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Love Doesn't Ask Why

Love Doesn't Ask Why

Autor: Filtered_writer_30



Love Doesn't Ask Why PDF Free Download


Raymond may not be from a rich family. But, he has the love of his family and friends. When his father dies leaving him with his mother and sister, he has to work to help his mother support his family. When a childhood friend of his returns, he finds himself falling for her intensely. But what happens when an annoying ex and a wealthy father tries to get in the way?
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Chapter 1

The morning sun had risen and was brightly shining in the sky. The singing of the birds could be heard all around. The blue skies had brightly opened up its face, letting the inhabitants of the city know that there would be no rain. Today seems to be a good day for workers who were rushing to get to their workplaces and children who were preparing to go to school. It seems the day was going to be perfect for everyone.

Somewhere in the capital city, a young man lay in bed. He has the most beautiful face any man could have. He was sleeping peacefully in his bed as if there were no problems to be faced for the day. He turned to his right, facing away from his window and a small moan escaped his lips. The rays of the sun were getting into his room and were somehow disturbing his sleep. Slowly, his long eyelashes fluttered open, revealing his beautiful hazel pair of eyes. He breathed in deeply and turned to lie on his back. He closed his eyes again but frowned when he felt the sun hit his face.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed. He had forgotten to close his windows again last night, that is why the sun had invaded his sleep. He took in a deep breath and threw the covers of his bed off him. He walked into his bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After he was done cleaning up, he walked downstairs to the kitchen, where his mother was preparing breakfast for the family.

"I thought you were not going to wake up, Ray. I thought you said you will be taking your sister to school today. Or did you forget?" his mother reprimanded him.

Ray, who was feeling too tired rolled his eyes. He had not forgotten his promise. He was just feeling exhausted to do anything that morning. He had a long night at the club the night before. He was waiting tables and making sure that no one got drunk unnecessarily and was also singing to entertain the guests. It is not like he hated his job. No, on the contrary. At least that is what allowed him help his mother pay the bills. And also, he loves to sing. It's just that, the job was beginning to sniff life out of him little by little.

Ray sat down on the chair in the kitchen and leaned back a bit. He felt tired and had not even taken his bath. Hell, he was not even wearing a shirt and his mother was already bombarding him with his sister, who was old enough to go to school by herself.

"Are you just going to sit there and do nothing or you are going to go up there and take a shower? I don't want your sister getting late for school," His mother said again.

"But, Maa? Is not like Raina can't go to school on her own. She is fifteen, Mom," Ray argued.

"The more reason why you should take her. You know how those young boys in this area can be. I don't want any of them harassing my daughter when she has a big brother like you. So go get ready. By the time you come down, breakfast will be ready."

Raymond rolled his eyes again and sighed. He had planned on sleeping till the afternoon so that he could get enough strength to work at the club tonight. Now it turns out he had to take his sister to her school, which was pretty far from their house. Why did he agree to even take her in the first place? What was he even thinking?

His mother turned the stove lower and left the food to cook. She sat down on the chair next to her son and smiled.

"I know you are tired from all that work you did at the club last night. And I know you have work later tonight. But I have to be at the market to get a few things and I don't like Raina going to school all by herself even though I know she can. It's just that I want to protect her from all those predators on the street. I want her to grow up surrounded by love and protection. And I want her to get a good man as a husband. Please, love. Do this for me, okay?"

"I understand, mom. I really do. You know I can never refuse you no matter what. Raina is my sister and I promised father I would protect and take care of her till my dying breath and that is what I will do. I will never let anything happen to her," Ray assured his mother.

His mother smiled again and hugged him. "I know, dear. I know. Now, go get ready."

He just smiled and left the kitchen. He left his mother alone with her thoughts.

"Oh, honey. If only you were here to see how responsible our son has become. If only..." She said, as she thought of her dead husband with a soft smile on her face.

She shook her head lightly and went back to her cooking.

Raymond came down later in new clothes. He was wearing a black shirt with a blue-black jacket covering it. He had blue jeans on, accompanied by his favorite black boots. His shiny dark hair was styled to the back. He looked very smart and handsome. He had a very broad smile on his face because he knew his mother would say something about his attire and that is exactly what she did.

"What's with the black shirt and jacket? Don't you think it is too hot in the day to be dressed like that?"

"Mom, please. There is nothing wrong with what I am wearing. I like it," Ray countered.

"You like this? Alright then. Why don't you apply eyeliner around your eyes to add to the touch? I swear you youth of today just like to wear anything," his mother said while she shook her head disapprovingly.

"Then I guess you are going to die when you see what Raina is wearing," Ray mocked her and his mother rolled her eyes.

Ray smiled even harder, showing his deep dimples, and sat down on the chair. His mother came to him and served him his breakfast. His sister, Raina, walked into the kitchen at that very moment. She greeted her family and sat by her brother. Her mother's eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she saw what Raina was wearing.

"Oh, God! Don't tell me this is what you wearing to school today. We have talked about this severally, Raina," their mother complained.

" Mom, come on. There is nothing wrong with what I am wearing. It is just a dress," Raina argued.

"Excuse me, what happened to your uniform? The last time I checked, your school still had a prescribed uniform for all of you at that school."

"Mom, today is Friday. We can wear whatever we want. And besides, my uniform is torn."

"And who did you tell?"


"Enough, Raina! If your uniform was torn you should have said something. There is no way I am going to allow you to wear this to school. Go inside and change." Ray finally cut in.

"But, brother..." Raina tried to argue again.

"No buts. Go inside and change right now. And don't take the whole day in there. You are almost late. Hurry!" Ray commanded and Raina frowned.

She stormed out of the kitchen complaining and buzzing like a mosquito.

"You see what I was saying," their mother turned to Ray who was still eating his breakfast.

He breathed in and stopped eating. He stood up from his seat and walked toward his worried mother then hugged her.

"What am I going to do with her? I can't understand why she is so stubborn at times."

"Don't worry, mom. She will get over it very soon."

"Please don't take your eyes off her. Please," his mother begged.

"Raina is my sister and I promised dad on his deathbed that I would take care of her. She is family just like you are and I will never leave you two alone, ever."

They hugged each other tightly. After they had broken the hug, his mother finally smiled.

"Thank you."