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The truck driver

The truck driver

Autor: Tayyba Chaudhary

En proceso

General Romance

The truck driver PDF Free Download


This is the story of a girl who seeks help in the dark of night from a boy who is unknown to her and according to people it is foolish to believe such people.But she is afraid of him and believes him. Unbeknownst to her, the trip was going to change her life.

Chapter 1

  " The moonlight of the moon "

  The darkness was getting darker and so was her heart.

  "What was the need to get out of the car?" She was cursing herself. The mobile was also switched off ..... A woman is not as afraid of loneliness and darkness as she is of fear of being trampled on.

  " If I die or go downhill, I will be on top of the trend tomorrow. People will abuse me, say bad things, guess what I was doing alone in this thrilling place."

  There were countless tears in his eyes.

  He looked far and wide in the light of the full moon.

  The cold winter evening was a terrible night for him at that time.

  At that moment his gaze fell on the light approaching from the right.

  "O Allah help me ..... I am in trouble, get me out of this trouble."

  She was praying with tears in her eyes.

  As the light approached, her heartbeat increased with fear and her face began to burn.

  He overcame his condition.

  She got up quickly and stopped on the road.

  She was asking for help, shaking the red stall in her hand.

  "Truck ......" As soon as the light vehicle became clear, it quickly went off the road.

  The truck had stopped a short distance away.


  " Boss! Why did you stop? I had just seen a witch on the road." The boy sitting next to the driver said angrily.

  " Oh no.... no, she was a girl. Let's go and ask what she's doing in this deserted place." His teacher had pushed the door of the truck and jumped out.

  "I'm not going, teacher. You go."

  He spoke in fear and glanced at his Boss, who was wearing a brown leather jacket over his black pajamas and a muffler wrapped around his face so that only his eyes could .

  " Excuse me, madam! ”He approached her very politely but she jumped back in fear.

  "Whats wrong? What are you doing here right now? "

  "Master! If you have talked to Charil Baji, please come. ” Asim called out.

  "Shut up Asim! ..... Madam, where do you want to go?

  He turned to her again.

  "I have to go to the Sargodha." She spoke nervously.

  "Madam, we are going the same way. Look, your standing here is not safe at the moment. Please come with us and we will take you safely to your destination."

  She could not see the man, she could only hear the captivating voice in his mind.He didn't sound like a bully.

  "Promise me you will take me safely to my destination. "

  "Ok madam Promise ... and Shazar keeps what he promises. "He smiled vaguely at her."

  She followed him.

  "O Allah, save me please."

  "Didn't I make this truck driver believe everything wrong? We hear so many bad things about these people anyway."

  She was thinking with folded hands.

  "Asim! Get down, "said Shazar, losing the door on this side.

  "Why, why are you teasing me. Suppose the master is a cuckoo."

  "Don't go downstairs. ”He spoke harshly and Asim came down with a sigh.

  "Madam G ....! Will you sit in the back seat or in this seat?"

  "Wow, wow, ask the teacher. He won't even ask you and me who to eat first." Asim's tongue was itchy again

  "Come on, it's good. One is scared and the other seems to be forgetful. "

  He smiled thinking to himself.

  "I will sit next to you." She said seriously.

  "Okay Madam G. Come on Asim! Go to the back seat."

  He said he passed in front of the truck and climbed into the driver's seat.

  As he sat down, he turned on all the lights
