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Autor: TheAfricangirl

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Temi did not die in a bang, she wasn't stabbed or gunned down, Temi did not get run over by an incoming car, heck, she had no serial killer after her. She was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time and on the wrong day. ******* Mide Royal was known for one thing; His brave and Efficient work in the police force. But he is asked to take up Temi Adeyemi's case, the last thing he thought was that he would be hunting down a psycothic killer that may know him a lot more than he'd like. Mide must navigate through a world of lies, secrets and hidden truths to uncover what happened that night, and why his gut feeling insists that the person currently behind bars is not Temi's murderer but what happens when the killer challenges Mide to a game of Sane Madness. one that might cost him his sanity.
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Chapter 1

  Would you believe someone was innocent, even though you caught them red-handed? wouldn't that be considered stupidity? isn't that stupid?

        These thoughts roamed around Mide's head, The 27-year-old detective was at his wit's end with his case, he rubbed his face once again with his palm as he paced around his office.

  He sighed as he stared at the case file which currently sat in his hands.

  Temi Adeyemi

  That was the only name they could attach to whatever was left of the girl. The killer was simply psychotic, no arguments there.

  Temi Adeyemi

  He didn't know her too well, He just knew her enough to know that she was his sister's best friend. Temi was Ire's close friend, and he had seen her come over countless times, He had even had a conversation with her once! Temi was not someone who could have an enemy, she was a saint! a pure one! but the drugs found in her system showed otherwise.

  Mide felt conflicted. How exactly was she going to break the news to his sister? How was he going to tell her that her best friend was found detached and soaked in blood in an apartment, and her supposed killer claims Amnesia, He already had issues with Ire. Irewould not take this news lightly.

  Mide groaned loudly when he remembered he was supposed to pick up his fiance, Gina. But Gina would understand. right? he hoped she would.

  He flipped the pages. glancing over and over again, trying to find a loophole, a slight ditch, a small pathway, a tiny leeway but nothing!

  Mide had spent the last five hours staring at this case file, and everything seemed in order, the dates, pictures, events, time frames, it was almost perfect, but there was nothing like the perfect crime, and Mide wanted to prove that!

  He gave up as he plopped down on his office chair. The case file rested on the brown polished table which complemented the cream walls. Mide sighed. threading his hands through his hair, The events of the past few minutes replaying in his mind.

  " I didn't kill anyone! please listen! please ! please! pl-"

  "I wish I could unsee what I just saw" A voice confessed. soon an Afro-haired, dark-skinned lady walked in, her gun tucked into her pocket carefully, and her badge on display.

  It had taken Mide a few minutes to register that he was no longer alone. he raised an eyebrow at the woman who had helped herself to a chair and was now looking at the dreaded file, maybe she...

  "Jane -" He began, but he was cut off abruptly.

  "Save it" she cut him off, Registering the look in the man's eyes and attempting to put out the flames before it began. "It was a case, We solved it. we found the killer, just let it go!" She suddenly roared. She was up to her neck in this too, The press, Media, The higher-ups, they all wanted to get to the bottom of the case and now that they had finally done it, She was not going to let her goody-two-shoes partner ruin it all because he decided to play detective all over again.

  Mide frowned. “It couldn't have been Hannah, you know that! it just doesn't make sense!” He yelled back.

  “What doesn't make sense? There was a dead body, and the killer was found beside the body! what else do you want to know? why are looking for trouble where there is none?” she roared again.

  Silence slapped them both on the cheeks after that. They wanted to speak, but for some reason held back.

  "I'm leaving" Mide announced as he placed his gun in his pocket, collected the file from her, and walked away. He refused to even cast her a final glance. he knew when to give up, and now was not the time. He had this gut feeling, that maybe, just maybe that girl was saying the truth, and his gut feeling was never wrong.


  The interrogation room was quiet, Mide winced as the girl was brought in, she looked tired, confused, and completely exhausted. she did not look like someone who just derived pleasure in killing someone, or was she just a good actor? who knows?

  "I need you to tell me as much as you remember," Mide said as he sat down on the chair opposite the girl.

  Hannah Derele.

  There was not much information on her either, all they knew was that she worked at a bakery close to the scene, she had no family members, and was seen at the bakery twice a week. Today was one of those days.

     Mide was curious though, How did she end up soaked in Temi's blood and holding the murder weapon? Isn't it too convenient for her to claim has no memory of the incident? Everything points to her, The dates, Events, actions, and even witnesses, Hannah was in for a long time in prison, or even the death penalty.

     Mide knew she was smart enough to know this, So why was she claiming Amnesia? how did that fit into the whole puzzle? Mide was confused.

  "I've already told you, for the millionth time, I don't remember anything! I'm blank okay?!" The girl whisper yelled, she was confused, frustrated, and terrified. I mean, how would you feel if you were through into this horror movie where Someone was detached and murdered, and for some reason, people claim you are the "supposed" Murderer.

  Silence hovered around them for a bit. The interrogation room went quiet, even the sound of a pin could be heard before a tiny voice spoke,

  "I remember as much as you do, even less," began, "I remember lights flashing, and..and feeling liquid on me" she recounted as she closed her eyes reliving the horrific moment. Mide caught himself from offering her some form of comfort, He offered her a bottle of water though, what could he do? He also had a sister, and she was his whole world, maybe that's why he was insistent in getting to the bottom of this case, As much as the killer's profile matched that of a psychopath, this girl looked nothing like one, but it isn't written on their faces is it?

  "Screams.." the girl suddenly admitted.  Mide raised an eyebrow at that, coming closer "Screams?"

  The girl nodded, her eyes looking distant "I remember the tearful screams of a girl, and a- Ahh! " the girl suddenly shrieked, Eyes going wide and it took Mide a few minutes to realize she was having a panic attack, He immediately asked for help, and soon she was carried out, but he did not miss the small whispered the girl gave.

  "A chameleon's tatoo"