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Massage Me Deep

Massage Me Deep

Autor: Shaniqua Hill

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Eva just wanted to work doing the thing she loved most, Masseuse. Now that she can finally get back to work after a scandal from her last job, her life started to feel at ease until her boss, the owner of the hotel Nicolei disguises himself as a client. Sparks start to fly between them that neither one of them were prepared for. Nicolei now looking for a new partner sees something in Eva she didn't see in herself. Therefore she now has become his prey and he will stop at nothing to get her to become his slave of pleasure.
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Chapter 1

Nicolei sat in the room with the Board of Directors contemplating jumping out of the window at the thought of one more advertising idea for the hotel now. How many more fashion shows, concerts, shopping malls, restaurants could they have in his already multi Billion corporation. His hotels were always on top. Always fast growing. There was no need for another marketing idea. There was nothing that could spark his interest anymore.

“Of Course, if we set up the merger with Vincent Dellano we will expand so much more rev…”

“Let me stop you right there.” Nicolei stood up from his chair then as the Board members seemed to tremble almost, keeping away from his eyes. He was feared by most, which was better than being respected. His father was respected, and Nicolei knew how that turned out. “Vincent Dellano merge proposal is never and will never be an option. They are rival companies, not friends. I thought everyone on this staff understood that.” His eyes darted to the rest of the team, who veered away from his gaze. “The next person who brings up his name will be fired on the spot is that clear?”

The lead board member nodded, seemingly displeased, but compliant. Nicolei looked at the board in front of him with a heavy sigh. If he had to choose something new to go along with which one of these ideas would better suit him. None of the new food places caught his attention. Neither did the shops. Down at the bottom of the board was for a massage parlor. Now that was something he never had in the hotels. He pointed to the board, looking back at the team.

“Who thought of this one?”

An older lady stood up from the back of the table, hands slightly raised. “I did sir. We haven’t made it to that presentation. We can do it now if you need…”

Nicolei held up his hand. “No need. I like the idea. How soon can we set into motion?”

“As early as next week sir. The set up is just an old shop that we can use. We have the equipment contractor on standup. I can get the paperwork together by the end of today.”

Nicolei nodded and turned to walk out the room with just a bow of his head leaving the Board members perplexed by the way he acted. Outside the door he could hear them mumble their dissatisfying opinions about him. Was he an asshole? Yes. Could he have been more of a better, smiling entertaining boss? Absolutely, but in the end what would any of that get him? Becoming the richest man in the hospitality industry wasn’t an easy feat. It helped his father was also a small owner, but he never would’ve made it to this grand scale. It was Nicolei strong will and strong fist that rewarded him luxuries. It was the only thing he could rely on especially now. He came so far.

Walking away from the door with a smirk as his board talked shit, gave him a boost of confidence he needed to complete the day. His secretary, Phillip walked by him, fast pacing to catch up. “Sir you have the lunch meeting with Mrs. Gaines in an hour. Should I get the car ready?”

Nicolei sighed. “No not today. Cancel it.”

“Again? She insisted that…”

Nicolei turned to Phillip eyebrows raised as he dared to question his decision. Abagail Gaines was turning into more of an obligation than a relationship. It was fun while it lasted, placing on a persona to help her boost her company which Nicolei profited from as well, but now she was becoming far too clingy. Far to needy. Sex was boring. She talked a lot about money, raising the profit margin, the next big lunch, the next big dinner, and more so about herself. It caused Nicholas to roll his eyes at her.

“I will deal with Abagail, Phillip. Please block her from the list of calls unless it is about business.” Phillip nodded and walked off leaving Nicolei alone to his phone in his hand. While the phone rang, he walked casually to his office, closing the door behind him. Even though he didn’t care about his appearance. A part of him didn’t want the masses to hear about his personal life. It was part of the being feared part, no one knew who the true Nicolei Korinthos was. NO weaknesses.

