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Smirks Evilly

Smirks Evilly

Autor: Ms. AV

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Smirks Evilly PDF Free Download


He has an evil grin on his face "Keep an eye on yourself, love. This constant teasing will land you in hot water one day "He huskily whispered. "What's the matter?" I inquired in a risky manner. He raised an eyebrow, and before I knew it, his hand was around my neck, his lips crashing against mine. Violet is referred to as the "family disappointment." Until he arrived, he was always regarded as nothing. Greyson is known for being a cold-hearted businessman. Until she arrived, I was always regarded as a careless player. Violet is left with almost no options for housing after her parents kick her out. But what happens when she comes across an open room for rent? Greyson's house? Will their disparate personalities clash or blend into something beautiful? The only way to know is to wait and see.
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Chapter 1

"Hey, Mia." My brother, Ian said to me as I opened my locker making me smile lightly. "Blake and I are going to a party tonight. Do you want to come?" Ian asked making me shake my head as I tried to fight my frown.

"No, thanks. I have to work." I answered as I closed my locker making him nod lightly oblivious to the tired bags hanging under my eyes. "Okay. Don't wait up after school I'm getting a ride with-" He started until one of his friends called for him making him turn away.

"I'll see you at home." I said with a weak smile as he looked down at me again. He quickly nodded before walking away. I let out a sigh as I hitched my book bag on my shoulder.

I was always envious of Ian and his social life. At all his friends and how well he was at keeping our secrets. I was never like him. I was always a horrible liar and because of that I pushed all my previous friends away after our parents had died.

They could obviously tell something was wrong with me from how depressed I was. How I would always skip school from being too tired from crying the night before. But I knew I couldn't tell anyone about what had happened. We both couldn't. Or else we would end up in foster care separated and alone.

I was just waiting for seven more months until I turned eighteen. It was then where I would finally graduate, and we wouldn't have to lie stress about someone finding out about what has really been going on in our lives.

The bell rang making me snap from my thoughts. I quickly leaned off my locker to start walking towards my next class when someone ran into me stumbled as my books fell.

"Watch where you're going." I groaned annoyed as I bent down to pick up my things. As I stood, I noticed that he was surprised that I spoken to him in such a way as I looked into his deep brown eyes.

My brain turned to jelly as his eyes met mine before I quickly ignored the feelings, as he stormed off.

He just scoffed as he walked away making me roll my eyes as I stood up. "Jackass." I breathed out as I continued walking to class.

"Did you see the new guy?" A girl whispered behind me in class making me look up from my test. "Yes. I heard he is in a gang." Another woman whispered making me frown before I looked back down.

"I heard he killed someone." "Who cares. He is so hot." The two girls behind me continued making me roll my eyes. "Why would a guy who is a supposed gang member and who has killed someone be going to our school?" I muttered annoyed to myself as I continued my math test making the two girls behind me scoff.

It was now the end of the school day making me relieved until I remembered I had work in a few hours. I inwardly groaned as I made my way towards the front of the school with the large crowd around me before one of my teachers walked up to me.

"Hi, Amelia. I was wondering if your parents would be participating in this years bake sale?" She asked instantly making my heart drop at the mention of them. "Uh, no. Sorry... they have a lot on their plate right now." I lied trying to push back my sadness in my voice before she smiled softly.

"Okay, no worries! We will miss them this year." Mrs. Simpson beamed before she walked away making a tear slide down my face. "Me too." I whispered to myself as I quickly wiped it away as I continued walking.

I saw the same guy that ran into me earlier as I walked towards my car. He was making out with some blonde against his car making me roll my eyes. His eyes met mine as I unlocked my car making my eyebrows crease at the ping of jealousy I felt.

His hands were roaming her back and bottom making me frown before I quickly ignored him as I slid into the driver's side of my car. Part of me missed his gaze and his eyes looking into mine but I instantly shrugged off the thought.

I didn't want to get in a relationship with any guy until college. I couldn't risk them knowing Ian and I's secret. They could blow the whole thing and get us both in serious trouble. I couldn't risk losing him.

Before our parents had died, I was a completely different person than I am now. I was just starting high school and I had my fair share of friends.

We hung out and went to parties from time to time and the same with Ian. Him and I were never really close with him being three years younger than me. I always used to think that he was just an annoying person who I just happened to be related to.

That all changed the night we found out our parents died in a car accident. We of course were both devastated for them. But my main worry was what would happen to Ian.

I told the police officers that we had an aunt and uncle that would take us in. They easily bought the lie not looking into our parent's non existant family history.

From then on, I have been signing every guardian signature school gives us, sending emails to our teachers about Ian's poor grades or his behavior and putting food on the table and a roof over our heads.

I have been working at a diner and a strip club for a few years now. I lied to the strip club about my age when I was fifteen desperately wanting a job there. Luckily, I looked older than I was, so I got the jobs. I knew that the women there got paid well even if it was all crumpled up one dollar bills.

I knew it isn't the best job in the world nor the safest, but we really needed all the cash we could get. Ian obviously doesn't know I work there I never had the heart to tell him. He just thinks the diner pays well on its own.

Another good thing about working there is that I know no guys from school will see me there. Knowing they would never get past the security without being older than eighteen.

"Hey, Faith!" Crystal beamed as I walked into the dressing room of the club making me smile. All the girls here didn't go by their real names wanting to keep somethings to themselves as we flaunt our assets to all the men here.

"Hey. Is it busy?" I asked as I sat next to her in front of my mirror making her nod lightly as she put on her makeup. "Yes." Cherry answered behind me making me look up in my mirror as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"Tim already had to kick out two men tonight." She continued chuckling making me groan inwardly as I applied some light makeup. "Crystal and Faith, you're up next." One of the owners said making Crystal and I quickly finish getting ready before we walked out on the stage.

