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Autor: Stella12345



Helena PDF Free Download


Helena Prologue Is every girls dream to have a fairy tale prince to fall in love with when she grows up well except Agnes What happens when your family has another plan for you??? What happens when your family decide to choose a groom for you going contrary to your dream and wish??? What happens to your dream then??? That's Helena and this is her story don't miss it.
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Chapter 1


Chapter 1

Even if life was a mess for her, Helena Montana knew she had nothing to do to stop the bad egg lead before her eyes as she walked down the glass stairs, her grandmother Mary Montana, and brother Jake Montana stood at the living room center as many gifts were all over the place, moving closer to them they smiled at her and she hugged them after greeting them.

"Mother why all this gift ? Helena asked looking at the many gifts laid before her eyes .

"Oh my child , they are your wedding gifts, you know Dion Leo wants the marriage as soon as possible" Mary said happily.

Helena became sad, but she just put a smile on her face to hide her hurtful eyes, she watched as Mary gave her a wedding cup.

"Take a look at this dear " Mary handed it to her it was a white little mug,she stared at it with a scorn on her face, jake knew his sister so well, he knew she wasn't happy about the marriage.

"Isn't it beautiful dear? Mary asked smiling cheerfully.

"Well mother what's a mug doing in a wedding gift ? Helena asked .

"Common Helena , it's from your soon to be husband, he has put it into your gifts so you could have drinks with it, a special tea mug for you " she said touching her cheek .

"Don't you like it Helena? Jake asked even if he knew she would lie and say "no"

"No, of course I like it,i was just wondering" she replied putting her best fake smile on her

face .

Jake needs to think of a way to help his sister out, he can't watch her marry a man she has no feelings for and far older for that matter.

"I will drop it now granny, I need to go too my room" Helena said trying to drop the cup, but it slipped from her hand and landed on the surface of the ties floor , it broke into million pieces, she looked up at her brother and mother who's faces held shock .

"Oh my god, what have you done, you broke your wedding cup" Mary said.

"It was a mistake mother " Helena said .

"Don't stress about it dear, am sure Leo will get you another one , I will tell him this one is broken" Mary try to confort Helena smiling, Helena looked at Jake and walked upstairs to her room, as she heard her grandmother Calling on their servant Jane to clean up the mess.

Once she reached her room she went and sat on the bed, can she marry Leo? He was older than her by far , she couldn't let out all shes feeling, her grandmother is pushing her into a loveless marriage, she was just 25 and Leo is 45 , 20 years older than her, the gap was too much , if she could fly, she will fly away and run for good , no love , no spark , no attraction, but Leo shower's her with lots of gifts, showing her he loves her and will do anything for her, tears fell from her eyes .

Standing up from the bed she walked to her window and looked out into the city , her fingers playing with the necklace around her neck, she looked down at it , it was the pendent given to her by her father Jackson Montana, she thought about when he was still alive , he had handed it to her when she was 18, it's been 7 years already but it's just like yesterday, he had encouraged her to do the things that are right , to follow her heart and let no one lead her to the wrong part , to deceive and hurt her ,she was his favorite, little daddy's girl , buy her things take her out , buy her her best novels , her mother too was an epitome of beauty and she got her beautiful looks from her, she died in a car accident, and her father later got sick and died, it was a painful memory , her grandmother and elder brother Jake are the only people she has as families now, and now her life is about to crush before her eyes marrying an old man, whom there was no love for , her tears rolled more.

The door opened silently, still deep in thought she didn't know when Jake entered. "You don't want to do it right ? He asked.

Helena quickly cleaned her tears with shaking hands as she heard her brothers voice, she turned to face him.

Jake knew she was crying cause her eyes were so red,he hates to see her in such condition

and it breaks him.

"Jake I......" She tries to say but he moved closer to her .

" You can't keep crying like this Helena " he said staring at his sister .

"I know you don't want this marriage and believe me when I say it hurts me too , please Helena, if you don't want to do it then don't " Jake said . Only if it was easy .

"Jake it's too late already, there's nothing i can do, the wedding has been fixed, two days from now I will be marrying him , I don't think there's anymore chance " she said solely. Jake held her at arms length and spoke his mind .

"Run away " he said , that moment Helena's eyes shoot up looking at Jake bewildered what he had said .

"R_run away? She asked .

"Yes , run away , go away from here and don't return till everything is okay again , trust me I know you wouldn't want to be tied down with a man you don't love and mostly far older than even I am, or don't you want to be free from him? He asked .

"Of course Jake, but where do I run to ,I have no friends what do I do then ? She asked .

" I have a friend who lives in new York, I can tell him am sending you over , and he will be nice to you " Jake said .

Helena's eyes widen. "His a guy? She asked .

"Yes, but his my bestfriend, his not bad, he has his own money and power inheritance from his parents, but he doesn't live alone, his grandmother stays with him and his cousin sister of course, they are nice people you will be comfortable staying with them, and once Alexander knows your my sister , then they will welcome you whole heartedly" Jake said .

Helena couldn't help the smile that crept it way upon her face , she will run away , yes .

"So tell me Jake , when do I leave? She asked .

"Tomorrow night , I will speak to Alexander right now " he said .

"Wait Jake , but tomorrow night is gonna be the night to my wedding day " she said giving up hope that she won't be able to run away then.

" Helena stop ranting about this Marriage stuff if you want to save your ass, tomorrow night is best for you to leave " he said she nodded quickly.

"Okay Jake , I trust you " she said . "You should get some sleep now, I know you must be tied " he said kissing her forehead.

"Thanks so much jake, I love you " she said and hugged him .

"I love you too" he said kissing her hair , they pulled apart and he winked her she chuckled as he turned and left the room.

Helena was so happy, Jake aways comes to her rescue even when they were still much younger, he could beat anyone who bullies her, and she Chuckled remembering how he had punched a boy bullying her when she was 7 and him 10 , and he was scold by mother but dad always encourage him to beat them up if they messed with her , she laughed,her dad is really a funny man. Now she will just have to patiently wait for tomorrow night, she can't wait to get out of here and be free from this nightmare which is Leo.

T. B. C.