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Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

Autor: Rebygray



Finding Happiness PDF Free Download


Perry Gray's life is what you'd call a hot mess. She's a seventeen year old with a sad family life, messy social life and to top it off she sucks academically. Looking at how depressing her everyday life is, you'd expect her to be a nerd or at the very least be academically stable but nope, she's as dumb as a rock or at least that's her mindset. Kendra Matthews, the girl who has it all. Rich, pretty and very intelligent which makes her the true definition of perfection well at least that's what she wants everyone in school to believe but in her real world, she's far from perfect. Her good looks, good grades and her popularity could only help her hide her imperfections and live a lie. The story of two girls with opposite realities finding comfort in being themselves and learning how to be better people by appreciating their true realities and learning how to cope with their respective lives.
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Chapter 1


  "Camille, I'm so done for!" I wail dramatically, itching my hair vigorously and at the same time making a crazy mess on my head.

  "What did you do now Perry?" My best friend, Camille asks and I show her my maths test results immediately earning a deep frown from her.

  "Like seriously Perry, when are you gonna start taking your education seriously? Last test you had a D and now it's an F? What's the hell goes on in that head of yours? Are you getting better or worse? Answer me!" She scolds me angrily. 

  "Dad's definitely going to disown me. He'll definitely throw me out of the house and forget he ever had a daughter." I mutter sadly.

  "I don't get why I'm so dumb and stupid Cammie. I swear, I try so hard to study but all I need is half a page or one math problem and I'm already in wonderland. It's almost like I'm cursed." I whisper and she smacks my head.

   "There's a big difference in being cursed and being stupid and you my friend are a big chunk of stupid." She insults and I scowl.

  "Is that what a real friend should say?" I frown and she hisses.

  "Do you expect me to congratulate you? Buy you a gift, pat your back and tell you it's okay to fail? Is that really what a real friend does?" She retorts and I shamefully lower my head before deciding to change the topic.

  "I'm staying at your place tonight Camille. I can't go home or else I'll be dead before dawn and If dad doesn't kill me, I think the guilt will." I tell her and she nods in agreement.

  "Sure thing, I already know how your dad's gonna react and I can't let you risk going home but you'll definitely be sleeping on the floor as punishment for failing, okay?" She replies and I roll my eyes at her.

  "You can't do that to me cause you know you love me." I drawl playfully with a sheepish smile and we laugh about my grades till we walked into class.

    Hi, I'm Perry Rose Gray but you can call me Perry. I'm a seventeen year old girl with the worst luck on planet earth. Although, I suppose forty percent of teenagers who have things going wrongly in their lives think they have the worst luck but if you hear my story, you'll agree that I'm not far off.

    My first misfortune was right from birth. I mean a child that grows up to realise that she is the reason her father lost the love of his life can never be a happy child and guess what, I'm that child. My mom and dad were so excited to have their first child but unfortunately it was also their last together cause my mom passed away the minute my fragile little body said hello to the world. Sad, am I right?

    Although my dad never said it, he resented me a little and it's probably cause I took away the love of his life and as much as he tried not to show his resentment towards me, he just couldn't help it.

  I guess sometimes even the best people lose their cool and to be honest, I haven't exactly been the best daughter in the world. I sucked at almost everything if not everything except dancing.

    My academic performance is a fat ass tragedy, my love life is non existent, my popularity level in school is well high but not in a very positive light. I'm known for being clumsy, shy, I stammer whenever I'm in a difficult situation, I always come last in class and well I'm the queen bee's favourite prey. In other words, MY LIFE SUCKS!

    I have only two friends in this world, well the only ones I can trust and that's Camille and Kimberly. They have stuck with me even when I got myself in the stickiest situations and they even sacrificed the popular life just to hang out with me and be labelled as losers.

    Well let's get back to my depressing reality. It's third period which means my second worst teacher is about to step in and unfortunately, my tormentor also has this class.

  If you don't know who I'm talking about, let me fill you in.

  Kendra Matthews, prettiest, richest, smartest, most talented female in class 16 and also the second most intelligent girl in school and as much as I hate her, I have to admit there's nothing that bitch can't do and she's a top notch boy magnet. Literally every boy in KQ academy wants to eat her up.

  "Good morning dumbo." A familiar voice sings and the urge to strangle a human being burns through me but knowing very well that I'm not brave enough to confront her, I try my best to ignore her.

  "You're not gonna say hello to me or is there something wrong with your ability to speak as well?" She taunts, I ignore.

  "Well, I'm pretty sure you have nothing to say to me after getting an F in maths test, I mean, you can't possibly have anything worthwhile to say." She mocks and Camille quickly butts in.

  "Shut the fuck up and leave us alone Kendra!" She yells and Kendra smirks. 

  "Sit your ass back down big eyes cause no one asked you to intervene and as for you plain sheet, I'll chat with you later." She waves childishly before strutting to her sit.

     Mrs Gonzalez walks in looking grumpy as usual.

  "Good morning class!" She greets dryly and gets a dry response in return. I personally stopped greeting her a long time ago.

    "I've marked your assignments and some of you were impressive while some were a disgrace as usual." She snaps and stares at me and wished I could disappear.

  "Tyler Reids?" She calls out one of KQ's most popular hot butt and my four year old crush who also happens to be Kendra's boyfriend. How unfortunate, am I right?

