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Her innocent beast

Her innocent beast

Autor: Akanksha

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Her innocent beast PDF Free Download


Shivaay Singh Oberoi : A well known beast , whose name is enough make everyone shiver is in love with a girl named Anika . Anika is is wife for whom he can give his life too He hided his beasty side from her He was always a good and caring person for her but....She never saw him getting angry . She thinks that he Is a sweet person for world too but it's not true as he is beast . He is most arrogant person in his office. He always pampered her. He never showed anger on her. Which made her think that he can't be angry. He is not an angry man What if she saw his real side? What is she saw his anger ? Will she trust him or leave him? What if he was unable to trust her when needed? What if he misunderstood her that she cheated him and throwed divorce papers on her face? What she will do after that? Will she be able to trust him back? To know more peep in
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Chapter 1

  Shivaay , who is known as a beast for whole world is a kind hearted gentleman for her

  His life ,his wife Anika. The circumstances in which they got married were not good but they made it a successful marriage by sacrifice. They holded each other's hands and never left their partner's side

  She was a supporter for him and now also. She always support him everywhere. He confessed his feelings towards her after 6 months of marriage when their family told them they can give divorce

  He became a beast when he saw real world who is selfish. He loves only one person that is Anika

  She will help him to get close to his family

  Shivaay is a ruthless businessman for world. He is strict , punctual, short tempered person

  And for Anika he is totally opposite. He never shouted on her so showing anger is miles away

  He always controlled his anger or rather to say he can't be angry on her. She always play with his hairs and rather than getting angry he feels peace

  He never want her to know about his beast side because she is different from others. He love and pamper her a lot

  Now also he is getting late but she is no mood to leave him

  "Anika wake up na. I am getting late",he said while waking her up but she pulled him near her again

  "Shivaay take holiday today because I want to sleep",she said in sleepy voice cuddling to him more making it difficult to leave her

  "But...", He was interrupted by her

  "Vese bhi you are the best boss I can guess so give them treat by giving holiday", she said

  "No Anika I can't. Work load is much ", he said calmly if not her than he would have shouted on that person for saying this

  "Huhh ok then go",she said angirly and turned her face aside after keeping her head on pillow

  "Sorry don't be angry please",he said sadly while placing her head on his chest again

  Anika smiled and hugged him

  "You know..... You are the best",she said with a smile

  He gleamed in happiness and said

  "Let me get up I have to make breakfast. About meetings so I have to do conference call in study room",he said and left after pulling her cheeks


  He came inside kitchen and started making aloo ka paratha her 2nd favourite dish

  "I know she will love this",he thought and continued making that

  He got a call from his pa Khanna

  "Sir why you didn't came till now", he asked

  "You are no one to ask me anything. Just be in your limits.... And yaa I am not coming today I will do conference calls say them to be ready on time because I hate late commers",he said coldly

  "O....ok sir", said Khanna in trembling voice. Why not everyone is scared of him. He gets angry on silly reasons

  "And yaa tell everyone to do their respective works on time otherwise get ready to loose your job",he said coldly

  "Shivaay", said Anika and throwed water on his face when he turned

  He didn't heard what khanna said because she throwed water on him. Regarding her this childish behaviour so he will never complain as he never felt anger in her any mistake. If someone else did this then that person would have died by now

  "What is this Anika",he said being irritated like a child

  "Awww wanted to see old irritated SSO. I waa missing our water fights and on top of that you left me without saying Good morning",she said

  "Huff this much short matter. I can solve this right now",he said

  "How....", But she stopped when he rubbed his cheeks with her's which made her both cheeks wet

  "Good morning. Now your wish is completed of water fights hana",he said and hugged her

  "Hmm my every wish is completed by you. And sorry for throwing water . I didn't knew it before you were talking. I came here running so I didn't noticed",she said while holding her ears and looking down being guilty

  He pulled her hands back and said

  "It's ok.... Vese d...did heard something",he asked

  "No that's the reason I throwed water . I really didn't knew it before",she said sadly while looking down

  "Shh what are you even saying Anika. You don't need to be sorry ok",he said while holding her chin and making her face him

  "I don't want to hear sorry from you. Say I love you instead ok. You will never say sorry to me",he asked while looking straight into her eyes

  Anika nodded

  "Now smile", he said and Anika smiled

  "Also I was going to wash my face but you did it ",he said while making her sit on slab

  Anika chuckled and said

  "Hmm I can guess now wash your hands . I will make you eat", she said sweetly

  "No Anika eat I have a meeting so I will be busy for 1 hour",he said

  "Ok then I will wait",she said

  "But Anika...", She cutted him

  "Till then I will manage with Tea",she said

  "Anika you can eat don't keep yourself hungry for me",he said while patting her cheeks lightly

  "But I will. Also I want to sleep more",she said while grinning

  "Ok go and sleep",he said and left from there thinking that she can't change.