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Autor: Trixie.B

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HANDS ON ME PDF Free Download


Virtual world is an endless mystery. You will never able to know who is the real person behind the screen. But that is also true when love knocks on your door it can find you anywhere. Two strangers, from totally different worlds. ROSETTE SAPHIRE, a girl with thousand of dreams in her eyes. Aspiring anesthesiologist, lives in her own world. Innocent, childish and totally different from normal girls. Dr. Conard Alexan, billionaire, diamonds bussiness tycoon, a trauma surgeon, have an extreme playboy image but still empty from inside. Two opposite poles, two different lives, one aim TO FIND LOVE. But what will happen when they both met accidentally? Well if they can find each other on the other side of screen? What will happen when they meet? Passion, obsession, mystery and love.
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Chapter 1

A sweet aroma is making me drool in my sleep. I can surely say this is none other than Aaron. I heard some clicking sound from the kitchen and yes she already started preparing breakfast. Aaron is my only best friend from graduation. She is taller than me, has very beautiful black eyes, an innocent face, and most importantly quite long hair. She is a very energetic girl. She has a habit of waking up early and I am a night owl. We are like different people but still, we match each other. Because we belong from the same background, that is also a point why I feel so relaxed. We both are pursuing our doctorate in CRNA

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist

. And this makes us occupied all the time. But when you live with your bestie nothing seems boring.

"Hey! Good morning sunshine! Come on get up. You sleepy head!" Aaron said and suddenly she snatched my blanket from me. She loves doing this thing in the morning. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I think my lovely Rosette forgets that we have to go shopping with a client or I can say with our friend. And... She is none other than your favorite Lily Alexan." Aaron's words made me realize that we are gonna late again. "Why the hell you didn't wake me up earlier? I told you yesterday to wake me up earlier." My words made her laugh like I crack some joke. I quickly get up from the bed and give her my best angry look. "Relax, girl, Relax girl!" Aaron said. I looked at her and then I watched the time. It's 9:00 am. I am so late. I have to be ready by 10:00 am."What are you saying, Aaron? Look at the time and you know very clearly that I took a lot of time in getting ready" I said. "Look cutie. I already did your all work okay. You just need to get into the shower, I already ironed your collared light brown floral print knee-length dress and please wear your white sneakers with them okay?" She winked at me and leave the room. She is always a helping hand for me. I give her a nod and then she left the room. Ohh still I have to go fast!

I looked in the mirror, all set for today. Good! Downstairs, Aaron is busy making the pancakes and then I noticed she also wears the ink colcolormiled because she loves doing this coupling of dresses. I said, "Someone wants to burn people with jealousy today." She turned around and hugged me. "Well, I think you are right." She giggled. Then we ate our breakfast quickly and cleaned the table. Suddenly we heard a car honking and we know exactly who is there.

Lily Alexan! She look like a model always . She always have such a lovely glow on her face that make anyone mesmerized at her. She have a deep green eyes. I can say there is no word to explain her beauty and kindness .

We met 6 months ago when we both are on vacation.We were in Bali and coincidentally we did checked in same hotel. When we were leaving our room we saw her in hallway. She had some malfunction with her dress. We stopped her and helped her before some further problems. That's how she had becomes so grateful towards us. From since then we all become friends. One day, we got a message to work as a shopping influencer for a week from our official fashion account. We got decent pay so we said yes for that offer and guess who turned out that client. She was none other than Lilly. Our life took a new turned from that day.

Again we heared car honk. Aaron and I, both saw each other and we quickly took all our belongings and then grabbed house keys and left. Lily is already waiting for us and as always she looked so beautiful in her grey plain short dress with black heels. "Again you both are late. How much time you took today Rosette?" Lily said and laughed hard. "As you know already Lily, she always sleep late at night and... No we both were ready on time. We are just 10 minutes late. You can see that ." Aaron said while pointing at her watch and winked at me. This two people are totally fun package for me. "So, I think we are getting late and we should leave as soon as possible." I said.

We all get into the car and Lilly start driving. Just like her, her car is also awesome. She have black matte Audi A8. Sexy as hell. We can say, she is uber rich. She never told us so much about herself and we never questioned about her life because everyone has there own privacy and priorities. We are friends but we work for her too so, we never bring this topic. Everything is fine and why we need to ruin it.

Finally after the hectic day I can rest. I enjoyed a lot through out the day. We helped Lily for her next vacation. If we don't help her I don't know how much time she can take for a final decision . She have a very refined taste in shopping and yes she loves shopping. I can say that she rarely repeat her clothes but that's okay. She lives her own. Now, my back feels so good after walking so much. My bed feels like a ball of cotton. It's amazing how much my life has changed,

I moved to San Francisco 1 year ago and everything was changed from that day. I traveled so many places with Aaron, but now it feels like I have to take some rest. Whenever I think about life, I do not know from where I remember the song One love by Blue. It's kinda funny how life can change, can flip 180 in a matter of days... That is totally true . I love this song so much. And then suddenly my phone vibrates.

Mr. Impossible : Hello beautiful young lady! Where are you?

I seriously don't know who is this man. But I talk to him anyways because we met through an site. Aaron was totally against him. She don't like that I talk to any strangers. She cares for me alot I know that. But for the very first time I felt that I should talk with him. We never discussed our true identity to each other. We just like talking. I can sense that he is a very gentle man and sometimes I feel that he is different. We both talk to each other with fake names. Of course who is real in this virtual world. Everyone have two faces.