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Project SE050

Project SE050

Autor: xiamsz

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Project SE050 PDF Free Download


Madison unknowingly saw through her vision what the Earth's fate. A mercury-planet size is about to hit the earth that will cause the destruction of the universe. But she didn't say it to the mankind due to the fear that they may not believe her. But after 2 years, a news suddenly hit like a bomb that cause panicking on mankind. The asteroid is moving fast. It will hit the earth two years from the present time. NASA came up on an idea to create a fast-prototype space ship that will transport them to the mars before the destruction. But then, Madison also saw in her vision that they will not succeed. Everyone will die. In the middle of the panicking, her grandma revealed their family's greatest secret. That they are peculiars—a family with an ability of precognition. Every generation, their ability passes to a family member that is worthy of the ability. And this generation, it is Madison who got the ability. Set-aside that, her grandma make Madison a mission. “To save the world from a great destruction” Because of that, she needs to travel to the parallel world of earth called ‘Universe’
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Chapter 1


  “It is confirmed that a planet-size asteroid will happen to hit the Earth 2 years from now. NASA said that they already confirmed that there's a  possibility that a mercury-size asteroid will hit the planet, 2 years from now. They remained it a secret 'cause it might cause a chaos and panic. They planned to keep it a secret until Space Axùlm296 is finish. It's an advance fast prototype space ship, a space ship that will transport us to Mars. Using SA296 we can arrive in Mars in just 2 months, special from the other space ship that will takes 3 years to reach the said planet. But, creating SA296 takes a really big amount of time. For this time, it is said that there's only a total amount of 200 SA296 that is created. Still skimpy for a billions of people here in the planet, cause every ship only contains of 350 passengers. NASA still doesn't has a plan to tell this to the world, because it's too early. The amount of SA296 is skimpy. But they were shocked to see how the asteroid moves fastly, they predicted that it will only hit the world 8 years from now. Sufficient time to create a big amount of SA296 and be ready” reporter said while trembling in fear.

  Even I, was shivering in fear and shocked. This is bad. My nightmare is already happening. This can't be!

  I saw it. I saw it in my vision! So many blood. Fire over the place. Explosion. People. They will not succeed. We will not survive. We will...die, along with this world.

  It's my fault. I saw it in my vision a long time ago, maybe 3 years from now. If o-only I have the nerve to say it to all of them last 3 years. Maybe this wouldn't happen. Maybe they created a sufficient amount of space ships.

  But... I was so selfish. If only I didn't let my cowardliness to face the people that time, this wouldn't happen. Maybe we will survive.

  But no, I didn't face it. It's too late now. Even if I say it to them now, it would only be useless 'cause it is already happening

  As you know, I have the ability to see the future—I have a precognition ability. I don't know how I have this peculiar ability, but I was shocked when an images just start flashing through my mind.

  And I know, the deaths of everyone here will be my fault. The world's fate is in my shoulders the moment I saw it on my vision, but I didn't make a move.

  I even tried to forget it instead of predicting it. Damn! And noe it's too late! It is the end—

  No! I must not lose hope, I must be strong. I must find a way to survive everyone here.

  But how? How would be a useless person like me save everyone here? I'm powerless.

  “M-My beloved grand-daughter, come here” grandma called so I come to her direction.

  “Don't force yourself, just sit there and relax. You're sick, you must rest” she just looked at me and sighed.

  I sat on the chair in front of grandma's. I took her hands and kiss her knuckles.

  I really love grandma. She's the only person who stays on my side.

  “M-Madison, my grandchild. I h-have something to tell you" grandma said and coughed.

  “What it is grandma?” I asked.

  “D-Do you wanna know our family's greatest secret?” my brows furrowed in curiousity.

  'I didn't know our family has a secret'

  Later on, I nodded. “Good, ready y-yourself”

  I bit my lip. I'm so thrilled and eager to know what does our family's secret.

  “Our family's greatest secret is that...we're a family of peculiars with a precognition ability” grandma revealed. I was stunned.

  I didn't able to say anything because of mixed emotions. Shocked, fear, and overwhelmed.

  I swallowed the lump on my throat.

  “W-What are you talkin' about, grandma? P-Powers don't exist. Maybe you're just tired grandma, rest yourself” I stammered.

