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My Wish

My Wish

Autor: Hina

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My Wish PDF Free Download


A sweet human girl who always got picked on when she was younger and she still does now that she is in high school and her boyfriend is even an ass to her. She has always dreamed about werewolves and she has drawn them in her art class. She wishes that werewolves were real because then she could have a mate and he would not cheat on her or treat her like shit. Then one day her and parents move from where they live due her parents get better jobs. They have to move to a different state to do that though. She will be starting a new school and when they get to where they are going she is going to be thrown into a world that she wished for her who life.
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Chapter 1

  Hi everyone my name is Ruby Dakota and this is the story of my life. I was born in Savannah, Georgia on March the fourteenth, which is pi day. I am the only daughter of Lilly and Bill Dakota, my mother is a high school teacher and a nurse, my father is website designer and he owns his own business. Since my mom teaches at my high school, I get a ride with her every morning so I don’t have to ride the school bus, which I’m glad but I do walk home from time to time, because my mom has to stay after school for some meeting with the other teachers or a parent of some kid from any of her classes. My mom teaches one of the classes I take and she treats me like a student not her daughter while we are at school. I have to two friends their names are Diana and Kat and I have a boyfriend his name Marcus. Diana has blonde hair, green eyes and is the cheerleading captain; Kat has black hair and blue eyes and she is also a cheerleader. My boyfriend Marcus had sandy blond hair and brown eyes, he is the quarterback of the school’s football team. I think Diana and Kat just use me to carry their crap around school because we all the same classes together this year, I really don’t think they like me because we don’t hang out after school like most friends do. Marcus is always telling me he has to train with the football team so we have never been on a real date but the jerk is always asking for porn pictures of my body, and it pisses me off.

  Anyways I just turned sixteen last month. I’m a freshman in high school and an A plus student in all of my classes, and it’s not because my mother is a teacher in the school, I do my own work and ask for help if I need it. I am not the prettiest girl or the skinniest girl in the school, but I like how I look, unlike Diana and Kat who are way too skinny for a girl there age and height. I have wavy brown hair and it comes to my shoulders, my eyes are a gray color which I like a lot. I am five feet and six inches tall; I weigh two hundred and ten pounds. I get called named by other students but my two ‘friends’ or my ‘boyfriend’ do not try to stop them or try to make me feel better. I do have an attitude when I get made really mad or way to pissed off, I have come close to yelling at the ones who has been making fun of me but they are not worth my breath or my tears so I make myself not cry, although I have yelled at Marcus for being an asshole on more than one account. I have made Diana and Kat cry once when I was really mad, but I have to hold all my anger in to yell at anyone I care about. I do go to an all female gym to work out my anger before I blow up on some one.


  Today mom didn’t have to stay over at school which I was glad of because I didn’t want to walk home today. When mom and I got home we got out of her 1967 Chevy Impala and we were laughing at our own singing “I suck at singing.” I told mom because I don’t think I can sing that well although I have been in a music class “You have a good singing voice.” My mom said to me smiling as we walked into the house. We know that dad was at home because he could work from home if he wanted to which he did a lot. When we walked in the smell of pot-roast hit our nose and we knew that dad was in the kitchen cooking, dad was cooking dinner which he did a lot and his food was to ‘die’ for and if there was any leftovers then they was just as good the next night. “Welcome home my dears” my dad said to us as we walked into the kitchen “Thanks dad.” I said smiling as I walked to him to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Thanks love” mom said as she walked to dad who wrapped his arm around her and they kissed each other, I just smiled at them. “I’ll be in my room doing my homework so just give me a holler when dinner is done.” I said smiling and walking to my bed room which was not far from the kitchen, because we had a three bedroom and two and half bath house so it was one level. When I got into my bedroom I closed my door and then my put my back pack on my desk and I took my English and History books out of there, then I walked over to my bed and fell back on it for a bit.

  I looked up at the ceiling as I was thinking and smiling. ‘Mom and dad are still all lovely dovey with each other and dad is protective of mom and me’ I thought to myself as I looked at the ceiling with a smile on my face ‘Humans…. Werewolves…. Moon Goddess.... Mates…. True Love’ I thought to myself and closed my eyes a bit. I love wolfs and if werewolves was real I would love to be a mate to a werewolf. Because they love you at first glance, they are protective, they want you with them at all times, and they will not cheat on you.

  I let out a sigh as I sit up on my bed and walk over to my desk and start my home work, but my mind is really not in the work but I get it done. My mom or my dad has not called me for dinner so I take out my art pad and start drawing what is going throw my head. I’m in art class and the teacher told the whole class that any time that our mind started to go anywhere we should draw what was in our minds and well I my mind is always going so I’m drawing a lot, even in my other classes but my teachers don’t care as long as I get my work done. I have already filled up two art pads and this one is my third one which I am not ashamed of it. Right now I’m sketching out my drawing and its going to be a myself with my a wolf that is sitting down but is still taller than myself, and I am hugging the wolf. After I get done with it I am going to draw another picture with a guy who is taller than me and he has his arm wrapped around my waist and I’m against his side with my head on him. After a while of drawing my first sketch I hear my mom call me for dinner, and so I get up from my desk and walk to my bedroom door opening it and then closing it behind me. I headed to the kitchen “It smells good in here.” I said smiling as I saw my plate already fixed and in my spot, so I sat down. “Thanks sweetie” dad said to me as him and mom sat at the table. I was waiting for mom to sat in dad’s lap like she does sometimes but she didn’t and I shook my head, they looked at me and I just smiled at me “Nothing.” I said to them “Okay then.” Mom said to me “Let’s eat before the food gets cold.” He said smiling and we all started eating. “So how was school?” Dad asked to mom and me “That same as always.” Mom said and I looked down at my plate as I eat my food “I don’t really want to talk about it.” I said to them and they looked at each other “Sweetie did Marcus did something to you?” Dad asked me and I shook my head “I got into a fight with two of the girls that call me names… I had an outburst.” I said to them they looked at me “Did you say sorry to the girls?” Mom asked me “Yes mom I did.” I said to her and she let out a sigh, after that dinner was quite and after we ate, mom and me did the dishes. Then I went back to my room, I just wanted to be left alone for the rest of the night.