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I Need You But I Don't Want You

I Need You But I Don't Want You

Autor: Ziake

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I lift up my eyes from my pencil case just in time to notice Sarah staring at me. I don't know why but I couldn't pull my eyes away from her gaze. I felt drawn to her. I watched as her rosy pink lips curved upwards. The sweetest smile, the warmest feeling. I can't fully explain this feeling but I know it's doing something to me. ****** A few times I was tempted to look at him but I fought to focus with every fibre in my body. I wasn't going to allow my emotions to go on a rollercoaster ride for a guy like him. One minute he's staring me in the eyes like there is something between us, the next, he is acting as if I'm committing an offence when I look at him, so confusing. ----- ------ ------ ------- ------- Sarah is just struggling to make it through her final year, hoping that she can have a peaceful uneventful year but Blake is stirring up some emotional mixed feeling that intrigued her, confuses her, and at times annoys her. Blake is drawn to Sarah but will he allow her to be apart of his crazy world that hold secrets few know about?
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Chapter 1

Sarah's POV

"Sarah! Sarah! Time for school."

"Ugh" I mutter beneath the sheets. Today was the most dreaded of all days of the week, Monday. The weekend just flies by so quickly and I just know this is going to be a miserable day. First subject is Math and I know Mr. knight is famous for his pop quizzes and something just tells me one is coming today.

"Sarah! Sarah!"

"Coming mom" I respond quickly.

I knew she'll be marching up the stairs to fetch me if she ever has to call again. I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom. At least if today day is going to be the worst day I can at least camouflage my mood and dress my best.

After showering, I make my way to my closet and pick out my favorite pair of black jeans with a pink and black dress shirt I recently bought with my allowance. I stare at myself in the mirror making sure my hair was neat and presentable enough to compliment the outfit.


"I'm here" I reply jumping down the last two stairs before mom could finish calling my name. "What took you so long?" she inquire looking me from head to toe. I twirl and smile "time well spent" I nudge. She smiles and shakes her head.

I look at the table as breakfast is already laid out. I sit to to enjoy the meal before me but mom's voice interrupts "No time to eat now. Pack it up to take with you or you'll missed the bus."

I knew the consequences of missing the bus. Either I walk, which is about next to impossible or I wait on the next bus which will definitely get me to school late and I was not about staying after school for detention. I shuddered at the thought as I pack my breakfast grab my prepacked lunch and rush to the bus stop.

As if perfectly timed the bus arrives as soon as I reach. "Good morning Sarah" Steve the bus drivers smiles and says. I return the smile and the greeting as I give a quick nod.

Steve was one of the friendliest drivers I've ever met and the only one who seemed genuinely nice to all the students, whether they were nice to him or not. I sat in my usual seat, one row behind the driver's seat. I place my ear pods in and relax. "Sarah!" I open my eyes "you've got to turn those things down." Steve says as he shakes his head. "I've been calling for some time now"

I look around

"Yes, you are at school"

This had almost become his daily routine.

I stretch as a yawn accompanies it "thank you Steve...." I begin

"I owe you one" he chimes in knowingly. We both laugh as I get out. 'Oh how time flies when you're resting' I thought.

I stand at the gate and gaze at the huge building ahead. It's been 4 years already and still somehow I feel overwhelmed and small each time I arrived. I enter the school compound losing all the confidence I once possessed when I left home. I wasn't surprised, I know it wasn't going to last, it never does. Dressed up so pretty but no confidence to show off its full beauty. I hold my head down avoiding the least bit of contact with anyone as I walk the hallway to Math.

"Hey you look pretty today"

A smile escapes my lips as I turn around only to be face with a confused look from the face behind me.

"Hey get out of my way" he yells.

I look around then look at him with a questioning face, I point to myself.

"Who else do you think I can possibly be talking to" he snaps obviously irritated.

What was I thinking, of course he wanted me to move. I step aside and sigh. Wasn't I accustomed to this by now.

Blake's POV

The minute Sarah walks in I turn around, the room fills with the sweetest fragrance. Like a garden full of the most heavenly scented flowers. She avoids all contact fastening her eyes to the ground as though looking for something in particular. She walks slowly to class. I know the bell is about to ring shortly and I make my way behind her.

"Hey you look pretty today" I whisper

She pauses and is about to turn around. I guess she heard me. My heart skips a beat as I struggle to keep my composure. I am about to make eye contact with her when I feel a slap on my back.

"Hey buddy"

I turn to see Jake grinning from ear to ear. I turn back to face Sarah who is now looking at me with the sweetest smile.

"Hey get out of my way" I shout

She slowly steps aside, my heart sinks. Jakes laughs as he pushes past her almost pinning her to the door frame.

'I just had to do it' I convinced myself 'I can't be week, no one could know. If anyone found my weakness, that she was my weakness, who knows what they'll do.'