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Unexpected But Meant To Be

Unexpected But Meant To Be

Autor: GinikaM

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Unexpected But Meant To Be PDF Free Download


Javier Altamira a man who has everything, fame, wealth, looks and a body that drives women crazy but he is ruthless, never smiles and never apologizes. He is used to getting everything he wants; no one has ever disappointed him; imagine the shock he gets when Kristen Sullivan, the heiress he is supposed to marry cancels their engagement and decides to marry her chauffeur. Even though he does not love her, because according to him, 'love is for the weak', his ego is bruised and his fame is on the line, he must do anything to get Kristen back, even if it means he has to work with a girl below his standards, Megan. Megan Hart, a poor girl considered as a pauper, all her life she's been in love with her childhood friend, Samuel, but Samuel isn't interested in her, and now he is in love with a rich heiress. Megan wants him back by all means, so imagine her happiness when a rich guy comes along with the same goal as her: break Samuel's relationship. It was just a business proposal with one goal, but the unexpected happens. They fell in love.
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Chapter 1

  Javier POV

  Who knew a day that started so well with me waking up while whistling, taking a nice bath, deleting Cassandra's text before bothering to read them, and preparing to take down the Preston&sons holdings, could turn so bad? All because of a little pretty bitchy heiress who thinks life is a football game where she can change the rules anyhow she feels.

  As I said, this day started up nicely until after breakfast. My scrawny, little ugly wrinkled maid who I swear is not more than 40 years hands me a letter. I couldn't even remember her name!

  I've tried to get myself a new maid, but my parents have decided to be a nightmare in this every day dream called life. Ever since they saw me and my beautiful, sexy brunette maid tangled between my bed covers one morning, they have decided to stick Medusa by my side. I didn't blame them though; sometimes I forget to use condoms, only God knows what would have happened if that brunette maid hadn't stopped making Hollywood trips to my bed.

  I looked at the letter in my hands; I hardly received letters, it was always some bad news that the person didn't have the courage to say in person.

  Sometimes, this bad news could also be some poorly written or thoroughly composed letter of someone who wishes to share my bed. Too bad I'm highly selective. You have to be pretty and sexier than Nicki Minaj in other to make it to first base with me.

  The letter was perfumed and had Sullivan's signature stamped on it; surely it wasn't from any wannabe Mrs. Altamira. I straightened up as I tore the letter open.

  To Javier Altamira,

  We are sorry to say that new plans have been made concerning your engagement to our daughter, Kristen.

  Kristen suddenly called off the engagement and ran away from home. Apparently, she is in love with her chauffeur and plans to stay with him forever.

  I am very disappointed to deliver this news to you; our family had never been ones to disappoint or break an agreement. I assure Kristen is currently on the verge of being disowned.

  We don't know if there is a chance that her mind would change and she would come back to her senses, for now, we just felt the need to inform you and your family about the current state of things.

  Thank you,


  WHAT! This letter can't be serious, right? The letter must be a prank letter. No... It's real, as is the stamp and signature, I've seen them a lot during business transactions to know the real and fake. This is real.

  Who the hell does Kristen think she is? Does she know what this childish act of hers could do to me? And seriously! Her chauffeur? Her chauffeur! You got to be kidding me.

  Then I heard our castle door slam open as the angry older version of me stomps inside, my father, Richard Altamira. God, please let me escape this confrontation that I know is heading towards me like a fucking tornado.

  "Javier, Javier where the hell are you?”My father screamed out.


  OK, I could be Alpha male, Zeus, Superman, etc. But, when it comes to facing my angry father, I'd rather just lock myself up in a room. No wonder the employees, male or female, always look as if they were going to wet themselves whenever I reprimand them. I am a striking image of my father and am proud to say I inherited my good looks, brains and business skills from him, but sadly I also inherited his terrible temper, arrogant and unforgiving self. I don't know where I got my womanizer skills. Probably from my great grandfather; He had four wives and seven concubines from the good old days.

  "I'm here dad” I said coming out for the pillar structure I hid behind. If there is anything I learned in life, it's not being a coward, face your fears, accept and deal with the consequence.

  "You! You incompetent good-for-nothing boy!”My father stormed with rage as his surprisingly still firm hand swipes across my face, the impact making me tilt my head to the side involuntarily.

  "How can you let this happen? The only thing I trusted you with completely; and you blew it the first chance you got!”he raged.

  God, he was angry.

  Placing my hand on my now aching jaw, I tried to plead to his inner conscience, that's if he still has one. "Dad it wasn't- I don't-"

  "Shut up, will you just shut up?!”he ranted, cutting me off, by now I saw my mom already rushing down the staircase to see what all the ruckus is about.

  "I told you, I made sure you understood how important it is that you married Kristen Sullivan! One reason was that it is ideal for our family business and name. Another reason was that marriage with the Sullivans would bring forth blessings and protection. Also, Federico and I made a pact that our children would get married, how could you ruin this!”He bellowed.

  Yeah, he had a bad temper but so did I, I couldn't stand that he is putting all the blame on me; I didn't do anything that could have caused our 10-year engagement to come crashing down.

  "How is it my fault, I didn't do no fucking thing to cause that Sullivan bitch to call off our engagement, I am innocent!”I shouted back.

  "That's how it's your fault; you were supposed to marry her, yet all these while you didn't do anything! If you had paid more attention to her, maybe she wouldn't have seen how much of a loser you are, and maybe she wouldn't have picked a chauffeur over you!”he shouted back.

  I was about to fire back about how I sent her flowers and chocolate every month and how it isn't my fault that she has lower standards in choosing a man, but my mom signaled for me to keep silent before this whole thing gets out of hand and somebody ends up in the hospital. I listened to her; I always listen to her.

  "You better win Kristen back, if this whole thing gets to the press, we'll be--”He cuts off his sentence and sighs. "Just make sure you don't disappoint me or our family name” my dad said, calmer now, my mom's presence tends to that a lot. Then he storms up to his room.

  Anger and rage boiled in me, I could feel my face getting hot, it was as if I was going to choke and faint soon. I grabbed my tie and angrily loosened it, I can't believe this, how can this happened; I turned around and saw the Butler watching me, he was probably thinking about what a big loser I was, just like my father.

  "What?! What?!”I yelled at the looking Butler as I matched towards him.

  "Nothing, no-nothing si-si-r” he couldn't finish his miserable statement as I grabbed the bottle on his tray and was battling between smashing it on his head or pouring the content over his head, I think I am going with the first one.

  As if reading my thoughts he immediately got down on his knees and started apologizing.

  I smashed the bottle. On the floor of course and angrily as it made a bombing sound, making pieces of glass fly everywhere. The poor Butler was about to have a heart attack as he trembled in fear, I kicked him hard in his stomach and stormed away heading for my room.

  I need to talk to someone who would understand me; I need to figure a way out of this mess.

  I turned to the little maid standing on the staircase with a vacuum; as I looked at her I almost saw her life jump out leaving only her body to face the angry beast that is me.

  "Call Clyde, tell him to come now!”I yelled to her, she just nodded, her head facing down. As soon as I left, I heard her slump to the floor, that's her problem.

  Today would be a long day.
