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Heavenly Twitter Red Envelope Group

Heavenly Twitter Red Envelope Group

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Heavenly Twitter Red Envelope Group PDF Free Download


One day, out of the blue, a mysterious Heavenly Court Weibo appeared on Ye Tian's phone. It was inhabited by a group of immortals and gods who, free or busy, spent all their time on Weibo. Yama addressed me as his brother, the Jade Emperor often sought me out to discuss some business, even Buddha frequently joined in for the fun...
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Chapter 1

"Download completed, Heavenly Court Weibo installing..."

What the hell? Seeing the prompt on his phone's task bar, Ye Tian was completely dumbstruck.

The counterfeit charger he'd bought on a certain treasure


had been punctured by electricity the first time he used it. Fortunately, he managed to unplug his phone in time, saving it from damage. Yet, this sudden installation of Heavenly Court Weibo was something he simply couldn't understand.

"Elder Brother Four, what are you doing? Your phone is still off, isn't it? All this for a woman, really?" Just as he was trying to figure things out, the dormitory door was kicked open. The boss of the university housemates, Du Ping, marched in with a strong stride.

The dormitory conditions at Jiangbei University were quite good. It was a standard four-person room, complete with air conditioning and heating. As the youngest of the four dorm siblings, Ye Tian was called "fourth brother". In addition to the current "big brother" Du Ping, there were also the "second brother" Lin Hai and "third brother" Zhou Yong.

"That's impossible, my phone has always been on!" Ye Tian responded casually.

"Enough of that. Get up and clean up. I'll bring you to a cool place to relax your mood." Du Ping waved his hand.

"Where?" Jumping up and hooking Du Ping's shoulder, Ye Tian was immediately interested.

"Muse, how's that? I'm considerate, right?" Du Ping said with a smug look on his face. This was the best KTV near the university town.

"Absolutely considerate, top-notch!" Ye Tian opened his mouth with excitement, "Big Bro Du, I knew it. You're the best not like second and third brothers who are always chasing girls all day and ignore poor me, the abandoned one."

"Mind your words, second brother and third brother can't know this. It is from their pockets that we got half the funds for tonight's visit to Muse."

"Good brothers, Second Brother and Third Brother are really my real brothers. No, they are closer than real brothers."

"Well, well, let's drop the pretense. Let's go. Second Brother and Third Brother are already on their way there. If we go now, we can probably meet them."

Laughing, the two headed out, dashing towards the Muse KTV near the university town.

By the time they got to the destination, Second Brother Lin Hai and Third Brother Zhou Yong had just arrived.

"Little bro, there are countless women in this world. If this one isn't right for you, we'll just find another one. Listen to your older brothers – it's just a woman, and if you broke up, then you broke up. Besides, she's not even that good-looking. Shakespeare once said that losing a woman is just about gaining the whole forest."

"Eldest, second brother, you two have got to stop. I've heard this speech a million times already. Hurry up, let's just go inside and comfort my wounded heart."

"Get lost, calf!"

The four of them ordered a small private room, some beers, fruits, and seeds and headed straight for the room.

The intention was to comfort Ye Tian, but after they arrived, apart from Du Ping, Lin Hai and Zhou Yong immediately became karaoke fiends. The helplessly, Ye Tian only had his phone to fiddle with.

"Heaven's Weibo installation complete, click to open."

Unlocking the screen and entering the application, a successful installation message popped up.

"What is this? Did some Weibo upgrade its app? They even changed the icon?" A puzzled Ye Tian clicked on it instinctively.

He opened Weibo, and the interface looked very similar to that of another Weibo, until he arrived at the recommended follow list, then it got weird.

Heaven, Buddha, Hell. Please choose the district you want to follow.

"Holy crap, what is going on here? Is this like Journey to the West logic?" muttered Ye Tian, and he mindlessly clicked select all and moved on to the next step.

Please choose the characters you wish to follow.

Heaven: Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Yang Jian, Taibai Jinxing, Tota Heavenly King, Nezha, Chang'e…

Buddha World: Buddha, Victorious Fighting Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva…

Hell: Yama, King Qin Guang, King Chu Jiang, Officer Cui, Ox-Head, Horse-Face, Black Impermanence, White Impermanence…

Ye Tian, bored as usual, continued to select the 'Select All' option. The next moment, instead of landing on the page to enter his account password for login, he was directed straight to the homepage.

Jade Emperor: Having lived for tens of thousands of years, still celebrating birthdays each year, isn't it annoying? @Queen Mother

Queen Mother: @Jade Emperor, it's not tiresome, not tiresome at all, I just love birthdays so much, so what?

Victorious Fighting Buddha: Amitabha, the Recent Buddha realm is getting increasingly boring. Tathagata is unbeatable, and among the others, none can compete with Sun Wukong! @Yang Jian… Arrange a time to have three hundred rounds of battles with Sun Wukong.

Ox-Head: Yan Wang has sent me to collect souls, setting off at the third watch and returning by the fifth.

Cui Judge: With a stroke of the pen, the judge claims lives; aren't I majestic?

Above are the latest Weibo posts published by the people Ye Tian just followed.

What the hell is going on? How come such a group of people pretending to be divine and supernatural appeared? Initially, upon seeing the selection pages for those regions and tasks, he thought it was some kind of activity experience version launched by Weibo. However, it now doesn't seem to be the case. Not only have these people chosen such bizarre names, but they also speak in such a mysterious way, as if they were tasks straight from mythical stories.

The message page shows a new message notification. Ye Tian clicked on the message below to enter the message page. There is a new message at the part @'d to me.

After clicking to open it, the official Heavenly Court Weibo account @Ye Tian, congratulating him on becoming the first and only user from the human world on Heavenly Court Weibo. One wish will be granted surely. The official Heavenly Court Weibo account is managed by the Jade Emperor's envoy, Tai Bai Jin Xing. In case of any queries, you can directly @ the official Heavenly Court Weibo account. If no one responds, you may @ Tai Bai Jin Xing.