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His Love His Hate

His Love His Hate

Autor: Jay_Lay_Cul


Realistic Urban

His Love His Hate PDF Free Download


Olivia Christopher was only eight years old when her parents moved to Chicago because of her dad's job. She was a shy and introverted sweet little girl and the only child of Mr and Mrs Christopher. Due to Olivia's nature, she never made much friends. So when her parents decided to move from Boston to Chicago, Olivia was sad, she was scared of leaving her old friends. On their arrival at Chicago, what Olivia never expected to happen in a month, happened in ten minutes. She became friends with her new neighbor, Joseph. This friendship blossomed into something more over the years and they knew it would last a lifetime, but will it?
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Chapter 1

  Olivia was only eight years old when her parents moved to Chicago. Her dad who was a doctor was transferred to a newly built hospital over there while her mom was a stay home mom. She was the only child of her parents.

  Olivia sat quietly at the back of the car while her parents were chatting in front.

  "Are you okay sweetie?" Olivia's mom asked.

  "Yes mummy." she replied.

  But deep down inside, she was sad because she was already missing her friends back in Boston. She didn't want to leave but had no choice since it had to do with work. She wondered if she was going to make any friends in Chicago because making friends was a really hard thing for her to do. Back home she had only three friends and they did most of the talking. Olivia was a very shy and introverted girl that was why she was sad and scared when her parents told her that they were moving.

  The truck that carried their belongings stopped in front of a beautiful but simple bungalow. Her dad's car stopped right behind the truck and both parents got out of the car. Olivia noticed there were other bungalows which looked like theirs on both side of the street. She quietly came out of the car to take a good look at her surrounding. She turned around when she heard a noise from across their new home and noticed two boys playing with a dog. They looked so much alike. Olivia wondered how that was even possible. She kept staring and smiling to herself then she noticed one of the boys running towards her direction, that caused her to become nervous and scared, wondering if he had caught her staring. When he got closer, she noticed he was a cute boy with blonde hair and was three inches taller than her. He looked older than her, probably ten years old but what intrigued her the most were his green eyes.

  "Hi, I'm Joseph. You must be the new neighbors. I live right across from you and that's my twin brother, Jordan." The cute boy said to Olivia.

  That explains why they look so much alike, Olivia thought to herself. She waved at Jordan but he ignored her. She felt sad and embarrassed.

  "Don't mind him, he's always that way towards strangers. What's your name?" Joseph asked, making Olivia realise that she hadn't introduced herself.

  "I'm Olivia." she replied shyly.

  Olivia saw a blonde woman come out of Joseph's house and called out to him.

  "Joseph what are you doing over there? Honey don't disturb the new neighbors." the woman said while coming towards them.

  # Olivia's mom was inside the house giving instructions to the men who were bringing in their belongings when she noticed a boy standing beside Olivia and a woman walking towards them. She then went outside to find out what was going on.

  "Olivia sweetie, Is everything okay?" she asked as she protectively held Olivia by her side.

  "Hi. I'm Mrs Gilbert but you can call me Rachel and this is my son, Joseph." the blonde hair woman said while extending her hand to Olivia's mom.

  "I'm Mrs Christopher, but I prefer you call me Jennifer cos I don't want to feel old."

  They both laughed at her comment.

  "You're welcome to our neighborhood. You'll love it here." Rachel said.

  "I can see that already." Jennifer replied.

  "You know what?..." Rachel continued.

  "Why don't you and your family come over for dinner tonight at our place." she requested.

  "That would be nice. I'll let my husband know. Thanks for the invitation."

  "Okay then, I better go get started." Rachel said before saying goodbye.

  She left with Joseph who happily waved Olivia goodbye.