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Will Love Conquer?

Will Love Conquer?

Autor: Asmau Usman

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Will Love Conquer? PDF Free Download


Janese Edevane; a young writer who set to make her mother's life miserable and ends up finding herself in a difficult situation of love and loyalty due to the biggest mistake of her life Will she let Love conquer? Or will she choose to stay loyal?
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Chapter 1

"Enough mother! How about you mind your business and get yourself a place to sit?" Janece stood with a glass of wine staring at her mother

"Mind your tongue young lady, at least respect your family reputation and shut your mouth up!" Janece laughed at her mother's word

"I must say you really did have this planned all along"

"Shut your..."

"Or what? You killed father, took over his business and expect me to shut my mouth? You must be joking"

"We are in public! Your father died years ago, and I still don't get why you keep talking about it to hurt yourself"

"You really are a wrenched woman" she spilled her drink on her mother's dress, and she gasped

"Janece, we are at a party, and you think the right thing to do is to ruin my dress? I have clients down there"

"It was an accident" with that she walked away downstairs leaving her mother to worry about her ruined dress

Janece and her father had an inseparable relationship but that night when her father had a heart attack after having an argument with her mother he never woke up

It was indeed a terrible for the family but as days went by Janece's rage towards her mother increased to a point where no one dared to stop them

"Well aren't you looking beautiful tonight?" Hans; a guest of the party asked

"And you enjoy being a flirt Hans" they both laughed

"I haven't seen you in a long time, where have you been?" He picked a drink from a server


"Ah! Still writing I see haven't you thought of taking over the business or learning how it runs"

"Have not, still not and neither am I planning to do so in future"

"Why not?" Hans furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"That Hans is absolutely none of your business" the look in her eyes screamed terror, and he knew exactly what to do

"Well I have to go Miss Edevane"

"I do hope we do meet again Hans"

"So do I" with that Hans left, and the host got on the stage

Growing up, Janece always love the idea of making a difference in the world in one way or the other. She tried being a lot of things when she was a teenager but failed

As she grew she began to build a very huge interest in writing and that's where her professional life began. Her father would tell her on numerous occasions to leave her writing and join the business world, but she will quietly reject it

At the age of twenty Janece was known for her amazing writings and was given awards on different occasions

Janece's mother struggles to find the perfect dress to wear but couldn't find a thing

"Mother? What are you... Oh my God, who did this to you?" Daisy tried to clean off the stain but failed

"Just let it be, we'll find another dress"

"Let me guess, you and sister had a fight again"


"Mother! When you guys really stop fighting?"

"I don't have time to answer questions right now, just help me find a dress"

"Yes mother"

"Well if it isn't Mr Arvin Chalut" Janece smiled

"Miss Edevane it's a pleasure to meet you" he kissed the back of her hand

"The pleasure is all mine"

Arvin Chalut was a prominent businessman known around the country for his massive success in the business world

"Where's your mother?" He asked as they took a sit on the couch

"Maybe with some friends, I can't really tell" she knew too well that Arvin was indeed her mother's lover, but she wasn't willing to let her mother live a happy life after killing her father

"So, Mr Arvin tell me more about yourself"

"What exactly do you want to know pretty lady?" He kissed her nose and she giggled,

"Do you perhaps have anyone in your life? Perhaps a family or a loving woman who might just be the one?"

"Not really. My wife died about two years ago due to nature leaving me with three kids"

"Oh my God I'm so sorry to hear that, it most have been so difficult"

"It really has, and I want to get in touch with a lot of beautiful and loving women like yourself, so I might just pick the one"

"Thank you, how old are your kids?"

"The youngest is eight, the middle child is seventeen and the oldest is twenty-seven"

"Oh my! Such huge age difference" she gasped, and he laughed

"Well my late wife wanted that, and she left me clueless, because it's just a variety of different demands"

"Kids can be demanding sometimes and with such great age difference it will be more difficult than you expected"

"It really is"

"Then you have to get that lucky lady as soon as possible, but I'll let you have this in case you need anything at all" she wrote her number on a napkin and put it in his pocket

She kissed his cheeks before walking away leaving him with a confused but exciting grin on his face

Janece removed her shoes as soon as the last guest left and crashed on the couch. She felt very exhausted and all she needed was a good night sleep


"Yes ma'am"

"Where are the remaining staffs?"

"I'll get them ma'am"

"Make it snappy"

Her phone began to ring, and an unknown number popped up she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and just then she remembered she had given her number out

"Why I didn't expect you to call this soon"

"Why I didn't expect you to call this soon..." A child's voice mimicked her, "... You witch, leave my father alone, he doesn't need you!" He hanged up the call leaving her completely stunned

One thing was sure if she wanted to take Mr Arvin away from her mother she really had to deal with his children and from the looks of it, they were wild


"Yes, the house should be totally cleaned and should go back to the way it was by tomorrow morning. No trash should be left out at all cost, understood?"

