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Autor: MyMischievous_M

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Madison Brown only wants her mother to be happy once again. After her father’s death due to an illness, she knows that her mother would want a man again who will love her unconditionally. And so, her mother did. Madison felt entirely not happy that her mother found someone that fast but she’s still so happy that her mother found that man. Everything feels so perfect until Rocco Howard, a multi-billionaire businessman, steps inside their house, the son of her mother’s lover, technically he is her stepbrother. Her simple and quiet life suddenly feel crowded, and her heart was filled with unknown feelings that were shattering her sleeping heart. She knows that he’s bad for her. She knows that she shouldn’t feel that way, especially now that they are family. So, to hide her demons that keep wanting the rude and arrogant Rocco Howard…she escapes.
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Chapter 1


Wearing a black dress, heart filled with sorrow I stared with my mother crying on the grave of my father who just died of lung cancer. Tears stream down my cheeks remembering the memories that my father has left of me. I couldn’t believe that he’ll leave us this early. I didn’t even tell him that I love him. He even promised me that he’ll take me to London to visit the British Library.

But now…he’s under that grave where mom cries her agony. It stings my heart to see my mother hurt but I couldn’t comfort her right now because I am also sorrowful. I swallowed hard quietly crying in the corner. Time passed by the visitor who went for the burial of my dad are slowly leaving. I calmed myself down. The sun is almost out. I should convince my mom to go home now.

“Mom…” I approached her but it seems like she doesn’t hear me. She’s spacing out while staring at the name engraved on the tombstone of my father.

“Let’s go home…” I whispered to her. I thought she didn’t hear me, but she stood up quietly. Her shoulder is down and even though she’s wearing a ray ban she couldn’t hide to me her puffy eyes because of her tears.

“Maddy…” she called me. I stared at her. She’s still staring at the tombstone. She wears her white dress, the one she wears on the day of her wedding with my dad. Watching my mother painfully look at my father’s tomb makes my heart crack into pieces.

“You think…your father loved us?” her voice trembled as she speaks. I bit my lower lip as my eyes watered.

“O-Of course…mommy,” my voice cracked as I answer her. She sighed heavily, seems like trying she was trying to erase the heavy feelings that she was carrying in her chest.

“Then why did he leave us?” she looked at me painfully. I swallowed hard when mom started to cry again. She sobbed in pain. I quickly went near her and pulled her for a tight hug. Tears fell down my cheeks as I try to comfort her.

“Mom…nobody wants it…” I whispered. Dad didn’t want to leave us. It’s now his choice, none of us did. It’s just that…dad still wants to fight but his body couldn’t. I saw it. I saw how dad fought for his life, but his body couldn’t make it anymore.

“I want…him back…” she begged as she cried. I tapped her back as if it will make her better. But nothing can make her better. I love my father so much so what more is my mother.

I let my mom stay like that until she feels a little better. I guided her to stand up properly but because she’s a bit heavy she almost split on my hand thankfully someone holds my mother.

I smiled at that person. The first thing I noticed about him is the small cut on his left brow. He’s tall and in my estimation, he’s the same age as my mother.

“Thank you…” I softly said.

“My pleasure…” he said politely. I smiled. He is really a gentleman. He helped me until we got closer to our car. We guided mom to sit on the front seat. I closed the door of the car and faced the man who helped us.

“Thank you for helping me…Sir,” I politely said. The man smiled. He glanced behind me where my mother is.

“Looks like…she’s in deep pain,” his deep voice is comfortable in my ears. I feel comfortable with him or maybe because…he’s kind.

“My father just died…” I sighed. He nodded. “Hope your mother gets better soon,” he said. I smiled and nodded at him. He really is nice.

“Thank you again…sir…” I trailed off because I didn’t know his name. He smiled.

“I’m Solomon Howard,” he introduced himself. I nodded and widely smile at him.

“Thank you, Sir Solomon,” I respectfully said before I waved goodbye and drove the car home. I looked at my mom who was sleeping soundly in the front seat.

I hope everything will be alright again.