  “N-No, powers real my dear grandchild. We have the precognition ability—an ability to see the future. It passes every generation to a family member who's worthy enough to have the ability. And it's you, Maddy.” she coughed hardly again.

  Oh no! Grandma's condition's worsening. She needs to see her doctor!

  “Let's set this aside, grandma. Y-You need to see your doctor. Your condition's worsening” I was about to stand when grandma stopped me.

  “N-No, Maddy. You need to listen to me. We don't have much time, you have to save this world from destruction. Y-you need to save them” grandma said desperately.

  I clenched my fist and my eyes turned misty until I start crying.

  “B-But how, grandma? How would I save them? I'm useless. I can't stop the asteroid. I-I can't save them. I'm powerless. I-I—” I sobbed but then grandma interrupted me and caressed my face.

  “O-Of course not. You're not useless, Maddy. Y-You can save them. Go to the Universe, asked for help. They have an ability too, they will be a really big help to save the world. I'm sure they will help you. Just say, ‘I'm Madison from the family of Evergreen and I'm here to ask for all of you to help me saving the planet earth. This is an order from the great Bri-Vritania Melody’ If they didn't believe you, show this to them” she removed her ruby-diamond ring and hand it to me.

  I looked at grandma worriedly. This is so special to her that she didn't take it off once. Grandma said that it's a gift for her from her deceased husband—grandpa.

  “B-But why, grandma? I-I thought this is so special to you, because grandpa bought this for you a long time ago?” grandma smiled bitterly.

  I was surprised when a tear escaped through her eyes.

  “Some day, you'll know the whole truth about our identity. Find it out, Maddy. I-I believe in you” she said and coughed hardly again.

  “B-But I don't think I can do this alone, grandma. It's so heavy.” I said while sobbing.

  “Of course you can, Maddy. Our ancestors ability chose your for a reason. They also believe in you. P-Please, do this for me Maddy. Do this as my last wish”

  She's right, Maddy. You must believe in yourself. If you want to save this world, then be strong. Don't make another mistake that you'lll just regret in the end.

  Okay, I will fight. I will fight for grandma. I will fight for the people. I will fight for the world.

  I must not let that asteroid destroyed the creation of god. I must not let everyone dies.

  I smiled brightly. “Okay, grandma. I will do everything to save everyone. To save this world.”

  She smiled widely. “Good”

  “G-Go to my cabinet and bring the sacred box, it has the map and on how you will get to Universe. B-Be strong, Maddy. You can do this. I-I believe in you. I think this is goodbye” she smiled weakly and a few moments later her hand dropped and her breathing stopped.

  And I felt like my world stopped too.

  “N-No, no! Grandma! Y-You can't leave me h-here. I-I still need you. P-Please, don't l-leave me” I cried hardly while holding her hand.

  Why? WHY?! Why do you need to leave me after this, grandma? I still need you here by my side. I still need your guides. I don't think I can fight without you on my side.

  But no. I know I must not lose hope. The world's fate is in my hands. The world's need me.

  I don't have much time. The clock is ticking. I don't have time to mourn for grandma's death in this situation.

  With a heavy heart, I let go of my grandma's hand and place it on her lap and stand.

  “Promise grandma, I won't let you down. I will fight for you and for the world. I know you're always be there by my side, I think this is goodbye for now” I wiped my tears and kissed grandma on her forehead.

  I ran ito my grandma's room and get the sacred box she was talking about.

  When I got it, I immediately study all the informations. It says I need to get the four special-magic-crystal-balls. Because it is needed to open the portal to the Universe.

  I thought Universe is a land of like fairies, etc. Turns out it's the parallel world of Earth.

  To get the crystal balls, I must find it from the 3 largest caves of the 3 countries. The water-element crystal ball is located in Calbiga Caves in the Philippines. Second is the earth-element crystal ball that is located in Grotta Gigante cave in Italy. And lastly, the fire-element crystal ball that is located on Hang Son Doong cave in Vietnam. The fourth wind-element crystal ball is on my hands right now, I need to take a good care of it cause if it crashed then there's is no way I can go to Universe and ask for help.

  Then after I got all of those crytal-balls, I will go to the place where the opening of the portal is—Antarctica.
