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Heartless partner

Heartless partner

Autor: Mahera

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Heartless partner PDF Free Download


A girls fighting life with her beautiful son. And for this boy & his family she'll met Aboddho, the real, romantic & hard with mixed good hearted man in this world. He is a businessmen & the leader of mafia gang. He want to take revenge with someone who betrayed with him. That's why he ordered his men to find them & bring them to him. And then our story began with revenge and end with.........
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Chapter 1

  kotha is standing far from her parents Sepulchre......... and crying a lot for them thinking about them........ she was crying silently with constrict her lips so that there's no sound can came out.

  Removing her eye drops by hands, she tried to talk with her parents that how are they now? She remember that day again, when her parents were with her and they lead a happy life. Those accident took her happiness from her by took away her parents. She cried again for reminding that her mother and father how much love her, and how much torture she can give them, but they don't become angry or unhappy with her naughtiness never ever. one day her mother said to her that, "u r such a impish girl, your child must be like u mark my word."

  After recalling that memory of her and being so strong she then reply her questions answer. She start to talking about her motivations, her son and her life.

  At that time she called out for her mother and said silently that she is fine & happy now, because now she is a mother of a boy child & the boy is also look like exactly her copyright. Her boy's name is Dihan. He is so handsome & beautiful prince and yeah also a impish boy like mother but also he is called a mammass boy by others. He is very careful to his mom, only on his 5th birthday.He is very gentleman in the age of 5 years.

  Kotha then recalled her father & said that " Father, u must be happy to known that Dihan is also fond of sweets like u. and he always be a gentleman like u, if u can live with us u must keep him on ur head."

  ...........I love u mom & dad, & I miss u so much.............

  Please mom dad pray for me, Dihan & Disha


. They are my life, I want to protect them in every moment and from every enemies. Please pray that,as if I can fight without any tiredness & lead a happy life for us.

  After removing her eyedrops again she wear a mask with sunglass, & cover her head with a scarf. After looking around herself she start walking with a great thinking that after 10 years left behind her when she keep her fit on her motherland.

  She was born in Bangladesh & yeah she lives here with her parents happily. And here, in this county she lost her parents by accident when she was 14. After losing her parents she has no relatives here, only one uncle she have, who is belong to Paris. That's why she had to left this country for staying with her uncle in Paris.

  After 10 years she came back here for praying for her parents with Grave ziarat.Then she planned to serve food for some Orphan child. After then she is going to an Orphan home for perform milad and give some money for them. When she finished her task she realised that it's now 3 pm, Oh Almighty, how can i be so stupid, I've already forgot about them.Remembering that she quickly open her purse and took her phone. After opening her phone she saw there are 100 calls from them, she immediately call back them & after 1 ringing Disha received it. Kotha asked her that "Is there any problem? And how are they now?

  Hearing the sound of kotha, Disha start talking.

  Disha: I'm fine, but Your son is not fine.

  Kotha : What happened with him?

  Disha : Don't worry, nothing serious, after waking up from bed he didn't find u anywhere that's why he's gone mad now. He is crying all day long for u, don't take his food from morning to now, he only want to go to u. That's why I call u so many time but u can't receive it and ur son then again start for crying. Please comfort him and talk to him,she finished her speech in one breath.

  After hearing this Kotha get imotional and thought about her son, who is crying for her and not have any food from morning. He must be take his meals in time to time otherwise he got weakness. Kotha asked Disha to give this phone to Dihan, she can manage it now.

  After giving phone to Dihan, Kotha heared a crying sound behind phone. Then she start to talking with her son.

  Kotha : Babai, how r u? Have u take ur meals in time?

  Dihan : I'm not fine mammah because u r not here with me. Where r u gone mammah? I want to be with u.

weeping again silently


  Kotha : Oh my baby, my prince don't cry please, mamma will definitely come back to u as soon as possible. Please listen to ur aunt & have ur meals on time. Don't cry my baby, ok. I know u r very strong boy, and think about it what they think around urself about u if u crying all day long. Please my good boy don't cry again, Mamma is coming back.

  Dihan: When u come back?

  Kotha : Baby, my prince, Please listen dear, I'll come back as soon as possible. I'll take many toys for u, i promise.

  Dihan : Dihan don't need any toys, he needs only u. Mamma please come back fast, I'll never do anything without ur permission, & I'll listen & obey your all task. Mom I love u & I miss u soooo much........

  Kotha : I love u my prince, now give it to ur aunt.

  Disha : Sister, when u come back?

  Kotha : I'll come back soon. listen to be very clearly u don't need to go out everything is overloaded in ur kitchen, & if there's anything need u must send lena for this, not u. ok by, take care both of urself.

  And listen Disha my flight time is 3.45 pm. please give medicine to Dihan in time, remember it. Then kotha hangouts her phone & keep it back to her purse.

  Now she is sitting on taxi for went to the Airports. She open the window of this car & start to think about her life again........... in her thoughts.............

  " After so many years i come back here but i can't see or meeting with anyone here, i must be hide myself for our safety. we must change our residence every year, sometime we stay paris, sometime in London & sometime in Sweden. Now we r staying in Italy. We must be hide ourselves as can as i do, because I must protect Dihan & Disha. My Almighty, please stay with me & give more strength for protecting them."

  She thought about Dihan, who is the son of Diler khan, the underground mafia king of Paris. Who is now no more in the earth, died by blust. His son Dihan is the only owner of his kingdom now. That's why many enemies now searching for them to kill them. Kotha now miss Diler so much, because Diler is a bad man for others but most favourite person for her. Five years ago he's gone from us by accidently when Dihan just born in. Fortunately, on that blust only diler was killed, but Kotha, Dihan & Disha are escaped from there.

  Now she reached at the Airports & after check in she took her seat on the plane. When she check in there an old man trying to tease with her by whistling. Kotha laughed at him and she also start whistling before him. This old now got shocked and go away from there. She laughed at him loudly and said he don't know that tit for tat.

  After 10 hours long journey, she reached Italy and taking her purse she went to the parking lot. There Lena is standing for her waiting there.They both hug them happily and said miss u dear so much.

  Then Lena and kotha start for their residence with lena's sccooti. Lena is her best friend and neighbor too. She is Italian too,she knows everything about kotha and always be a helpful friend for her trying her best to help her.

  After some time they reached there home and kotha saw there Disha is also waiting for her infront of the door.They smile with each other and hug with happily. Then kotha asked Disha is Dihan at his tedy house? Disha nooded her head and kotha went there to meet with her prince. She know very well about her son, when he is angry or crying he sat on there almost of the day. kotha find him hold him in he arm so tightly, then began to kiss him as madly. At first time she gone away from her son in this long time.

  Dihan : Mom, why did you take me with u? I'm so angry with you, I also miss my nana and nanu ma. Now u don't take me to see their grave.

  kotha : Ok dear I'm sorry. I'll never go anywhere without you.By the way, I have so many kind of sweet in my bag, who want this?

  Dihan : Only I can finished all the sweets. I don't want to share any things with fuppi. ok mamma, love u so much.

  Hearing this kotha and Disha laughed at him loudly. Then everybody gone there room for taking rest.

  Aboddho washed his bloody hand with oaine.

  A dead body is beside with him, only few minutes ago he killed this man. This man came here for setup a meting with Aboddho but this man was talking too much, that's why he killed this man with his oaine bottle by broke down at a glance. He broke this oaine bottle drag it to this man. Then he clear his hand with tissue and through it to this dead body.