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World History

World History

Autor: Madison young

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World History PDF Free Download


Want to know about history then you have got the right story. This book is about history and about the past? Whos ready to be amazed? This is about the Romans egyptians and everything. Would you like to know?♡♡. Come join me on my journey before our great great great great great grandmas were born
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Chapter 1

  In the ancient egyptians, people never used to have what we have today like electronics or anything. They had to make everything by themselves.


  Tutankhamun was one of the most famous pharaohs but not the most famous one. Tutankhamun broke from a broken leg, because there was no hospitals in those days.Thats go all the way back to when it was chaos! He had been grave robbing in 1327BC in the valley of the kings. Tutankhumuns tomb was discovered in 1992 and that's when the rumor went around that there was a curse on the tomb and they might still be...


  Cleoparta was the last great queen of Egypt. Cleo was probably not a beautiful woman bu the way.

  Cleo was very clever, because she learnt so many different languages. Cleo took the thone about 17 years old in 51 BC. Cleoparta wrote a letter saying to everybody saying that "let me be buried with Mark Anthony," she said well on a piece of paper any way.

  In 5500BC , An awesome amazing egyptian people begin to settle beside the River Nile,but they haven't invented the wheel so that's a real bummer.

  Basically a lot happened in the ancient egyptian times I just can't get enough of this history of the past I mean who would hate it?


. History is so important, because we know what people have done in the past but some is really violent, like people cutting peoples heads off for really no reason.

  Now thats talk about hmm oh yes the most important part the deaths haha. Some of the deaths were just crazy one even got sent to the afterlife unsafey. Deaths were soo important to the ancient egyptians, because they used to love everybody like we do but we don't be buried in the ground or in the pyramids. Some of the slaves died in the prymaid by the health of hunger or really really thirsty.

  Alright thqts everything about the ancient egyptiwns but we have a lot of things coming up next stay tuned to find out what happened in more history but the thing is do you want to be the smartest person ever in some subjects then read everything about what is in this book and it might happen you know. By the way I said maybe, but I'm sure it would happen absolutely 1000%. You should read about other things in this history book and have a great time reading this. Wait before we go in the next chapter please read everything right maybe thats go on the other subject now so let's go