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Autor: Chichix

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“He might not be a devil but, working under him for six weeks is my idea of hell” Hayes Flynn is an arrogant jerk known best for his scotch habit and the way he spreads his Canadian “charm” all over girls, never the same woman twice. He's the last person I want to work for, except he has a face I can't look away from. The longer we're together, the harder he is to hate. Because under that smug exterior is a heart he doesn't wanna show... One that was badly broken decade earlier. A part of me wants to fix it for him before I leave... But can I do it without breaking my own in the process? My job is to understand him and be a good nanny to his kids. His goal is to break me. Only one of our two hearts will survive. Let the cruel game begin.
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Chapter 1

“Work for me”

"What! Are you serious?" She asked, her eyeballs pulling out of their socket as she stared wide at him.

He was just standing not so far from her, his beautiful cologne scent filling her nostrils. His dark eyeballs gazing through hers with an arrogant look on his face.

"Are you in or not Miss? I won't ask twice" He said and she scoffed.

"You smashed my phone on the floor with your stupid car and all you've got to say is work for me?!" She yelled.

"A new phone? Is that what you want?" He asked and she hissed.

“What does he take me for? Cheap?”


The road was sloppy and wet as a result of the rain that fell last night. Tessa had just come down from a taxi cab. She was really desperate for job at that moment that forgot where her phone was.

"Wait, my phone!" Her eyes widened when she turned and her eyes landed on a latest brand new Samsung Galaxy S10.

She almost rushed to pick it and that was when the devil's car smashed it.

"My baby!!!!!" She screamed, almost running mad immediately. The person in the car stopped abruptly when he heard her scream and he suddenly came down.

She walked angrily to him and pushed his chest.

“How dare you?! Do you know how much I bought that phone! Do you know how much I payed for the screen guard?” She shouted but he just there without any expression on his face.

"Incase you don't know who you're talking to I'm the CEO of Flynn's Holdings and you're blocking my way" He replied, referring to a building just behind them. That was when Tessa turned to look at the building she was just about entering.


"Huh?" She quickly covered her mouth, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She just embraced herself in front of him. The CEO.

"Work for me" That was what he brought up next.

"What! Are you serious?"


The beeping of the smashed phone and the screams from the alarm was enough to wake a normal human being up but, not Tessa Thompson.

Her loud snores filled her room with her legs being thrown in the air. Her phone kept beeping repeatedly but, that didn't stop her snores.

The door flew open, and Natalie, Tessa's best friend, walked in angrily with Kelly her pet dog.


That was when, Tessa remembered she has a job to do. She hastily ran out of bed, rushing straight into the bathroom.

“You came back home and just fell asleep, how did your job hunting went?” Natalie scoffed.

"Please don't ask me that" Tessa shot going to have a quickie shower.

"Okay" Natalie scoffed , playing with Kelly as she left the room.

Soon, She was done with her bath. Putting on a plain jean and a shirt plus a fur jacket, she grabbed her handbag before zooming out of her room.

"Hi Kelly!" She smiled when Kelly ran towards her.

"So, going to meet your one time crush? Hayes Flynn" Nathalie asked from behind and Tessa rolled her eyes.

"He isn't my crush Nat! He's a brat! But my newest boss!" She drawed and Nathalie snickered.

"Anyway...gotta go, bye!" Tessa exclaimed, rushing out of the apartment.

"Wait, you haven't... Oh she's gone!"



Tessa ran all the way into the building, she didn't even mind the receptionist calling her. All she needs to do was accept Hayes's offer. She needs the money anyways.

She was still walking hastily when she ran into a guy in the elevator. She nearly bumped into him.


"Watch it miss" The guy snapped at her, pressing the few buttons. Tessa raised her head to look at whoever it was, her eyes widened when she saw a figure just like that of Hayes. Just the same height, even his eyes and face looks exactly like him.

"Stop staring at me or else you're gonna fall" He cut in and she scoffed, turning to the other side.

"Just as arrogant as Hayes Flynn" She muttered and he chuckled as he turned to her, his one hand in his pocket.

"Do you know I'm his younger brother?" He whispered to her, much closer to her.

"Huh?!!!" She shouted, going far from him and he chuckled again.

The elevator opened and he stepped out. Tessa made to go out too, and that's when he turned back to look at her.

"You're sexy bitch" He winked naughtily at her before walking out of her sight. She didn't see him again.

"Me? Bitch? Who the fúck..."

"Please no swearing words" A voice spoke from the floor and Tessa turned to see a teen lady holding piles of books looking like documents in her hands.


"Follow me" The lady instructed, walking away, Tessa followed.

"Gosh Tessa! You talk and swear too much!" She muttered and smacked her head.

The lady turned to a door and knocked gently on it.

"Sir" She called.

"Linda, come in" A hoarse voice was heard from inside and Tessa's throat itched.

“Hayes Flynn?” She thought.

"Follow me" Linda said and Tessa obliged, following her inside.

Right there she saw Hayes Flynn, working on his laptop. He seems so engrossed in whatever he was doing cus he wasn't sparing them any glance.

"Someone came in sir" Linda spoke again and that was when he raised his head from his laptop.

His eyes net with Tessa's and he slowly clenched his fist. The lady who insulted him back there. He didn't believe she would actually turn on to his proposal.

"Leave us Linda" He said.. Linda bowed before going outside, giving them some privacy.

Hayes stood up from his swivel chair, inserting his hands in his pocket as he went to stand in front of her. He's tall and huge but she was quite an average with a tiny figure making her look cute.

“So you've got the mind to step into my company... What if I arrest you for entrance?” A smirk crept up on his lips as he said those words.

"Then... Then , I'll arrest you for also smashing my new phone" She replied and he bit his lips.

"I like you already. You're brave." He whispered..

"Well Sir, I'm here to accept whatever proposal you have for me"

Hayes sighed loudly, dropping his hands from his pocket. He went to stand beside the window, gazing through the colourful atmosphere.

"Be my sons Nanny for six weeks" He replied.

"Why? You couldn't even ask me if I want it? Nor a please would do" She rolled her eyes at him.

"Please? When you badly need the job Miss Tessa Thompson?"


"Accept or nah?"

"I accept... Just for six weeks" She nodded with a smile.

"Good! Now your job starts now... Here's my home address, my two boys are gonna be coming back from school soon and I need you to take good proper care of them... One of them is allergic to peppers especially chilly peppers" He instructed, handing her a small card.

She stared at the card in her hands and back at him.

"But how do I know which one is allergic?" She questioned.

"You'll know. They are both smart" Be replied, walking to sit back on his chair.

"Start now!" He added.

"Yes sir" She replied, rushing outside. He chuckled when he saw the way she ran outside.

“She hasn't seen anything yet...” He mumbled under his breath, before concentrating back on his laptop.



Tessa didn't need a taxi cab since Hayes prepared everything like he had known she'd come back to him. He actually instructed one of his personal drivers to bring her to his place.

"Thanks" Tessa smiled when she came out from the car.

"My pleasure miss Thompson" The driver smiled back and Tessa chuckled, shaking her head as she walked into the house.

She mouthed a big wow when her eyes met the cool colourful walls of the house, the frames on the wall giving it more dazzling and alluring looks.

“How can an arrogant jerk be living in this kind of house?”

She didn't know when she walked to a frame and started touching them one by one. One was a picture of a cute baby boy and the other was another cute boy. Her eyes went to another and she saw the guy who she bumped into at the company.