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Rise Of The Betrayed Luna

Rise Of The Betrayed Luna

Autor: de_writer

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Rise Of The Betrayed Luna PDF Free Download


Olivia has always been the perfect wife to Alpha Lewis despite his cold demeanor towards her. That soon ends when she becomes pregnant, thinking his kindness stems from the idea of their united packs finally having an heir. But it soon becomes clear that all is not as it seems. Olivia discovers that Lewis has a lover and plans to divorce her the moment she gives birth to claim his lover as his mate. Angered, Olivia signs the divorce papers wanting to escape from the heartless couple and take the one thing Lewis wants from her. An heir. But when she escapes, Olivia runs straight into the arms of a rival Alpha and strikes a deal with him to take everything from Lewis. *** Mature Content (18+)
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Chapter 1

Yawning, Olivia stretched her arms before slowly sitting up on the massive bed. She glanced over at the window noticing that the sun was setting, the last rays of light hitting every corner of the massive master bedroom.

Looks like I dozed off again. Olivia thought to herself. Who knew being pregnant with twins would make me so tired.

Her wolf howled in agreement as she subconsciously placed a hand on her slightly bulging stomach, smiling at the life growing with her. Olivia had been wanting children with her husband, Lewis, for years, thinking it would finally thaw that cold demeanor of his and make their marriage a perfect one.

And to her surprise and joy, the pregnancy had thawed his coldness towards her. Upon finding out that she was pregnant, Lewis had been nothing but attentive, not wanting her to lift a finger and keep herself healthy.

Everything was perfect at last. All that was left…

“Please tell me how long I have to wait?!” A female voice suddenly cried out. “I cannot bear watching you go to that hussy every night.”

Olivia stilled at the familiar voice, frowning in confusion. What was her twin sister doing here? Ava was meant to be on a business trip. And what did she mean by those words?

Olivia glanced to the direction of the bedroom door where the voices came from behind it wondering what was going on. Her wolf whined as if something bad was going to happen.

“Hush Ava.” A male voice hissed, sending a chill down Olivia’s spine. “Olivia is sleeping inside. I don’t need her waking up right now and finding out about this. Let me check on her and we’ll discuss this more in my office.”

“Just hurry up.” Ava huffed. “I hate when you’re with her.”

“I’ll be quick.” The male voice murmured softly. “Don’t worry. You’ll have your rightful place soon. Everything will be ours.”

The sound of her husband's voice made Olivia cover her mouth before she could let out a gasp. Her wolf whimpered at the sound and tried to console her. There was no way those two were…

She wanted to deny it but Olivia knew it was stupid to. There was no way she could mistake those words for something else.

They were lovers.

Realizing that broke something in Olivia, tears pricking her eyes as her wolf continued to whimper, understanding her pain. For years, she had been working hard trying to be the perfect wife and Luna to Lewis and he had gone and destroyed it.

Her picture perfect life shattered into pieces as her heart broke, anger leaking out into her blood. Rage soon filled her.

How dare they?! After everything she had done and sacrificed?!

Olivia swiftly got up ready to confront the adulterous couple when the door opened with Lewis stepping into the room. He stilled upon seeing Olivia standing beside the bed in her gown, his face going cold.

“How much?” Lewis growled out at her, taking a few steps towards her.

“Enough to know that my husband is cheating on me with my own sister!” Olivia cried out in rage. “How dare you go behind my back after everything?!”

Her wolf cried for blood, wanting her to tear up the shameless man but Olivia clenched her fists instead until she drew blood. She was pregnant and looking into Lewis’ dark brown eyes, she knew one wrong move and he would not hesitate to harm her.

Her unborn children came first. She had to protect them and if she attacked Lewis, who knew what he would do. The man was a ruthless Alpha of the biggest pack in the region.

He had killed countless for looking at him the wrong way. If he could cheat on her with her own sister, that bastard wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.

Lewis sighed in frustration, giving Olivia a look of disgust. “I guess there’s no point in hiding it then. Your sister and I are mates. She’s everything you’re not and worthy of my love.”

Olivia gritted her teeth at the words. How could she be so stupid into thinking he would even warm up to her. That a child would finally solve their marital problems. It clearly wouldn’t, not when her husband had another in his heart. It never would.

