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Fated to be...

Fated to be...

Autor: Saiky

En proceso

Realistic Urban

Fated to be... PDF Free Download


I was 30 years old, boring business woman. Well people call me as the youngest director of DN group but I am nothing more than a LG old woman. I had achieved everything in my life but I was all alone....... Born as an orphan but now I was nothing but a lonely woman. I tried everything.... From blind dates to dating sites but nothing worked out.... Untill.... Universe had an unique way of fulfilling your emptiness. Well my life also took a surprising turn where I met the man who was made for me but I myself pushed him away...
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Chapter 1

  Hey there....

  I am Hannah... Hannah Watson.

  I am 30 years old and I am the director of DN group.

  My proffesional life is an achievement but my personal life is pathetic.

  I am 30 and still I am single.... No relationships and no mingling.

  I spend my prime twenties in making my career and then by the time I realized my mistake I was already..... Hmm. Yeah 30!

  I know... I really sucks.... And my life too... But I want it to change.

  I also want it to be more colourful and have someone beside me.

  I am 5"7 and have okish body.

  I have a good monthly package and I earn alot.

  Well yeah I have some luxurious cars and a big house... And...

  "What the hell is this? Hannah you are writing your information for dating app and not for any CV.

  Common girl write something which makes you attractive" my aunt yelled after watching my info list.

  I was orphan and the only person I had was my aunt. She was there with me from a baby till now.

  She always wanted to see me happily married and for that she searched for boys and boys but of no use.

  "Aunt why are you forcing me. This is the 20th time I am doing this.... I don't want anyone now.... I have actually learned to live on my own.. "

  I raised from my chair and took my bag and left the house.

  I started my car and drove it to the office.

  Why she is trying so hard when no-one is going to date me. I thought to myself.

  I was lost in myself and ignored the fact that I was driving when I rammed into bicycle.

  "Oh God... What now? "

  I quickly stopped the car and stepped out to the bicycle guy.

  "Are you okay? Listen I am really sorry that I.. Let me take you to the hospital. " I said holding the guys shoulder.

  "No need I am fine. "he said and then looked up at me.

  His eyes was beautiful... Ocean blue coloured and his lips were thin and pretty.

  He had perfect muscle and was looking as hot as Greek God.

  "Umm.. I agree that you have a beautiful eyes pretty lady but that doesn't mean you have the license to stare me. "

  He motioned staring at him... Which made me a bit embarrassed.

  "So.. Sorry well let me help you with your way. "

  I tried to help him but he said no..

  "I am fine..but yes my Minki is not... Help me get it right. "

  "Minki? ""

  He pointed at his bicycle.

  I smiled at his bike's name. But then I took my purse and handed him the compensate money...

  "Thank you my lady.. It was nice meeting you. And a small tip for you.... If I may... You should not bend while wearing a deep neck as it shows your sexy boobs. "

  With that he left...

  I looked at my dress and then back at him....
