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Eternal Obsession

Eternal Obsession

Autor: Failia_Baighaan



Eternal Obsession PDF Free Download


It is neither love nor lust. It was nothing but an Obsession. And I am nothing but his ETERNAL OBSESSION. *** Violet Cadhill, A normal girl, enjoying her life and doing a simple job at the bakery with the dream of opening her own bakery one day. Being a painfully oblivious girl, she couldn't notice the despair chasing her. When Raymond Smith, an arrogant billionaire saw her for the first time, he was instantly attracted to her as the urge to make her his was aroused in him and he was willingly to do anything to get her. Blind in the fire of possession, he forced her to marry him. Aware of the fact his actions are not the result of his love but rather... obsession. Quotes:- "If there is anything as kindness in your heart, I shall find it" "Oh don't worry love~I won't hurt you physically. But the other ways aren't very promising either"
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Chapter 1

Raymond POV:-

There's happiness in his heart... But, not for me. There's anger in his eyes... But, not for me.. There's love in his soul... But, Not for me.

“Father, Please, I apologize!!”

My cries echoed in the room, marks being imprinted on my skin for not being able to be a perfect son according to their definition but-

“Please stop! I am sorry!”

My cries were so meaninglessly thundering that even Celine’s shouting cannot conceal the boom in my anguish.

What did they gain by this?

I say, what defines a perfect son or their method of taming could cease the agony of my heart?

Or would I rip the tiny shred of non-existent emotions from my soul?

Well, you are going to find out now.

What my damned Father turned me into…

"Raybro!!" My younger sister called me jumping into my arms, hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head, "Welcome home." I said softly, pulling away from her.

My dear sister, Celine, had just returned from her trip, being a journalist.

She is the only person I have loved in my life, my reason to smile.

"How was your trip?" I asked, patting her head.

She grinned, being cheery as usual and replied, "It was great! God, I can’t tell how pretty Italy is! I have stayed in Rome for now but I wanna try other cities too!"

Being a twenty years old woman, she is very childish and unnecessarily loud that her tone sometimes goes beyond bearable.

"Anyways Raybro!" She called me, being loud as usual. Sometimes it feels as if she has a speaker in her vocal cords.

I hummed and she continued, "Can you get me a cake? You are going out as well. Get me a cake before you go." She said sweetly.

"Celine, I am going for my meeting. I-" She cut me off.

“Please.." She gave me her puppy eyes, she knows I cannot refuse her demands no matter how busy I am and sometimes she takes advantage of my leniency towards her.

"Celine, I-"

I tried to say firmly but her look made me melt and after returning, the first thing she does is to send none other than her brother to get her some damn sweets.

There were a million things I could do in the morning but no, here I am.

“What was it again?” I asked myself, holding my chin.

She could have done it on her way back or sent someone else but no. I sighed as I was about to enter the bakery. I bumped into someone who was extremely impudent.

"What the hell! Can't you watch where you are going?!"

A woman yelled at me. I was already irritated and she made me more annoyed, narrowing my eyes in ire.

“What the hell?” I scoffed. I could barely control my rage because it seems like this woman is taking someone else’s rage on me and it is totally unacceptable.

I raised my infuriated gray orb only to meet a pair of hazel eyes, shimmering in the sunlight like a crystal one desires.

“Can’t you watch?”

Her slightly yet attractive hair tied in a side messy bun. Her eyes filled with pure innocence, it was anger but no menace- I can tell.

She looked so pure.. She is somewhat..different or is it the effect of my gaze but I felt a pinch in my chest upon seeing her.

Of course I have seen girls more alluring than her but that girl has another charm on her- a privilege to be noticed by ‘me’.

“Hmm?” When I looked at her, my heartbeats got out of my control, sending eerie sensations to me.

I don't understand what happened to me that time, I was still watching her, immersed in the enthrall she induced by her insolence foreseeing-ly.

“Hello, Mr? What the hell?” She snapped her fingers in front of me, dragging me out of my thoughts.

Making me remember she yelled at me while being in a hurry herself and placing it upon me, moreover being rude to me. Me, Raymond Smith.

‘How dare she.’

"I am watching, but there are some people like yourself that do not possess a blessed human feature known as Eyes" I retorted, rolling my eyes off at her, irked by her behavior.

"Okay. If you possess this blessed feature then, you should have used it and stopped where the hell you were." She hissed.

Lips curled downwards and It was clear on her face she had a rough start of the day and used me as a medium to shift her rage towards.

“Can’t you do the same? What’s your problem?” I scoffed.

That different appeal of hers is arousing my desire for her disregarding the fact she is pinching my nerves.

“What is your problem?” Normally, I would ignore noisy people like her but right now, she is the witch who managed to pique my interest.

