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Blood Moon

Blood Moon

Autor: Sarah Andrade

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Blood Moon PDF Free Download


I would suggest reading 'Big Bad Wolf' first if you haven't already as this is a continuation and might not make sense if you skip the first story :P Sequel to Big BadWolf: It`s been nearly two years since Derek first met Steph in the woods. Now their relationship is in full swing with them engaged and soon to be marreid. What happen`s when the more deranged side of the Argent family visit Beacon Hills? Trust was always an issue, but now it is vital. Can the new Alpha and his pack get throught this new threat.
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Chapter 1

I was woken by Derek shooting upright. I squinted my eyes open and slowly sat up.

“Derek? What’s wrong?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

“Isaac.” He replied.

I got out the bed and left our room, walking down the hall to Isaac’s. I went in and switched on the lamp on his table, seeing him having a nightmare. I perched myself on the edge of his bed and softly stroked his face. He woke with a start, tears streaming down his cheeks. He stuttered out an apology and I wrapped him into a hug, his head on my chest.

“Shh, it’s okay. It’s just a nightmare. You’re safe here.” I cooed quietly, running my fingers through his curly hair to calm him.

After a few minutes I felt him start to calm down and noticed Derek standing in the doorway. I placed a kiss on Isaac’s head before tucking him back into bed.

“Try and get some sleep.” I said softly.

He nodded and I turned his lamp off before leaving his room. I thumped into the wall beside the door as it was dark and heard both of them snort a laugh. I shoved Derek by the chest as I stalked down the hall.

“Arse.” I muttered, walking into the room Derek and I shared. I heard a chuckle from behind me as two warm arms wrapped around my waist. “You could have told me the door wasn’t there.” I wined, squirming out his grip and crawling back into bed.

“Sorry.” He chuckled, flopping down beside me. “I didn’t think you were gonna do that.”

He yanked me toward him and I released a squeak as my back hit his chest. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck and I let myself relax against him before feeling myself drifting off to sleep again.


I jumped slightly as I saw Scott, Allison and Stiles in the kitchen, sitting at the table.

“Morning.” I said. “What are you guys doing here this early?”

“Breakfast.” They replied. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“Didn’t expect that.” I remarked sarcastically. They grinned at me while I got everything out.

I turned around and jumped back into the counter as I found Derek right behind me.

“I’m gonna buy you a fucking bell and then tie it round your neck, seriously.” I sighed, feeling my heart rate slow.

The three of them laughed as Derek pulled me in for a hug by my waist. I kissed his cheek before turning round to continue cooking breakfast for the pack.

I slapped Stiles’ hand away from the pan with the spatula and he yelped, quickly retracting his hand.

“You alright love?” I asked as Isaac came into the kitchen. He blushed a little and nodded. I motioned him over and hugged him. “You sure? You know you can talk to me Isaac.” I said softly.

“Yeah.” He replied quietly. I nodded and kissed his head before letting him go. He sat beside Allison and she gave him a smile.

“What’s for breakfast bitch?” Erica smirked, walking in with Boyd. Derek’s eyes flashed red as he growled at her, making her veer away.

“I think you’ll find you’re the bitch, seeing as you’re a wolf.” I remarked. “Now go sit down like a good little girl and wait.” I smirked as her face dropped. Jackson let out a whistle as he walked into the kitchen with Lydia behind him.

“You always this feisty in the morning?” he asked.

“Only when a kid pisses me off.” I replied, referring back to Erica who’s only sixteen.

“Fair enough.” He nodded, taking a seat. Lydia took the seat beside Stiles and I smiled as he looked shocked.

Derek’s P.O.V.

I smiled to myself at the sight of my pack and mate all gathered together, I had my family right here. I felt a nudge on my stomach and looked down at Steph.

‘Remind me why you bit Jackson’ she mouthed at me. I shrugged and she rolled her eyes, a smile gracing her lips.

“You’re an idiot.” She muttered, running her fingers across my cheek with a smile before dishing up the food. I tickled her side and quickly darted away before she could hit me. “Twat.” She remarked, rubbing her side before getting Allison to help her set the table.

