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Rain Of Fury

Rain Of Fury

Autor: Dunkindory

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Rain Of Fury PDF Free Download


"Why cant you let me in?" "Because once I do angel ..I'm afraid you'll see the real me " ------------------------------ Raya has a lot issues she needs to get through but meets a certain someone along the way who also has a dark world This a story about how the dark meets the light with a little bit of rain.
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Chapter 1

Pain is something I have grown accustomed to. Along with pain comes loneliness, pushing people away and building walls to protect myself. It's all I have ever known.

The day I wish never happened it happened and changed my life completely.

Raya stone is someone who has lived a life full of sorrow but shines through the darkness and has made adjustments to life.

Xavier lives in a dark world but once he sets eyes on raya, he promises to give his world some light.


It is the middle of October in Washington D.C. It has been 5 months since I have been here, and I am still the same Raya I was as I left. I live in a small apartment nothing too big and have found a part time job in a restaurant for the time being. I have my master's in social work ironic enough, but apparently it will take a lot longer for a department to take me on. I guess spending my adolescent life in foster care made me realize the number of children I could possibly help. it is something that has touched home to me for a long time, and I hope to be able to work my way up.

The chilly air made me run as it looked like it was going to rain. once I got to work, I could tell it was going to be busy. the bustling sound of plates clattering, people talking amongst themselves and couples enjoying their evening. I stood there just watching nearly wishing I had someone to share my evenings with or even enjoy meals with. mark my boss interrupted my imagination before I could enjoy it.


'Raya, if you could start that would be a pleasure''. The look on his face said it all.


'Anything new for me today or where do you want me to start?''. '' Table 4 need their bill and table 12 need to be seen to, so chop chop''. I wrapped my apron around my waist and got to work. waiting tables was not something I wanted to be doing but saving the money from this job meant I could get to better places in life. I had saved a lot of money during my teen years so being stuck for money is not something I would be worried about.

I had one last table to wait on tonight and men in suits around a table always made me nervous.

'' I am Raya, and I will be your waitress tonight; can I start you men off with some drinks?''. I felt eyes on me and looking around the table I landed on these blue eyes that could stare into my soul. he had this aura about him, a one that screamed power to me. dark hair that was long enough to comb your finger through it, muscular build and a few tattoos that peeked out through the collar of his shirt.

'' I'll have a whiskey'', a voice that rumbled your core and could make you shiver.

''I'll have a beer and my buddy will have a water since he is the chauffeur''.

''I'll get those drinks for you and be back in a moment''. I grabbed the drinks menu and walked back to the bar. something about that blue eyed man had me tickled. I got their drinks ready and took their food order. blue eyes spoke to me

''what would you suggest I order, angel?''. I was nervous, not particularly the type where I feel like something is off but that nervous feeling where you are suddenly attracted to someone based off their voice alone. '

' uhm, I could suggest the shrimp scampi, I think that's nice''. He looked at me like he was trying to figure me out and the silence was not helping my anxiety.

''I mean, if you do not like shrimp there is the honey garlic chicken that is good...if you like chicken that is''. I hear a laugh next to me and it is the blonde guy that ordered his friend's drink.

'' read the whole menu why don't you''. I hate this, feeling to vulnerable Jesus how could I ever be a social worker if I cannot take a joke!

''forgive me, my friend here knows better than to make fun of you angel, I'll have the chicken love''. He handed me the menu and smiled at me. I could feel his eyes on me the entire time and knew his friend was going to get a talking to. I cleaned a few tables and was waiting on the food when Chloe a coworker came up.

''if I had known any better Raya, I would think that handsome guy at the table cannot keep his eyes off you! girl, if you do not make a move, I will''.

''I don't know, he's a little intimidating but strangely attractive''.

Chloe slapped my arm

'' strangely attractive? girl he is the hottest guy I have laid my eyes on in months. he has it for you baaad!''. I laughed and went to get the food from the kitchen. Chloe was nice to me, we hung out a few times and it's nice to have a friend around, for once I didn't feel as lonely.

once I was at their table I stood confidently and placed their plates in front of them '

'if there's anything else I can get for you gentleman just let me know''. with that I strode away and carried on me with my shift.

as the tables cleared up and the customers headed out the door, I spotted blue eyes staring at me and he beckoned me over.

I walked slowly and standing 2 feet apart he spoke

'' you made a good choice in suggesting the chicken love, it was delicious''. I gulped as my hands suddenly felt clammy and my nerved were getting the better of me. ''I am glad you liked it, is there anything else you needed, sir?''

''what is your name angel?''.


'' was lovely to meet you. Raya''. with that blue eye was out of my sight.