“Are you cancelling on me again?” Abagail’s sharp tone came up on the other end of the phone, clearly upset already. “This lunch was the most important to me. The women’s ball luncheon for all the…”

“Married women at your club. Yes I remember. Which is one of the reasons I will not be attending. We are not married Abagail and showing me off as some prize isn’t appealing to me. I’m sure there will be someone else who can escort you to this lunch.”

“There isn’t anyone else.” She replied with a sigh. “You can’t do this to me again.”

Nicolei sighed, sadden he had to give her the hard news. “Abagail, I know you aren’t the type of woman to take no for an answer so I will put it to you this way. You are boring therefore you can’t find someone. You are vain, plain, and rather clueless with people. Rather clueless with me. I have been avoiding this conversation with you, but you need to hear this from me. Stop calling me. We are not lovers, friends or anything of the like. It was all for show which is now the façade is over. Its daunting being in your presence. I hope this becomes clear with you.”

Abagail tried to get words out, but nothing was coming out. “You’re dumping me?”

Nicolei sighed as he just hung up the phone hoping she wouldn’t call back. His eyes darted to the closet, hands on his chin, dick throbbing with need. Even though Abagail didn’t satisfy him as he would like. He still needed a good fuck from the stresses of the day. All his partners tended to get too clingy and wanted far more than Nicolei could give them. His world was the most social, but the loneliest. The con of being feared, who would care about him?

A Month Later

Eva walked into the hotel head held high as she finally got to be taken seriously getting the job as a masseuse even though her skills succeed above average. She also had a special skill pressure point. Knowing different points of the body that performs different task expanding her horizons as a masseuse. Her boss Racheal recommended she come work for her at the new Hotel Korinthos Building. As a small city girl, she never imagined herself working smack dap in the busy city, making far more than she could imagine.

Her attire was the usual scrubs, but once she walked in she admittedly felt out of place. The expensive business attire walking in and out the hotel instantly told her what her clientele would be. She had to take a deep breath before entering the revolving door and turning to the right of the hall to the massage parlor which opened in a few minutes. Racheal instantly grabbed her pulling her in the parlor in a panic.

“You were supposed to be here at 8:30am.” Eva checked her watch. It was only 3 minutes pass. She rolled her eyes not responding. “This is our first day opening and Oh my god! The VP may come down to interview us. Did you see the media outside ready to bombard us with questions and scrutiny? I’m not ready.”

Eva grabbed her shoulders to calm her down. “You are overthinking. It will be fine. This is why you hired me. I am great with media relations. I did a commercial once at my old place. It will be like that. Just smile and give them the information.”

Racheal nodded while inhaling and exhaling. Eva grabbed her hand and began to massage the upper part of the web between the index and the thumb, soothing her tension away. Racheal looked at her as she closed her eyes and focused on calming her. This was why she was hired. She loved to be able to calm the nerves of people, relax them, and most importantly bring pleasure to anyone.

The door flew open causing Racheal to jerk away instantly. The entire board and the VP surrounded them, making them look good. One of the board members handed Eva a new uniform to wear to impress the media. They even had makeup and hair stylist there to spruce them up in a way that Eva even felt overwhelmed.

“Will the man himself be joining us for today festivities?” Racheal asked almost hopeful. Eva caught that gleam in her eyes as she looked to one of the board members. The board member seemed to look at each other, then shook their heads slowly.

“But there will be the VP in everyone else here for the grand opening. Unfortunately, Mr. Korinthos had other engagements.” Racheal sighed, disappointed. Eva confused as to why the head of the company wouldn’t want to be apart of the event. This was the beginning of something new, but she supposed when you are the head of everything this event is no different than any other. Still, she was hoping to see his face as well. From the chatter she heard, Nicolei Korinthos was a very handsome man, but brutal. A sheer asshole. Eva wondered if the rumors about him were true.

“The Opening to Korinthos Massage Parlor has officially opened!”