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Her Forever Love

Her Forever Love

Autor: Shawnn Black

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Her Forever Love PDF Free Download


She returned back to her home after 5 years to claim what she was owed. He promised to love only her but he tragically made the mistake of the one thing he knew she valued more than anything...TRUST! Will he regain her trust?
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Chapter 1

Stepping off of the private plan, Rachel inhaled the sweet air of the place she once called home. "Mommy are we finally here?" The tiny voice of her daughter reached her ears, causing her to smile. " Yes petite, we have finally arrived." Brianna looked around the area of the private landing strip and asked in a shy voice, "Is this where daddy lives mommy?" Her large round beautiful eyes showed her innocent hopes that she would finally meet her father. Before Rachel could respond, the handsome little boy descending the plane answered, "This isn't where he lives, I've already told you Bre that he lives in a large villa elsewhere." Bryton Grant was the older of the twins and he considered himself the man of the family. Both of her children were highly intelligent for their age and were extremely close. Rachel shook her head and smiled at her children with pride. "Let's go inside and I will show you around our new home. We will meet your father another day after we have settled in"

Waiting for them by the car, Rachel's assistant of five years, Ashleigh immediately started to update Rachel on the days events. "Miss, he is awaiting your visit and knows about the babies." Rachel nodded her head and proceeded to put the kids in the car.

After arriving in the villa, Rachel could not hold back the tears as she looked at the place she called home for twenty years. Her mom decorated the place herself and everywhere she looked reminded her of her mother and father.

Both of her parents had been killed in an automobile accident on the way home from a dinner party. Rachel's life would never be the same. During her grief, her aunt and uncle took over her house and informed her that her family was broke. They forced her out and took control of her father's company.

Her biggest disappointment was her fiancé broke off the engagement and disappeared. His mother came to see her to tell her of this decision and warned her to never contact him again. Heartbroken, Rachel left the only place she ever knew and started a new life in America.

Five years later, she had raised her children alone while taking action to reclaim her father's company. That day finally came when she received word the company was facing bankruptcy. She immediately took action to plant someone in the place to purchase the company. Now it was time to return and take back everything.

"Mommy needs to leave and go handle some business. I need you both to listen to Ms. Brown until I return, got it?" "Yes mommy," they both answered in unison. Rachel kissed them both and proceeded to get into the car.

Driving out of the villa, Rachel reviewed the documents given to her by Ashleigh. "Miss Rachel, I have arranged a private room at Vontigo's." Rachel knew Vontigo's had become a very exclusive nightclub for the elite members of society. It had taken Rachel two years to make this club the success it was with the help of a very close friend and the Godfather to her children. Ricardo had a way with women and suggested they open for the high-end crowd. Although she owned the club, Ricardo ran the place as if it was his own. He was waiting for them the moment the Maybach pulled up front. "Rachel, I thought you were coming in tomorrow?" This smile on his face showed how happy he was to see her. Rolling her eyes, Rachel replied, "Are you saying you're not happy to see me?" Ricardo laughed and said, "Of course I'm happy to see you Boss Lady, with you finally here, I can take a much needed break." His smile could easily make a woman swoon. Unfortunately, it didn't move Rachel at all. She had always looked at Ricardo as a younger bother. He had originally thought he would have a chance with her until she shut him down directly. He didn't want to be out of her life so he decided to treat her as a friend and a big sister instead.

"Is everything ready?" She asked him as she made her way down the corridor to the private room. She admired the tasteful decorations in the club and nodded approvingly at the atmosphere the club provided. Ricardo opened the door and allowed her to walk inside before he and Ashleigh followed her inside. "Yes, he should be here any minute with his parents." Rachel nodded her head and was lost in thought about the meeting that would take place. She his knew parent's intention was to claim her children and take them to live with them. She needed to put a halt to their plans and let them know that under no circumstances would they be able to take her children.

