can you comment on these allegations?”

“Miss Sierra Banks, you are known as one of the country’s finest journalists. Who has always made a clear stance fighting for justice but today haven’t you betrayed the trust of your fans and the general masses?!”

“The public is deeply concerned about the impact of these allegations on your career and reputation. How do you intend to address this issue?”

My teeth gritted and my chest tightened as my palms almost curled into a fist. I didn’t know where to start or how to shape the right words, but my lips moved faster than my brain.

“I understand the concern of the public but I assure you all that I am innocent. I am taking these allegations seriously and I categorically state that I have never involved myself in the consumption of illegal drugs and I never will.”

“But the authorities have released a press statement stating that they found traces of Cocaine in your blood. Are you saying this is a lie?”

“Although there might be certain evidence that has been circulating I consider them as false. I am a law-abiding citizen and fully intend to cooperate with the authorities on the ongoing investigation and address these allegations properly. I have sought legal counsel and I believe that the truth will prevail.”

“That’s enough, Sierra, let’s go,” Anna tugged at my arm and I obliged.

“Miss Sierra! Miss Sierra!” they kept increasing their pressure with every step I struggled to take toward the black van that had parked before the building. The moment I strolled into the van, only then was I able to catch my breath properly. Our van zoomed off but these reporters still chased after me like hungry dogs.

I pulled my shades and mask off frustratingly and then leaned my head on the headrest.

“Are you alright, Sierra?” Anna asked quietly and I glanced at the petite blonde-haired lady seated by my left.

“How do you expect me to be fine?” I retorted and she sighed.

“It’s only going to get worse, Sierra,” her voice almost trailed a whispery path. “The authorities have placed a travel ban on you and I got a call earlier this morning from your boss that you have been fired.”

Pain panged in my chest, “I haven’t even been proven guilty yet and they’ve thrown me under the bus.”

“The outrage against you is wild and the last thing TVN news would want is to be dragged into this mess with you.”

“Have you been able to reach Jonathan yet?”

“His phone’s still switched off ever since he left the police station.”

“That bastard!” my palms clenched into a fist.

“I can’t believe your boyfriend did this to you. I’ve thought about it several times and I still can’t figure out what he stands to gain by betraying you.”

My eyes twitched, trying to hold back the tears that were about to grace my eyes but I failed regardless. I quickly wiped the tears off my eyelids and leaned on the headrest again. The moment I closed my eyes, my mind immediately wandered to that night, two days ago. I still remember every detail of it. It all started with my accident. Jonathan had called me over to the bar to have some drinks but I barely touched my drink before heading home. On my way, I felt dizzy and I had lost control. Who knew that an accident that had been ruled as drunk driving would take a huge turn to become an illegal drug consumption case? But the more significant question that bothered me was why my boyfriend decided to spike my drink with cocaine and even gave a statement to the police that I’ve always meddled with drugs.

The more I thought about it, the more it burned me inside. He did such an atrocious act and suddenly disappeared. Anna had never liked him for a second ever since we started dating four months ago and now I was realizing I should have just trusted her instincts. Thanks to him, my career, and the reputation that I had fought so hard to build were going down the drain. The media were going to have a field day with my case and I could already imagine some of their headlines.

‘Sierra Banks, the giant slayer has been slayed with the blades of her illegal drug consumption case’

I exhaled deeply as my entirety trembled. I was one of the top investigative journalists in the country known for going after the dirty secrets and shady deals of the big dogs in our society. I used to be revered by the masses but now, I was going to be the new object of shame.

“This is a conspiracy against you, Sierra,” Anna mumbled but I refused to open my eyes regardless.

“I know but I still don’t understand why Jonathan of all people would be the one that brings me down.”

“I think you should be worrying about the bigger problem here. None of the top and experienced lawyers we know wants to take up your case. It seems like everyone is determined to bring you down.”

“What?!” I stared at her in shock while she sighed. “There is no credible lawyer that wants to defend my case.”

“I tried but…” her voice trailed off.

“Surely there must be someone, right?!”

“I spoke with the CEO Justin of JusticeGate Law firm–”

“I know JusticeGate,” I cut her off abruptly, dearly hoping it wasn’t what I was thinking.

“He says the only person that can take your case is…Attorney Shin.”

My jaw dropped and my heart pounded as if it wanted to break free from my chest. “What?!” I blurted inadvertently.

“Look I know, you and Attorney Shin are not on good terms but he’s one of the best you know. He has never lost any case whether big or small. He’s the only one that can help–”

“Never!” I almost yelled. “Shin and I are are rivals from way back. That guy would rather chew off his foot than defend my case.”

“Are you serious right now? Everything you’ve worked so hard for is about to crash and you’re worried about some rival that has long ended since high school?” Anna challenged and my eyes twitched. “He’s the only one that can take your case, you don’t have a choice. Justin has set up an appointment for you with him, so please, don’t screw this up.”