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Extraordinary Perspective of the Divine Physician

Extraordinary Perspective of the Divine Physician

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Realistic Urban

Extraordinary Perspective of the Divine Physician PDF Free Download


Tasked by his master to descend the mountain in search of his junior shimei (female martial arts companion), little did he expect to inadvertently get embroiled in the tumultuous world of mortal affairs. His medical skills extraordinary, he defies death with his silver needles. His martial prowess against all odds, it is potent enough to upheave rivers and overturn seas. This is a story with no spin and slapstick comedy that knows no bounds, set amidst the relentless turmoil of the mundane world!
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Chapter 1

"Junior Sister, where are you?"

After coming back from South America, Jiangnan was inexplicably kicked out by his master. The reason being that due to his own fault, his junior sister, Tang Lingyun, hadn't returned home for over a year. With no news from her, Master Tang Hai decided to send him out to look for her.

At the moment, Jiangnan was standing on the outskirts of Baiyun City, on his way there. The wide road was deserted except for a black Bentley speeding towards him from the distance.


Like a beast with invisible wings, the Bentley rushed forward, followed by several black SUVs.

Bang bang bang bang...

Zzz zzz zzz zzz...

A series of gunshots suddenly rang out. The tires of the Bentley and the SUVs following it exploded. The vehicles swerved and lost control, slowing down instantly.


Unable to brake in time, the Bentley crashed directly into a tree beside Jiangnan. The front of the car was dented and smoke was billowing.

The people in the other SUVs quickly stopped their cars, got out, and ran towards the Bentley, completely ignoring Jiangnan standing to the side.

"Grandpa, grandpa, are you okay?" A young girl got out of the car, her face full of worry as she looked inside the car.

Then, an elderly man in Tang suit got out of the car. His hair was white and his face ruddy, but he looked a bit disturbed after the car accident.

"I'm fine." After getting out of the car, Old Ye shook his head, his deep-set eyes glinting like sword light from his sockets.

"Get ready for battle."

As soon as Old Ye spoke these words, everyone turned around, their eyes firmly fixed on the position behind them where they came from.

At this moment, Jiangnan finally saw that there was another car behind them. From inside came out four big men, each wearing a smug smile as they watched them.

"Old Ye, where are you planning to go?" The biggest man chuckled sinisterly at the front.

"How dare you, thinking of pursuing and killing us," the young girl glared fiercely at the men.

"Yi Yi, there's no need to ask. They're all international mercenaries. No matter what you ask, they won't tell you," Old Ye said softly, shielding his granddaughter behind him.

"Heh, Old Ye knows us indeed." The big man strutted over to Old Ye without any hesitation, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Don't blame us, Old Ye. With your Ye family's wealth and power, many people are jealous. Someone has offered a billion dollars for your life. For the sake of our brothers' future happiness, we have to ask you to contribute," he casually announced.

"Scoundrels, if you dare to hurt Old Ye, don't even think about leaving the Northern District. Let alone leaving the Baiyun City unharmed!" Captain Chen, the leader of the bodyguards, shouted in anger. Jiangnan watched this tense scene from the corner of his eyes, and things became clearer to him. These four international mercenaries had accepted a task to claim Old Ye's life. Hence, they chased him all the way here.

Looking at their strength, he shook his head silently, disappointed by their skills. They were no match for himself.

However, these four men, insignificant as ants in his eyes, were respected and feared by Old Ye's bodyguard team.

Old Ye wasn't scared, his face calm as he protected his granddaughter, Ye Yi Yi, behind him. He stared back coldly, "I, Ye Wen, have been in Baiyun City for dozens of years, made countless enemies and built my current empire by defeating them. While there are many who want me dead, I'm still alive and well. If you want to kill me, let's see if you're capable of doing so."

"Alright." The big man clapped his hands together and walked towards him, "In that case, I won't hold back."

Watching the big man approach, one of the bodyguards couldn't help but rush up to him, aiming a punch at his face.