A knock on the door indicated they had arrived. The bodyguard standing closet to the door opened the door and looked back for approval. Rachel nodded and instantly her breath was taken away at the first sight of the only man she had ever loved in five years.

Braxton entered the room and it felt as if all the air was sucked out of the room. He stopped and stared at the beautiful woman who had taken his heart and stomped on it. Beside him, his parents walked in and looked around anxiously. "Where are the children?" Mrs. Lee asked. "My children are tired from the long flight and are at home resting. Please don't worry, I will bring them to meet you another time." Rachel replied in a calm manner. She had so much hatred for Mrs. Lee but as her mother had raised her to respect her elders, she refrained from rolling her eyes.

Ashleigh stood and invited them to sit. "What would you like to drink madam and sir?" Braxton never took his eyes off Rachel and answered in a calm manner, "Tea for my parents and wine for me." Rachel looked up to find him watching her. "Braxton, how have you been?" Braxton restained his anger but his eyes were cold.. How could he remain calm after hearing her ask him this after she broke his heart and left him without telling him she was pregnant. He wanted to drag her in his arms and kiss her until she begged him to stop. "I haven't been as happy as you seem to be." He managed to answer in a calm voice that betrayed the inner turmoil that was boiling inside him.

Just as she was about to reply, her cellphone rang with a distinctive tone that belonged to Bryton. Excusing herself, Rachel walked out to answer the phone. "Bry, what's wrong." "Mommy, where are you, we will come to you." "Bry you can't come where mommy is at this time. I will return in a little while. Take care of your sister until I return, okay?" Bruton knew his mom was meeting with his father and grandparents. He wanted to be present to protect his mommy from being bullied. "Mommy of you're not back in a hour, we will come find you." Rachel smiled and nodded her head. "Mommy will be back in a hour okay." Satisfied with her answer, Bruton finally ended the call. Rachel couldn't help but smile and feel a warmth knowing her children loved and protected her. She turned to return to the room and stopped when she saw Braxton standing up against the wall staring at her. "So you've stooped to eavesdropping now have you?" Braxton couldn't take his eyes off of her but he couldn't get passed the hurt she caused him. "Tell me why.," he had to know before he went out of his mind. "Why what?" She frowned confused about what she was asking her. "Are you playing with me right now Rachel, you left me without a word and you ask me "why what? Do you know I have been going out of my mind all these years!" He practically screamed this while trying to restrain himself from reaching out and grabbing her. Rachel was taken back by what he was saying. What does he mean, I left him? "Braxton, didn't you break the engagement and leave the country the week after my parents died?" Braxton looked at her as if she had grown two heads. "What are you talking about, I never left. I came to see you and your aunt and uncle told me you had already left the country. They even gave me your letter breaking off our engagement. He watched as her face went from confused to anger. He had never seen her look this angry in all the years he knew her. "Rachel what the hell is going on here? Didn't you ask your aunt to give me the letter?" Rachel now understood what happened. Her aunt, uncle and Mrs. Lee all played a part to keep them apart.

"Braxton, let's go back inside. There's something I need to confirm. " She turned to walk inside and he grabbed her wrist. "Rachel can you please tell me what's going on first." Rachel looked down at her wrist that he was holding. She thought she would feel repulsed by his touch after living the last five years feeling betrayed by him. However, she felt like her heart came back to life. She stared into his eyes and saw confusion but she didn't expect to see love. "I will answer everything as soon as we enter this room." She pulled her arm out of his grasp and opened the door and entered the room. The moment they returned to the room, his parents noticed the glare coming from Rachel. Mrs. Lee knew that they must've spoken before returning to the room. "Braxton we need to leave, I'm not feeling well." Mrs. Lee wanted to leave this room before Rachel had a chance to expose her to he son and her husband. Standing with the pretense of being ill, Mrs. Lee swooned and fainted."Dear!" Mr. Lee looked at his wife pale face and yelled for his some to help.