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Autor: Tema G.M





Her father and her people broke him. They defiled and killed his whole family. The time has finally come for debts to be settled. Every one of the rogues will pay. There is no mercy, no one can be spared. He will have his pound of flesh. Captured, abused, and tormented, Rogue Princess Adira has secrets, secrets that can topple kingdoms. Yet still, she carries the sins of her people. She is willing to take any punishment thrown her way by the violent alpha who has come for retribution. She is his prisoner and he is her pain. Yet there is a thin line between love and hate. But how can love survive when there is so much loathing between them? How can they survive when they both crave to inflict suffering and death on themselves? Alpha Logan and Princess Adira’s story This is book 4 Book 1: The Royally Screwed Luna Book 2: The Royally Screwed Queen Book 3: The Royally Screwed Princess Book 4: The Royally Screwed Rogue
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Chapter 1


‘I am going to kill them all.’

I walked out of the house with just that in thought. My whole pack gathered with my tracking team ready to go. The wind whistled and blew as if fighting invisible ghosts. The trees fought back by bending back and forth excessively.

The t-shirt on my body squeezed the life out of me.

I folded my hands into fists, wide strides, with determination coursing through me. Too many days I had waited for this day. Too many nights I had run it through my head.

I was impatient as I reached my tracking team.

“Is everyone here?” There was no patience for any pleasantries. My eyes lay on Leaf who nodded his head. His upper body was on display, a pleasantry I could no longer enjoy.

My eyes flickered to Cinnamon. I did not have to say a thing before she nodded her head. They all knew I was on edge and I planned to salvage that through bloodshed.

“I am ready.”

I nodded and strode away, leaving without any more words spoken.

Footsteps suddenly pat behind me and I thought it was my team but I was wrong. I caught the overly sweet perfume just as a warm hand fell on my shoulder. My mind tripped in my head and I nearly lashed out.

“Logan, you are just leaving like that? I wanted to wish you…”

“Don’t touch me. Do. Not. Touch. Me. Do not touch me!” My whole body was shaking just from one touch.

I did not know why I let Elissa come to my pack. I did not even know why I kept her there and watched as she placed herself as my Luna. I thought that maybe she would ease the pain. The pain of her sister rejecting me over another man, a vampire nonetheless.

My anger hit the roof even thinking about it. I could not wait any longer so I ripped into my wolf right there and then. He wanted to tear Elissa into pieces. He wanted to rip her arm away so she could never touch us again but I reined him in, reminding him of the blood bath waiting for us. I gave her one stare and hoped it was enough to send her packing but I knew a stare would never deter Elissa from her mission.

I turned, my wolf galloping away in anger. He was panting as we ran. My own beta accused me of being feral and maybe I was. I did not mind. If I had to be a rogue to kill them, so be it. They would all pay for what they did to my mother. They would all scream and beg like my sisters and I had. Rogues tore every part of me from inside out and left my mind crumbled. The only thing that brought me back was the need to avenge my family. None of the rogues would be spared. There would be no mercy at all.

My eyes narrowed as I ate the distance. My team was further back but they would catch up. I groaned out, thinking of Cinnamon. Back I went, running back to find her riding on Leaf. I did not even ask. I swung my head and Leaf threw her onto me. Her flimsy body fell on my back, not giving her any time to adjust. The feel of her on me riled me even more.

The last person to ride on me was Issa, my youngest sister and the rogues killed her. I watched as they defiled and tore her to pieces while I cried and begged. I groaned out loud and fought the edge to howl. The king had given me free rein to kill the rogues responsible. Even if he hadn’t, I would have done it, no matter the consequences. Not only was I going to kill those I had seen, I would kill them all. I would rid them off this world. Evil scum.

My wolf lowered and moved even faster. Cinnamon whimpered as we flew through the forests but her discomfort meant nil to me.

The day trickled to night and night to day without a stop. My anger kept rising until we hit the jackpot. When we reached the rogue kingdom barrier, I dropped Cinnamon down and signaled with my head for her to get on the spell no matter her condition.

No one had found the rogue kingdom before and that was because it was cloaked. I would tear through their magical walls and burn their whole sham of a kingdom down.

I did not turn back to my person because I was drowning in anger and thirst, thirst for blood. I kept pacing, puffing out hot air as if I would combust to flames. I paced until the ground laid out a path for me.

My team began trickling one after another as Cinnamon screamed her spell. Her face was red with blood raining down her nose but I did not care. She knew the consequences of failing. Nothing waited for her if she failed. Failure was something I would not accept. Her body collapsed and I gave her one look. She pushed back up and began again.

Some of my team members began shifting to their person. Their worry poured as they looked from me to Cinnamon. They wanted me to tell her to take a break. Over my dead body.

Leaf stood a few feet away, watching. I did not like him. There was an evil to him but for this, he was perfect. He could do whatever he wanted to whichever rogue he wanted. I just wanted the King’s head. The things I had planned for him, they had me growl out loud, snapping my teeth at Cinnamon. She was taking too long and the very little patience I had was burning out. I needed blood. I needed rogue blood coating me as I tore through their bodies and I wanted it that very second. I walked closer, eyes narrowed dangerously.

The woman was shaking and weeping but still, she carried the spell.

Her tears would not help her. If I wasn’t tearing rogues apart then she would be in place for them. I nudged her with my snout, a frightened cry escaping her. She chanted harder and finally, what had hidden the rogue kingdom began crumbling like a burning paper. Holes appeared in thin air and trees that had not been there before were suddenly seen.

My whole team shifted back to their wolves.

A grin spread on my face, moving past Cinnamon.

My eyes glistered and glazed, the party having just begun.