But the big man dodged it with a disdainful smile, grabbed the man's fist, and twisted it into a pretzel. Then, he punched the bodyguard's head, making it explode instantly.

"Little Tiger." Chen Song let out a mournful cry as he watched his underling mercilessly killed.


With a cold grunt from Chen Song, more than a dozen of his bodyguards immediately rushed forward, besieging the burly man.

"Heh." The big man watched the scene indifferently, with a grin. He only focused on the few people in front of him. As for the others, he didn't even take a glance. Naturally, someone would deal with them.

Bang, bang, bang...

As expected, along with several whistling gunshots, the bodyguards were shot between their eyebrows one by one, dying instantly, and fell unwillingly into the pool of blood.

The grave expressions on the faces of Elder Ye and Ye Yiyi were hard to miss as they watched this scene. Suddenly noticing Jiangnan standing nearby with a dull expression on his face, as if frightened, Old Ye furrowed his brow.

"Young man, what are you still stunned for? Run quickly and get away from here." Elder Ye called out.

Jiangnan was stunned for a moment, looking at Elder Ye, and pointed at himself in bewilderment, "Sir, are you talking to me?"

Elder Ye almost chuckled at Jiangnan's calm demeanor and quickly replied, "Of course I'm talking to you! If not you, then to whom should I speak? It's quite dangerous here, and you should leave as soon as possible. They're after me, you're just a passerby. They won't hurt you."

"Yeah, you should run quickly, or be careful they might shoot you." Ye Yiyi, whose face was slightly pale, also casually said after glancing at Jiangnan.

Jiangnan had a refined, scholarly look, with a delicate appearance, not particularly good-looking, but also not ugly, no wonder they couldn't gauge his depth.

"Heh, want to go? None of you will escape. He saw everything. Do you think I'll let him go?"

Among them, the big man suddenly sneered. After hampering Chen Song's limbs with his gun, he kicked him to the side and then pointed his gun at Jiangnan, his eyes filled with mockery.

He did not want any of them to leave alive!

Jiangnan's face went cold. He was only passing by, yet the other party wanted to silence him by killing him.

The burly man walked up to Jiangnan, looking down at him from on high. He produced a gun and pressed it onto Jiangnan's chest, inquisitively asking, "Aren't you scared?"

"Scared, I am indeed, but would you let me go just because I'm scared?" Jiangnan replied, nonchalantly.

"You're right, there's no way you're walking away from this. Since you've seen everything, I absolutely cannot let you leave alive." The burly guy paused for a moment, then chuckled.

"Remember this, next life when you encounter such a situation, turn around and run, got it?"

After he said that, a cruel smile appeared on the burly man's face. His finger flexed on the trigger, ready to pull it down; by then, a blooming blood rose would be seen.

Things happened quicker than words can describe. Jiangnan's face turned cold. His previously pendulous right hand suddenly swung up, smacking the burly man's face.

A thunderous sound echoed through the surroundings. The impact of the slap resonated with a resounding smack. Caught off guard, the burly man was sent flying, teeth dripping blood fell from his mouth, making a rather tragic view.


He directly crashed into a nearby Bentley, denting its body. His head lolled to the side, and he instantly passed out.

Holy crap.

Everyone's eyes were wide open as they looked at the scene, faces filled with astonishment.

A hint of surprise flashed through Ye Elder's eyes. His gaze shifted towards Jiangnan from a serene to a perplexed one.

Ye Yiyi gaped, looking at the scene in surprise. Seeing the burly man who had just passed out, she couldn't help but say, "Grandpa, he's really powerful."

Ye Elder said nothing, just nodded, his eyes still fixed on Jiangnan. There were still three men left, and they were armed. How should Jiangnan defuse this situation?

"Big brother..." The three burly men watched as their big brother simply fainted in front of them, and with a roar of anger, they unhesitatingly aimed their guns at Jiangnan.

They were fast, but Jiangnan was faster.