Yet amid all this, she managed to grasp my attention. She attracted me.

“Stop being a nuisance about a measly cake, Woman.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes off.

“Yeah of course, how people like you can apprehend the importance of something special. Hmph, measly cake.”

And at least people like you don’t get to be starved to sleep for not getting desired marks by your own parents.

I sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose, considering it frivolous to reply and extend this argument needlessly.

She scoffed at my lack of response, and turned back to the bakery and bought another cake as I watched her leave.

My eyes affixed on her form, my eyes lacking any emotion, I glanced at the cake and walked up to her, speaking softly, barely controlling myself.

"I can pay for that." I told her as an act of apology or tried to be polite. Whatever.

"Oh, No Thanks. I am not dying for you to show your little act of courtesy, Sir." She mocked with a smile while closing her arms at her chest.

Despite my need to crave her.

This woman is getting on my nerves, testing my patience and trying to overflow the emotions I am keeping at bay.

“Whatever, your loss.”

I sighed and went to buy sweets for Celine, ignoring her fatuous words consoling myself that she might have had a bad day so she ruined mine too- or not?

But the last thing I heard is a blessing,

"Jeez! Violet! Can't you show some politeness!?"

“I don’t know. My mind is not functioning right now.” She growled.

“Calm down, everything will be done soon.” Another girl tried to calm her.

“I hope so. By the way, can you ask someone to clean up the mess outside?” She asked.

“Yeah sure, and you might wanna apologize to our gentleman?”

I pretended I was not hearing but I looked from the corner of my eyes.

“No.” ‘Damn you, woman.’

“Come on, learn some matters, Violet.” The girl sighed and left.

I smirk as I get her name and it is all I need. Violet.

I wonder how perfect it would sound on my lips and it made my heart skip a beat to call her name. I spared a glance at her aesthetically beautiful features and thought to myself.

‘Don't worry Violet... I shall teach you some manners.’

Normal POV:-

After bumping into Raymond and buying another cake for her Mother's Birthday, Violet left with a scowl.

She left but she couldn't notice she awoke the desires of a certain billionaire who gets what he wants and now he wants her.

It does matter why and how he wants her and he will get her.

“I don’t know whether it was fate which collided my path with yours but the one who will connect it is going to be me.” He mumbled, enticed to think how his fingers are going to latch with her skin.

“Whatever it is, I will continue the rest.” He smirked, licking his lip seductively.

Raymond couldn't get Violet out of his head, she has intoxicated his mind, a need he wants.

‘Ah, how beautiful her fall would be…’

He was pulling close to her as if there were some strings arousing his temptation to lay his hands upon the thing he wanted.

Like a kid being stubborn to get a certain toy. His case was no different.

It was a toy he would get, if he gets bored of it then so be it but he wants it.

“Violet…” He smirked darkly when her name rolled on his lips.

But he can do nothing because his sister is still here. As long as she is here he can't make the girl he is obsessed with.

Celine, who is unaware of the Brother's dark side, couldn't let her know how much menace resides in his heart.

“So, where are you going next?” Raymond asked casually, waiting for her departure.

“Hmm, I don’t know. France, maybe.” She shrugged, using her phone.

“I see… When?” He asked again.

“Umm.. Next week. I don’t know.” She shook her head. He hummed, leaning back and closing his eyes.

In the meantime, Raymond decided to lay his hands on what he could to get to know her before surprising her.

He has every information on her, placed a little web beneath his steps. And the information pleases him the most because she didn't have a lover before.

“How could this get more enticing than this?” He whispered, chuckling darkly to himself.

That means if he would be the first person who will touch her pure body, the first person to make her his. The more he thinks about it, the more thrills it gives him.

He wants her, she has intoxicated his mind in one moment and now he needs her like a drug.

“Violet… too bad you crossed paths with me.”

And within the passing moments, a week passed by and finally Celine left, being a tourist and journalist as well she didn't stay long at her Brother's place.

Knowing she is the only person he has left in his life.

She came to let him know she is here for her ignorant brother's atrocious mind which is filled with darkness as her efforts were fruitless.

"SEE YOU RAYBRO!"Celine beamed at her brother,

"See you. Take care. And if you need anything tell me." He just smiled at her.

"Okay.." She was about to leave but then hugged him.

"Love you." She whispered.

"Love you too." He rubbed her back.

"Now, go. And take care of yourself." He patted her head. She passed him a wide smile and left waving at him.

After she left, his blood hummed in excitement, inducing an inexplicable thrill in his mind to fathom who perfect his chattel would feel in his palm.

Little do his sister know his sinister plan. His obsession to consider a human a toy for him to possess and own.

But then again, He was made this way- arrogant, prideful... detestable.