Crystal and I were both wearing long inch heals as we wore short shirts and shorts that barely covered our bottoms. I used to feel extremely uncomfortable when I first started this job. But after working here for two years I have gotten used to all the men's stares and advances.

As the clock turned midnight, I quickly grabbed all my things ready to finally leave. I kept my heals and the same three outfits here unless I took them home to wash when Ian was with friends.

I looked in my reflection as I sat up to see the same familiar bags under my eyes and the same outfit, I wore this morning. A pair of black skinny jeans with a band tee and a long cardigan. The usual.

"Bye! See you tomorrow!" Crystal beamed as she ate her dinner making me smile as I put my hair down. "Have a good night." I said with a smile knowing that would be a hard thing to have here.

"Wait, Faith. Here is your paycheck." The owner said to me as I walked towards the backdoor making me stop in my tracks. "Oh, thanks." I said as I opened it instantly making me frown in confusion.

"Where is the rest of it?" I asked quickly noticing the missing fifty dollars making him shrug. "You were late two times this week. We had to deduct it." Patrick answered making my lips part before he walked past me towards the bar.

I let out an aggravated groan as I shoved the door open. I knew I had no reason to be upset knowing he wasn't in the wrong, but I still couldn't help but let out another loud aggravated sigh. There goes our grocery money.

I started walking down the street towards my house as I continued to mutter angerly under my breath. I didn't drive to this work because it was just a block away from home. I wanted to save all the money on gas we could.

The occasional lamp post lighted my way as I continued walking down the dark sidewalk. I crossed my arms trying to preserve some heat when I heard rustling behind me. I quickly turned my head as I gripped my mace.

After a few seconds I saw a squirrel run out of the bushes making me let go of my breath.

I turned my head forward to start walking again when I suddenly felt someone's grip on my mouth making me scream against it. My book bag fell as I struggled against his hold.

"Give me your money." He demanded in a deep voice making me pull away from his clammy hand harshly before I let out a loud scream. "Shut up!" The man beamed before he turned me around to punch me.

I stumbled backwards to the ground as I felt a gross metallic taste in my mouth. Once he finished rifling through my bag, I saw him grab my wallet making my eyes widen.

"Please-" I started making him look down at me to cut me off. "I said be quiet!" The dirty blonde-haired man yelled making me flinch as he pointed a gun at me. He was about to continue when I heard a gun going off making me close my eyes as I let out a sob.

"Are you okay?" A man asked after a few moments of silence. I slowly opened my eyes as tears fell down my face.

I instantly saw my mugger lying lifeless on the ground with blood pooling from his head making my lips part. "What's wrong with her?" Another man asked making me flinch as I adverted my gaze from the dead man across from me.

"I-I fine." I lied as I wiped off my tears before I stood up. "Here." The first man said as he handed my wallet and bag making me take it before looking up at him. My lips instantly parted on shock and confusion as I looked up at his familiar handsome features.

"Y-You. From school." I stated as my lips parted in shock making his features soften as the other mans filled with confusion. "Why are you walking alone in the dark?" He asked making me frown as I placed my bag on my shoulder.

"Why are you?" I asked making them mask their features as he tried to read me. "Thank you for saving me. I-I should really get home." I said as I started to walk away again when he stopped me.

"Where do you live? We can give you a ride." He said making me shake my head. "No, I live right down the street." I replied making his features harden as I tried to continue walking past him. I despritly wanted to get out of this situation away from the dead man only a few feet away from me.

"It's not safe." He said again in an annoyed tone making me roll my eyes. I was about to reply when he continued making me look at him. "Get in the car." He demanded making me frown as saw the black car across the street.

I silently debated on getting in a stranger's car when a cold breeze flew by me making me shiver as I inwardly groaned.

"Fine." I mumbled as I adjusted my bag making a smug smile form on his lips before they both started walking towards the car.

I followed them into the car as the man from school sat next to me. I frowned realizing someone else was with them as they sat in the driver's seat.

"Address?" The guy from school asked making me look out the window as I answered. I ignored the fact that they knew I lied about living down the street as it took a few minutes before they pulled in front of my house.

"Thank you again." I said as I opened the door and slid out before he spoke. "Why were you walking alone?" He asked again making me frown.

"I take pleasure in putting myself in danger on a school night." I answered sarcastically making his face harden as the other two men muffled their chuckles.

I shut the door before I started walking across the lawn before I met with the familiar white door. I heard the car speed away as I opened my door making me let go of a breath, I didn't know I was holding.

I quickly locked the door as I turned the living room light on for Ian. I made my way up towards my bedroom before I threw my bag by the foot of my bed in exhaustion.

So many questions ran through my mind as I took a shower desperately wanting to wash this day off me.

Who were the men who saved me? Why were they driving around that part of town? Why did they kill my attacker? Couldn't they have just knocked him out? Not that I am complaining.

I knew I should have been more freaked out about seeing a dead body in front of me, but it sadly wasn't the first time I have seen one. Since I was the oldest and I didn't want Ian to have to see our dead parents. I was the one to identify them after the accident. I pushed my thoughts away about my parents as I finished getting ready for bed.

I heard Ian's bedroom door close as I slid in bed making me frown as I bundled in my blankets. I knew Ian and I were never close but part of me always wanted to be. Especially after what happened.

I wanted someone to grieve with and to share silly stories about them with. He is the only one that knows what I am going through and I wish I could tell him what is on my mind instead of keeping it all inside.

After what happened he just became more dependent on me. From the very start I asserted myself to take care of us and to pay for everything. He didn't push back which has always disappointed me. But I knew if he did I wouldn't have let him anyway.