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Destined To Be With Him

Destined To Be With Him

Autor: NK



Destined To Be With Him PDF Free Download


A carrier oriented girl pursuing her graduation in medical school is forced to a marriage due to a life changing accident to none other than her professor; making an age difference of 8 yrs. She brought rays of hope in his life, he gave her courage to chase her dreams. Aiding eachother they fall in love, everything became smooth until a card from his past flips. What will happen when she will come across past life of her husband after falling for him.
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Chapter 1

Infront of a public hospital a girl in her early twenties, riding a scooter and wearing a brown helmet stops in staff parking. Meanwhile another girl leaning to a pillar starts walking to her with lazy steps clearly showing her tiredness after waiting for her dear friend a long time , "Good morning Dr. Akira" said the girl with fake sweet smile. The girl on the scooter removes her helmet and replied extra sweetly,

"Good Morning Dr. Carol aren't you required in ENT ward today ??" said Akira with a mocking tone.

"Ahhh!!...U just shut up, why is that so that we are always present at first place for classes??" Said Carol, showing her tiredness making a dull face. Without answering Carol, Akira starts walking from parking, it was normal for her to see Carol throwing tantrums for attending lectures that too specially from front seat. Akira, Carol and Alicia three besties, met each other during their briefing course in this medical college. Three of them were new in the college few lectures they spent and their vibes matched and soon they become besties in these 4 years. Time made their bond grew stronger with eachother. Akira dragged the Carol who was nagging like a spoilt brat, to lecture hall. In the empty lecture hall another girl in was sitting in second row at the corner in front of door, scrolling her mobile with headphones on.

Seeing her carol kept both of her hand on her mouth like she saw a ghost and ran towards her, pulling our earphones she leaned forward and touched her forehead and said " Alicia, dear are you ok??did you got fever last night?? Or you saw ghost movies??"

"No, but why are you asking me such stupid questions with lot of your rare concern??"said Alicia, she knew how much bad mouthed is Carol and such sweetness are rarest of rare.

"Because darling you never comes for lecture on time, my bag has got habituated 9f safe guarding your seat" said Carol making sarcastic sweet face.

"Ohhhh!... carol stop it don't say that otherwise Alicia won't be coming for classes on time." said Akira and chuckled. On this Alicia rolled her eyes and pulled them to their seats. Soon other students also entered the lecture hall and lecture started. Later in lunch break Akira checked her phone and saw several missed calls of her mom, then she dialed her mothers number.





"hello Akira" said her mother

"yes mum"

"dear come home early after attending your college and don't go to library spending your time" after saying this her mother hung up the call leaving Akira confused. Her mothers hurry clearly give her indication of scam plotted by her mother but she didn’t want to take risk because neither her mother have anyone except her nor she have other than her mother. After her college she hurriedly headed towards her home, after entering in living room she called her mother "mum.......mum, I am back"

Her mother came down from her room, smiling in an attempt to serve her plans to Akira, "Oh dear thanks for coming early" said her mother.

Akira smelled that something is fishy so she directly asked "Can you please tell me the reason that why did you call me so early??"

"Dear, actually we are invited by your uncle Maxim to their farm house that he bought last month and he wanted you to be there so..." Akira cut her mothers word in between she clearly understood what her mother wanted from her " No….. a big NO…. no is my answer, you know that very well so don't force me you know that I hate attending parties and all. Especially with those penguins and their lil ducklings” Akira hate attending social events and parties as people around her always kept taunting her for being different from her cousins and other girls like she doesn't date anyone, don't do thick layer of makeup, and don't spend thousands on every weekend buying shit in the name of shopping. She is not a tom boy but she is not like the typical girls of her age who have only one motive in there life that is to get married to rich family and spending money like water. She focused on her aim of becoming a successful surgeon, she had grown up by her mother alone. She had witnessed the hard work by her mother. She wants to give her mother a life of luxury with her hard earned money. Her mother made puppy face and pleaded her

"please dear your aunt and grandmother bought a gift for you and they wanted to give that to you personally and what kind of daughter you are not listening to your mother at this age, god knows how many days are left in my hand" Her mother played the trump card that could turn game in her side.

Akira groaned for few seconds,

“Fine!!!!! But we will be back as early as possible” said Akira then she agreed for going to party putting a condition infront of her mother to get back by 9 to which she agreed.