"Yes ma'am"

"You may go, Riele take this to the room"

"Yes ma'am"

She stood up and took the elevator to her room but found her sister sitting in the elevator

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you"


"So we could have a chat"

"Look Daisy the last thing I need is a chit-chat right now I really want to get to bed"

"Why do you like fighting with mother?" Daisy asked completely ignoring everything she had said the last ten seconds

"I told you I don't want a chat"

"It doesn't matter, you have to tell me what I want when I want it" Janece raised her hand to slap her but Daisy held her hand

"Let my hand go you spoiled brat"

"Spoiled brat? You spent the last four years of your life treating mum as though she's your slave, and you dared to call me a brat?"

"Let go of me!"

"And if I don't?"


"Both of you, stop it!" Their mother yelled

"Go and meet your sweet loving mother" Janece eyed her mother and removed her hand from her sister's before walking away

"Who was that?" Arvin walked into the sitting room looking at his middle child

"Just someone I have a clear warning"

"Skylar, who did you call?" Before his father could reach him he ran away

Arvin looked at the phone and back to his son who was standing by the door. He unlocked the phone, and he saw a number and then the tissues that contained her number on the floor

"Skylar get over here right now"

"Yes Dad" Arvin pulled his ears and Skylar held his mouth to stop him from yelling,

"When you called what did you say?"

"You witch leave my father alone, he doesn't need you"

"What have you done?" His father groaned

"I'm sorry Dad"

"I'm not going easy on you, I have heard enough of you all. Rose!!"

"Yes sir"

"He should do the dishes and clean the rooms for seven days"

"But dad..."

"One word from you again, young man, and you would regret it. Rose makes sure he doesn't miss doing it and if he troubles you come and meet me"

"Yes sir"

"Now go and do the dishes" Skylar walked out with Rose behind

Arvin quickly dialed Janece number while watching the clock hoping she hasn't slept yet

"Look kid I don't..."

"It's actually me" he interrupted her


"Yeah, I'm so sorry about Skylar's behavior"

"I understand, he is just a kid and probably doesn't want anyone representing his mother"

"You understand kids so well, I must say I'm impressed" she laughed at the other end of the phone

"I have a little sister, remember?"

"How forgetful of me. Well how about I take you on a date tomorrow as an apology for what my son has done"

"I'm so sorry Arvin, but I have to deliver some books to the library"

"Then we will have a date at the library then, I would really love to know more about your career"

"That's a wonderful idea Arvin, I'll send you the address then"

"Yes please, have a good night sleep"

"Good night Arvin" he hanged up and sighed

"Well someone is going on a date" Damon; his first child teased

"And you're babysitting"

"No I'm not! I have work to do, remember?"

"What work can be better than babysitting your junior ones"

"Any work available trust me does demons will make you nuts"

"Your siblings aren't demons"

"Oh really? Skylar almost ruined your affairs"

"Skylar is a teenager, and even you were worst than that when you were his age, your mother locks you in a room when there's a visitor in the house"

"I wasn't that bad"

"Oh trust me you were"

"So Dad, who is this lucky lady?" He raised his eyebrows

"Aren't you suppose to be sleeping?"

"I'm twenty-seven even you don't know when I sleep. So tell me who is this lady?" He wiggled his eyebrows

"Get out of Damon"

"Come on Dad!"

"Go to bed"

"Fine Dad" he quickly ran up to his room and turned on his laptop

Damon has been a computer and electric genius since he was twelve and his parents didn't stop him from following what he wants with the fact that they lead the business world, what really mattered to them was that their children were happy

"Damon" he turned as he heard his little sister's voice

"Hey! Why aren't you sleeping yet, cupcake?" He opened his arms, and she immediately ran into them

"Why didn't mummy back?" Her question broke his heart into pieces

Damon had always been the emotional one in the family regardless of him being the first child he just ends up loosing his guard especially at the mention of his mother

"Has anyone ever told you about Heaven?"

"Where is that?"

"You see mummy told me not to tell you but let's make it our little secret"

"Pinky promise"

"Heaven is a place where all the fairies get to live forever" she gasped

"Did mummy become a fairy?"

"Yes she did, she became a tooth fairy and that's why I tell you to put your fallen tooth under your pillow at night, and she's going to give you anything you want"

"Did she give me the money too?"

"Of course she did! You are her little princess after all"

"Can I be a fairy too?"

"Of course you can, but you have to wait till you're all grown-up"

"Like you?"

"More than me, now close your eyes and get some sleep you never know if mum might give you a little visit tonight"

"Good night Damon"

"Good night cupcake" she snuggled in his arms and slowly fell asleep

Damon watch her sleep, and he gave out a sad smile. They all miss their mum, but he just needed to stay strong for them