I stuck my tongue out at her when no one was looking and she laughed.

End Derek’s P.O.V.


“Where are you going with Isaac?” Derek asked as I kissed his head.

“Grocery shopping. You guys eat like a bunch of wolves.” I replied, smiling.

“Very funny.” He rolled his eyes and pulled me down onto his lap by my waist.

“I thought it was.”

“Be careful.” He smiled, kissing me before letting me up. I nodded.

“Love you.” I said, grabbing his chin and kissing him again.

“Love you too. Now go before I have to make you stay.”

I yelped as I felt a swift slap to my backside and heard him laugh as I walked out the house to my car.

“How did you meet Derek?” Isaac asked quietly as I drove onto the main road.

“What was that sweetie?” I asked, glancing over at him.

“How did you meet Derek?” he repeated a little louder.

“Oh, I was taking photos in the woods and he was stalking me.” I smiled.

“Sounds like him.” I laughed and Isaac blushed.

“Don’t worry about it, he adores you; you can talk to him. It may not seem like it at times by the way he acts, but he cares about all of you.” I said, giving him a reassuring smile. “We despised each other at first, our tempers were easily flared and clashed cause neither of us would back down.” I laughed a little. “Now we’re away from everyone, do you wanna talk about what happened?” I asked gently.

“You wouldn’t understand.” He said sadly. I smiled slightly.

“If I tell you something only Scott and Derek know fully, would you think about it?” I asked softly.

“Depends what you’re gonna tell me.”

I sighed and told him the whole story of my father. How he got bitten by the Alpha at that time and then started killing my family off. I told him how he was trying to kill us and that Allison and I killed him. By the end of my story I could feel the burning sensation of tears in my eyes as I held them back. Isaac tentatively placed his hand on my knee and I shot him a smile.

“I used to live with my father. He hit me nearly every single day and when his abuse got really bad, he’d lock me in the basement freezer.” Isaac shuddered and I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad Derek gave me a chance to get away from him. But I still get nightmares.”

“I get the odd nightmare now and then about what happened, but you need to know Derek will do anything to keep you safe. He can’t hurt you anymore.” I said as I parked.

“Can I talk to him when we get back?”

“Of course you can. Just because he’s the Alpha doesn’t mean he’s unapproachable. I mean, have you heard what I call him? You’re fine.” I smiled as he laughed.

“Thanks Steph.” He smiled.

“Come here puppy.”

He hugged me and I ruffled his messy hair before towing him into Wal-Mart.


Derek’s P.O.V.

I felt someone sit on me as I was doing press ups on the living room floor. I paused and turned my head to see Steph perched on my back.

“Did you just get in?” I asked. She nodded and leant down so her head was beside mine.

“Isaac opened up on the way there. He wants to talk to you, so be gentle with him.” She whispered. I nodded and she pressed a kiss to my cheek before getting off me.

I heard her go into the kitchen as Isaac walked into the room. I stood up and brushed my hands off on my jeans.

“Derek, can I talk to you?” he asked quietly.

“You can look at me Isaac, you’re safe here. No one’s going to hurt you.” I said, motioning for him to sit. He looked at me as he sat down and I gave him a smile as I crouched in front of him.

“Uh, I just want to thank you for giving me a chance to get away from my dad. I don’t know how much longer I would have lasted there.” He said.

“You’re welcome. You’re part of my pack now, part of my family. You can come up to me whenever you need something, okay? Or if I’m not here, you know Steph will help.” He nodded.

Both of us stood and he held his hand out to me. I smiled a little and pulled him in for a quick hug.

“Derek.” Steph appeared in the doorway. “I just got a call from Sheriff Stilinski.”

“About what?” I asked, frowning slightly.

“The killings have started again.”

End Derek’s P.O.V.

Blessed by birth, cursed by fate, yet another gift awaits, As the sun comes down and the moon rises, The bell will ring

and will forever be howling.