
Lee y descubre un mundo nuevo

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Autor: Princess579

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" Mom I am " the soft voice of a child woke me up from my sleep. Just yesterday I got notification that I will be transferred in a book and I am here. And now I am here with two children to feed and a house to take care....hope things go well.
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Chapter 1

" Player has two days to get ready. " A message flashed in my phone. Well I have to get ready fast and take what I want to take with me. You must be confused so let me explain you.

My name is stella swan and I live in GTS hospital....yep I have cancer and slowly I am dying. Doctors have given me few months to live and its horrible. My once ex thought its such work to take care of a dying woman and left. I don't have family so I am pretty much dying alone.

But yesterday I got a dream...a very strange one. I saw a very old village with its snow covered roads and trees. As I walked further I saw a broken house, the roof is all broken.....not enough to hold the rain water. The whole house is broken and in pitiful condition.

As I was looking around I saw a set of children one boy and another girl watching me...they have a curious look on their eyes. Like they want to say something but cant put it in words. Their large almond eyes, skinny appearance has made my heart painful. I walked towards them and sat infront of them.

They are in such sorry state...but before I could ask anything one of them said " we are hungry

mummy. " And with that my dream was over.When I woke up it was first time that I remembered any dream with such details.

And the sorry state of the children's was fresh in my brain. I wanted to just go and give them bath, feed them and wrap them in warm blankets...but I knew that wasn't possible since it was a dream. But than I felt strange.

I started to hear a girls voice in my head...first I thought I was going mad...than I thought my time has come. But than the voice said something different. It said " stella swan...I am a system. You can call me stary. I am responsible for keeping three thousand worlds. We constantly look for souls who can work with us to control those worlds...and this time its you. Will you join the system. "

I was very confused so I asked ' what it meant?' so the voice explained that it would take my soul and put it in different bodies so that I could help the people who are in verge of death...and like this I can be here for a long time...well sign me in. I agreed.

So the system who is also called stary logged in my phone. She gave me bunch of instructions and the plot story which I have to read.

Its about a lady called stella Moore...same name as me. She was in love with the village chief but that man never loved her. The village chief like her sister and married her. Stella was heartbroken. She and her sister never had a good relationship. So her parents got her married in a distance village to an army man.

Those days posts like that were highly respected as it was hard to earn bread...getting education was a distance dream. She some how excepted him as her faith but she didn't liked her In laws much and got seperated from them. With her husband Asher Moonstone's salary her life was good. He used to visit twice a year. And together they had two children.

But in her heart she still loved that other man...all she had for Asher was duty not love...never love. She neglected her house, her children, cried for other man making joke of herself in the village, and finally when she couldn't take the humiliation she committed suicide....and thats how I go in it. I have many things to point but first shopping.

I will be leaving soon...and I dont want those scams to gain anything from me. The voice who talks with gave me an invisible storage...its door is linked with my mind. I can open and close it anytime I want. Food will stay fresh here...doesnt matter if its cooked or raw.

I made a list of the things I need to buy and once I do I will put in the storage so that I could feed those skinny kids.

I took my notepad to see if I had missed anything or not :

1. Meat

2. Medicine

common cold, fever, stomach problems, injuiry


3. Rice

4 Milk powder

for tea

and for the kids too.

5. Pulses

wheat, barely, moongdaal

6. Three big blankets

that place is in pretty cold area.

7. Fruits

Apple, watermelon, oranges, grapes, litchi, mangoes

8. Some cloth pieces to make cloth

dull colors as the time looked pretty much early. Not much colors are available in cloths


9. sanitary products

soap, sampoo, cloth washing powder

and for other hygiene materials they said it will be their in the storage provided by them


10. Dish and cloth washing soap must be bought, and something to clean toilets.

11. Chocolate bars, vanilla flavors, and few frozen foods.

12. Instant noddless, chips and few cold drinks for myself

couldnt drink for illness cant miss out on that

13. condensed milk, honey jar, different types of sauces.

14. Cold cream, lotions, oils for body and hair, cream for broken skin. Some facial materials...have to stay beautiful.

15. Eggs, wool and cotton.

16. Few of my favorite books series.

17. Towels, pillows, bedsheets and doormats.

And other things I will buy from the market if I need them. I have saved up a lot in my account and I asked the system if anyone was coming in my place for whom I should keep money. It said I dont have to worry about anything. I donated my house to a foster family.

And now I will spent my money buying things that will help me survive on that world. I am too excited for my new journey.