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WHAT ARE WE? PDF Free Download


I shut my eyes, not wanting to see this face another time.l shudder in disgust as he brings his lips to my neck and starts kissing me. Suddenly, I hear a groan of pain and I get free of his disgusting hands, i don't feel him on me but I didn't dare to open my eyes. Another moan is heard again and a punch, i open my eyes and saw him kneeling and bleeding. I watch at the boy who saved me and he hits him hard as more blood floods from his lips and nose, it's so dark and my tears didn't allow me to see my angel. My savior moves as his fist connects with his face and my angel's hair glow under the moonlight and I stop breathing. Corbyn? The boy falls to the ground unconscious as Corbyn hits him in the jaw for the tenth time. His eyes move to my glossy ones and without any thought, he comes to me and wraps his arms around my body tightly. And just like that, I start crying harder as I bury my head in his neck and tug hard in this shirt. He doesnt say a word, he just pulls me closer to him and leaves me to surrender to this cathartic cry that Overwhelms me. My brain stops working and the only word that exists is 'save'. l opened my mouth and after so many weeks, the first words that slip my lips between cries and sobs are, " saved me" I still couldn't believe the scene as i tried as hard as i could, to wrap my mind around what just happened, if i were to be saved by someone, should it be corbyn?. Who is he? What are we?...
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Chapter 1

Jasmine are you up yet?" my mum shouts from downstairs as i climb out of my bed to get ready for school.

"What is your plan for the day?"

"In three, my program will finish but after, I have to go to Clary's to study for our project." I cry " What are you going to do?" "We have a dinner to attend at Smith's. We'll be back at 11.

"Where's my beautiful girl?" My dad's voice booms through the room causing me to turn around. I hug him tight and kiss his cheek. "You didn't hug me!" my mum groans playfully and before i can get up to hug her too, my father speaks, It's because she loves me more," he reasons and the three of us burst into laughter as he tightens his grip around me.


At school


Your tests were interesting to correct," Mr. Scott announces,

at the end of my first period, Some of you, did a good job," he murmurs and gives Matthew and Clary their test.

Clary turns to me with a grin and she shows me her test with a big 95% written with a red pen. "Some of you, need to try a little more," He gives three tests "Others, you need to study much more...and last, few of you just need to keep up your good job," he adds as he gives Harry and me our tests. I really hope I did a good job,.

I studied and...My brain stops thinking as I saw 97% on my test. Walking towards my locker with a smile covering my face, I stopped once I heard familiar voices.

So, are we going to Shawn's party?" "Of course we're. All of Alex's crew will be there. There's no way I'l miss it." Carol states. We all know she has a massive crush on Alex since middle school and keeps refusing to just move on...

Hey, girl," Eliza greets me.

Hi, Are you coming? Carol asks me with hope clear in her eyes. I frown due to my confusion.

"To Janes party?

It's this Friday" she explains. "I don't think so, I have to..." I begin to speak but I'm interrupted and surprisingly not by Carol. "Hey," A delicate voice reach my ears and I whip around to see, Cameron gave me one of those grins that makes every Single girl in this school fall for his charm instantly.

"Hello," I whisper with a weak smile.

What was that?" I hear Emma's shocking tone when Cameron passes us. She places her hands in my shoulders and shake my body in order to get some answers.

I don't know," I answered honestly.

That's it! The best friend of Alex just spoke to you. You're coming to that party whether you like it or not. And you better look sexy!" Carol exclaims and closes her eye playfully as the rest of us laugh.

After a long day with classes, research for the project with Clary and studying. I lay on the couch waiting for my parents to come home. I glance at the clock only to find out its past 12 and they still haven't arrived. Anguish explodes inside of me as I grab my phone with sweat and trembling fingers and call both of their cells with no answer. I heard a pounding on the door and woke up.

I gazed around to see that utter darkness has covered our house with no sight of my loving parents. I turn my eyes to the clock as the sound of a knock travels through the dark and lonely room. I stand up wondering where they are and who is in our door at this hour before my hand contacts with the door. A tall man with formal clothing stands before me and I recognised him immediately.

The officer?.

Bob's worrying eyes find mine and panic takes over. What happened? I open the door a bit more and speak trying to control the distress that threatens to get the best of me. Please, let them be okay, I pray as my lips move. "Hello, is everything okay?" He opens his mouth but closes fill the space between us with anxiety as he attempts to find the right words. I only wish I knew for what. He takes off his hat and mutters calmly,

"I'm sorry," His eyes are glued to the floor, refusing to contact with my watery ones. I feel a knob in my throat and I hardly believe that my heart will get out of my chest as I talk.

"Sorry for what?" My voice comes out as a whisper. The moment I asked, I detect a trunk dragging a car. It's seriously damaged in the front and I flinch as I think what must have happened to the driver and then... I take a better look at it and realize that this car is my father's.

He was the driver but I don't see him anywhere nor my mum. My eyes dart to Mr. Bob's and I finally complete the pazzle.

I moved backwards and my back hits the door as my knees melt and I collapse on the floor. Thousands of tears leave my eyes and I just stay like this.

On the ground, in the darkness thinking that from now on, I'm alone.

Completely alone...