  "Mr Reids, I'm actually surprised at how well you did your assignment. You passed excellently well and it's a great thing that at least you're improving." She says and calls him out to pick up his script.

  Everyone in class starts to murmur about it like it was that big a deal but I mean, I love Tyler but I'm certain he cheated.

     She calls out more names and gets to Camille who had a sore look on her face after collecting her script.

  "I had a freaking B-!!!" She snaps and I almost roll my eyes at how dramatic she's being. If I had a B, my dad would throw a party.

  "Kendra Matthews." The head witch calls out the senior witch and she sashays out with obvious confidence, something I wish I could do.

  "Miss Matthews, you have never disappointed the school and have always made me proud and fortunately that hasn't changed. As expected, you passed excellently." She smiles at a grinning Kendra, showing off her ugly brown teeth.

  "Thank you ma'am!" Kendra replies politely and hops back to her sit with a wide smile on her face, more names are called, Kim gets a B+ but doesn't look surprised or bothered and then my name was called and with the look on Mrs Gonzalez face, I knew I let myself and my friends down again.

  "Miss Gray, I need to know why you keep embarrassing me and the class." She says and I'm lost.

  "I just heard from your math teacher teacher that you got an F on your test and now you get another F on your literature assignment? Is there something damaged in your brain or are you just not cut out to study? If you're not, just drop out and stop embarrassing me!" She yells at me and angrily throws my script at my face.

  Have you ever felt so embarrassed you pass out? Well that was exactly how I felt, I just wanted to pass out and not face the embarrassment but as usual that did not happen and instead I shamefully return to my sit and continuously had to listen to Kendra and her squad mock me and shove my pride in the mud while Camille and Kim just try to calm me down but deep down, I knew I did not deserve friends like them.

  As soon as the bell rings I jump out of my seat and bolt out the door looking for somewhere to escape my reality and at least cry in peace.

    I walk into the inner room of the school library which is usually empty and I cry out as loudly as I could thinking no one would see or hear me. Well I was wrong, someone had to intrude my privacy and it was someone who should have never seen me this way. Robbie Devan.

  Okay, since I haven't said much about the boys in my school, I'll give you a summary of what KQ boys are like.

  Seventy percent are annoying and thirty percent are just hot and popular for no good reason except a few exceptions.

  So Robbie is one of the most popular guys in school although he's not like the rest of them, I won't tag him as annoying or hot and popular with nothing to offer.

  He's the most intelligent student in KQ high with a GPA of 4.8 making him the school's golden boy for good reasons and he's of course, a nerd, never had a girlfriend in school although he has a lot of girls who like him a lot but pays zero attention.

    He's cute but not as cute as Tyler but he's also very popular and beside him Tyler doesn't stand a chance but what makes Tyler a little better is his charisma which is something Robbie doesn't give a shit about.

  Rumor even has it that the guy is gay which explains why his girlfriend record is clean and he has never had a slip up with the school authority. Honestly he's too big of a star for me to say hello to, totally off my league.

  We have a few other guys in KQ, pretty popular and super hot, even hotter than Robbie but less popular because Robbie intimidates everyone with one word and trust me, he doesn't really talk much but when he does he shuts down the whole if you know what I mean and lest I forget, he's a senior.

  "Ehm.. Are you okay?" He asks awkwardly and I could tell he wished he did not see me as well.

  "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry, didn't know students still come here." I apologise and he shrugs.

  "It's not like you came here to study and make proper use of the place, once you're done here, you'll leave and won't come back till you need a place to cry again." He replies and I feel a little insulted by his remark but to face the truth, he's very correct.

  "Well I'm sorry and please excuse me!" I snap a little but his next comment surprises me.

  "Pardon my bluntness but I don't think you want to go out looking like a horror movie character. There's a bathroom down there and it's still usable. If you go out like that I'm afraid you'll come right back crying." He says dryly and I shudder at how emotionless he sounded.

  "Now I'm certain you're gay." I murmur to myself and he gives me a weird look before turning away and walking out. Did he hear me? Hopefully not.

    If you have ever heard the saying 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' then you should know that statement is nothing but bullshit, at least to me it is.

  I walk straight to my locker avoiding eye contact and trying to lay low by ignoring the insults I heard from these rotten lips that spend their day gossiping.

  I thought I finally made it safely to my locker till my number one tormentor suddenly stops in front of me.

  "Aww, you look so sad Perry!" She taunts sarcastically and my mental energy just drains.

  "Please leave me alone Kendra." I beg and she scowls.

  "You should be thanking me for even talking to you, you ingrate. Can't you see how unfortunate you are? Your father is so ashamed of you he doesn't show up here at all, everyone in school laughs at you and you have nothing to say to defend yourself cause turns out we're all right." She taunts harshly and my stomach drops.

  "Do you want to know why the school hasn't expelled you yet?" She asks and I furrow my brows confused.

  "Why would they expel me?" I ask and she snorts.

  "You have the lowest GPA in the history of KQ high and you're not useful in any extra curricular so why shouldn't you be expelled? The only reason an empty skull like you can still walk around a prestigious school like KQ is cause your dad constantly pays loads of cash so you don't get expelled." She says, I frown.

    "I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to face the embarrassment of changing schools for you. You should just jump off a bridge already cause you're good for nothing." She says with a sadistic smile and walks off with her entourage strutting behind her and for the first time life actually gives me exactly what I ask for cause as soon as she leaves, I pass out.