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The Ruthless CEO'S Substitute Wife

The Ruthless CEO'S Substitute Wife

Autor: PenPain1

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Zaniyah Moore was born into a prosperous family. She possesses abundance, beauty, and talent. Nonetheless, in an unforeseeable twist of destiny, she and her family lost everything. Her parents were indebted, and she had no idea how to repay such a large sum of money. The debt collector desires for her to fulfill all of the Moore family's debts. She did not anticipate, however, that in the midst of her adversity, her long-lost childhood sweetheart would return. Not to rescue her, but to take her as his own. Ambrose Ward, the ruthless Flame Leopard Group Billionaire. Zaniyah's relationship with Ambrose was a living nightmare since she was tortured and abused of love, and it is hard to replace Ambrose's late wife. What can Zaniyah endure for Ambrose owing to their divergent love convictions? How long will she continue to love Ambrose? And … How long is she expected to serve as a replacement wife?
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Chapter 1

Zaniyah's Point of view

I had completely forgotten how long I had been imprisoned in this house or how I ended myself in the company of a ruthless, harsh, and wicked monster. I wish I could knock myself senseless of the fact that the man I desire is merciless.


He quietly calls me to the door. His voice was stern yet strong, and I felt obliged to open the door.

As my hand trembled, I opened it. Our eyes connected, but I was the first to withdraw when I saw his disgusted gaze again, as if I were dirt in front of him.

I took a step back and bowed. "D-do you need anything from me?"

I clenched the sleeveless shirt in my hands and fondled them.

I lifted my eyes when he did not respond.

However, I came to a halt when I saw blood on the side of his tuxedo. My body grew progressively motionless as it froze.

"YOU HAVE BLOOD!" My sense returned to reality because of what I was seeing.

I was about to touch his side when he abruptly shoved me.

“I did not order you to touch me. Remove your filthy hands off." His voice is dead. He also raised his head and stroked his side. Sweat had already built up on his brow. “You are disgusting!”

I shuddered in response to what he said, but I refrained from him not allowing me to speak. "However, your wound—"

“I BOUGHT YOU! Regardless of what I do, it's none of your business!” He did not allow me to continue speaking because he insulted me again in his plummy voice, demonstrating his hate for me.

I tightened my grasp on the hem of my sleeveless shirt. Tears also formed in the corner of my eye.

"Then why did you bring me here?" I murmur to myself, but I know he heard. Slowly, my terrified face recovered and was replaced by an anxious one. "You may simply leave me to the debt collector, why did you rescue me if you would show me the same thing?"

Even though I was scared of what he would do to me, I still had bravery.

"Zaniyah." He throatily addressed me. "Don't ever set your thoughts to nonsensical stuff."

“It’s not n-nonsense! No matter how much I think about why you brought me here, to be abused like this, my capacity cannot cope with it!” I wobbly uttered while stepping backwards.

He gave me a fatigued expression.

“I-I shall sleep now. Please, leave—”

I strangulated when he claimed my lips. He forced himself on my body although I resisted.

“Please! N-no! Stop!" I shrilled. I also closed my eyes due to the ferocity of his lips’ movements.

I took a step back, but my foot met with something in the floor, which caused me to fall and he released me.

He accidentally lay his heavy body on mine.

I checked what was hitting me when I saw the flower vase.

I still couldn't recover when he tore my cover and seized my two hands. He pushed them to the side of my head.

“No! I'm b-begging you ...” I could no longer recognize my voice because it was so feeble.

But no matter what else I implored he would not listen. He still persisted in kissing me when I couldn’t move my body.

When my body gave in to him, I felt his unexpected pause.

I used that opportunity to make one of my hands escape.

I discovered the shattered piece of flower vase in my hand. I clenched my palm and could no longer endure the crystal to puncture my flesh.

"I said s-stop!" I make piercing noises and pound him hard with my fist where the glass is.

I realized his face was also wounded by what I did.

I catch my breath as his eyes get intoxicated.

I could see the softening of his demeanor through his deep eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a hard stare.

He rose up, shifted his eyes away from me, and headed to the door.

"Heal your wound."

I watched him tighten his jaw, but he never returned my gaze, and I heard the door slam.

Rather than being glad that he had vanished, I became even more overwhelmed upon seeing his look.

How did I find myself in this predicament?

Even I like to believe that everything is a dream.

My parents owed money to Dwayne Salvador, the alligator debt collector. He is lending people money and triple the loan. My parents were drowning in debt, and the company for which they worked burst like a bubble.

On the day they intended to kidnap me as payment for what my parents owned, the guy I imagined to be a superhero similar to the one I watched on television appeared unexpectedly.

Ambrose Ward.

If you believe he paid off my parents' debts, you are mistaken.

He had money but chose not to pay, preferring instead...

He killed Dwayne Salvador.

At first, I assumed he was outraged because he was so eager to rescue me and my family.

However, I was wrong...


“Mr. as well as Mrs. Moore. Our family used to have gatherings. You are probably aware that your child will not be abandoned by me. " A man speaking in monotone, trying not to frighten my parents who are now hugging because they are surrounded by men with granite bodies.

"A-ambrose... my child," my mother paused, unable to correctly compose the words she was about to speak.

After a few minutes, no one talked except for my father, who proceeded to express what my mother wanted to say.

"What are you going to do with my daughter?"

"...Your daughter." Ambrose stood up and approached me.

Everybody remained quiet.

He raised my chin and pressed the razor-sharp knife at my neck.

"Assume she is replacing someone who has died."

~Present time~

That is not the only memory that remains in my mind...

How he claimed my body that day still lingers.