He scooped up a few stones from the ground which he promptly threw, hurtling towards the trio.

Plop, plop, plop...

With a series of muffled thuds, the three firearms fell onto the ground while their owners cradled their right hands, their faces a picture of absolute disbelief as they stared at Jiangnan.

How could he harness such great power from mere pebbles?

"Retreat." Knowing they had bitten off more than they could chew, the trio turned to run.

But Jiangnan wasn't about to let them go. His figure shimmered and vanished in an instant.

The next second, Jiangnan was already beside one of the burly men.

With one swift move of his hand, that man was quickly thrown onto the ground. The remaining two burly men shared the same fate, their bodies tumbling onto the ground as if they were leaves swept up by an autumn gust.

Stepping on the fallen man's head, Jiangnan spoke with icy words, "You want to kill me?"

His tone was frigid, his gaze sharp as a knife, chilling one to the bone. The hulking man jolted in fear.

"Not... not that, we don't... don't mean... it's..."

Watching as the man stuttered out his response, Jiangnan didn't hesitate to kick him directly in the belly, disabling him completely. After repeating this with the other two, he finally stopped.

"You're... you're so powerful. Are you a martial arts expert?" Ye Yiyi excitedly ran over, her face glowing as she looked at Jiangnan.

Old Master Ye briskly walked over and bowed to Jiang Nan: "Young man, thank you for saving my life, Ye Wen is eternally grateful."

"It's nothing," Jiang Nan quickly waved his hand. Before this, the two had told him to leave quickly, so they weren't all bad.

"Hmm…" Just then, a painful hum came from Chen Song who was far away, looking horribly uncomfortable.

"Chen Song…" Old Master Ye hastily went over to him. Seeing the blood spouting from the wounds on his four limbs, his face immediately turned solemn.

At this rate, Chen Song would likely spend the rest of his life bedridden.

Jiang Nan also noticed this scene. Seeing the worried looks on Old Master Ye and Ye Yi Yi’s faces, he smiled and said, "If it's alright with you, let me help. I know a thing or two about medicine."

"What… really?" Ye Yi Yi's beautiful eyes widened as she looked at Jiang Nan in astonishment, then she called out excitedly, "Then… then hurry up!"

Old Master Ye was surprised, but he looked at Jiang Nan with a new respect. Not only was he powerful, but he also knew medicine. Where had this man come from?

However, he didn't have time to think about this now, so Old Master Ye quickly said: "Young man, I'll trouble you. Please, save him."

Kneeling in front of Chen Song and examining his wounds, Jiang Nan nodded slightly, "He can be saved."

As he spoke, Jiang Nan quickly pulled out some silver needles from his robes and inserted them into Chen Song's body. The bleeding slowly stopped until it finally ceased altogether.

"Wow, he stopped bleeding! Grandpa, Chen Song stopped bleeding!" Ye Yi Yi exclaimed excitedly, her eyes shining brightly as she watched Jiang Nan, her face full of curiosity.

After extracting the bullets and bandaging the bodyguards' wounds, Jiang Nan stood up and smiled at Old Master Ye, "Sir, it's done. I’ve treated him. You can take him to a hospital for bandaging, and he'll be fine in a few days."

"Thank you, young man," Old Master Ye sighed in relief, "May I ask your name? Where are you from? I’m Ye Wen, and this is my granddaughter, Ye Yi Yi.”

"My name is Jiang Nan, I live in Baiyun City," Jiang Nan answered with a smile, revealing his pearly white teeth.

Baiyun City?

Old Master Ye thought for a while and then said, unable to contain his smile: "Jiang Nan, may I have your phone number? While I am not a distinguished person in Baiyun city, I do possess some influence. If you ever need anything in the future, feel free to contact me."

Jiang Nan initially wanted to refuse, but considering he would be in Baiyun City for a while, having a helpful contact couldn't hurt. He gave his number to Old Master Ye, taking out his old Nokia phone to exchange numbers.