She hated Lewis for what he had done but more than that she hated herself for believing their marriage could work out. How could she love such a bastard?

The love she had for him turned to hatred, it becoming a venom that fueled her rage. She was going to make this bastard regret crossing her. She was done playing the obedient wife.

“If you loved her so much, why me?” Olivia growled. “Why make me suffer in this loveless marriage when you could have easily been with her?”

“Because you wouldn’t let go. You had to be the one that married me.” Lewis muttered.

“I would have stepped back if I had known.” Olivia retorted. “Don’t blame me for this. You should have opened your mouth. Both of you should have said something”

And she would have stepped back. Olivia had married Lewis to unite the Nightfall Pack and the Frostfang Pack, and make it a stronger pack. Had she known they loved each other, she would have let her sister take her place. She loved her sister, Ava’s happiness more important to her than power.

Clearly her sister didn’t feel the same way seeing how she had betrayed Olivia.

“It doesn’t matter now.” Lewis rubbed his forehead like this conversation was a headache. “Now that you know, this is how things are going to work. You’re going to give birth to my heirs and then you’re going to leave quietly. No if, buts or why. Nothing. You disappear after signing the divorce papers or I kill you.”

“What do you think I am? Your baby maker.” Olivia spat out, unable to hold her tongue as she saw red. “You cheat on me and now you want to make demands. You’re crazy!”

“That’s exactly what you are.” Lewis growled, Olivia sensing his wolf coming out. “You’re nothing more than a surrogate for Ava. Something to be used and disposed of. And I can do what I want. No one is going to stop me from locking you up until you give birth.”

Suddenly, everything clicked into place. Lewis wanted to only complete the mate ritual once they had children. Olivia agreed to it despite hating the idea as her pack, Frostfang, needed help with attacking rogues.

But he never planned to do the mating ritual with her, using Olivia to give him the heirs he needed before he threw her away for her sister who could never have children because of an accident.

Like he said, she was something they would use and dispose of if she got in the way.

Goddess, I’m so dumb. Olivia thought to herself as tears ran down her face. How could I have been so blind not to see this coming?

They never said anything because they wanted to use her first. Wanted her to surrogate their heirs so they could keep a hold of the pack. She was nothing but a tool for them to gain more power.

“Where are the divorce papers?” Olivia asked, silently knowing he had them prepared already.

She needed to get away from him and the pack. The betrayal, even just being near him, was making her skin crawl, bile threatening to come up.

Olivia wanted to destroy the bastard for using her but she needed to be smart about it or she would never get her revenge.

“They’re in my office.” Lewis stated with an indifferent tone. “But It’s useless to plan an escape. I’ll break your legs before you can even make it out of this pack house.”

Olivia bit her lip, wanting to retort. But she needed to be rational about this. Lewis would do as he threatened if he got a whiff of her planning to escape. And he would kill her in the most horrific way once she had given birth. Ava wouldn’t stop him.

“Give me them so I can sign them. I don’t wish to be with a bastard like you.” Olivia muttered, her words causing Lewis to growl. She ignored the intimidating aura he was giving off and continued, “I’ll give birth and leave quietly but I want to be compensated.”

Lewis raised a brow, his guard going down a little, confused by her words. “Compensated?”

“Yes. If you’re going to use me, at least pay me.” Olivia said, trying to keep her voice calm as a plan formed in her mind. “Give me half a million for the heirs and it’ll be like I never existed. But I want it now along with the divorce papers so I can prepare for my life outside the pack.”

Lewis was silent for a moment, clearly taken aback by her proposal. But that was exactly what Olivia needed him to think. After all, he could never see her running off with her children coming. She would take his heirs and hide them before she came back to take everything else.

She would destroy everything before his very eyes before ending him. Olivia would make him and her sister regret ever betraying her.

“Fine.” Lewis nodded, moving closer to her.. “I want everything to be over between us anyway. I’ll have Monty wire you the money so you can make preparations to disappear.“

Lewis then suddenly grabbed her chin, forcing her to gaze into his cruel eyes. ”But be warned, if you try anything, I will not hesitate to make sure you never see the light of day.”