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My Bestfriend's Affection

My Bestfriend's Affection

Autor: Ateng Kadiwa

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Luke Sebastian and Athalia Patricia Ramos are friends since childhood. But they're separated because Luke's parents decided to migrate to America. After all, they want Luke to study there for his High School Year and College degree. Ten years had passed, and Luke and his mother together with his girlfriend which is Mickaela Romano who's a model go back to the Philippines. Since childhood, Athalia had an attraction toward Luke and she was hoping when he come back. Her feeling for him has a response. But she was wrong because Luke has a girlfriend. Athalia decided to move on. She wants to forget her feelings for Luke. She met this guy named Charles Andrew at the Welcome Party for Luke and his mother. Charles started to woo her, and she let herself be in a relationship with Charles Andrew. Months passes by, and Athalia started to like Charles. And news came to her, that Luke and Mickaela broke up, and she is the reason why Luke decided to cut his relationship with Mickaela. Is Athalia willing to follow her heart's desires and let herself hurt the man who's still there for her no matter what?
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Chapter 1


"Athalia, make it faster! We have to hurry! Family Sebastian will be arriving in a few days. The mansion needs to be cleaned. I'm sure there will be many guests," said mother.

We are now going to Sebastian's mansion to clean and tidy up. I don't have work because today is Sunday. I am a Marketing Staff at Heirwone Enterprise which is a garment factory. After I graduated from college, I started working because Melissa, who also works there and is older than me, offered to work there.

Melissa's mother is Luke's father's older sister. They have been in charge of the hacienda since Sebastian's Family immigrated to Canada. So, the hacienda was entrusted to them.

Luke is my childhood friend. From five years old until I was ten, we have always been together. I'm always at their house when my mother needs to go to the mansion with me every weekend. He is two years older. After Luke graduated from elementary in a private school, his parents decided that he should study high school and college in Canada. They also have businesses there.

Luke's family is rich, so his future girlfriend should also be from a rich family. I was saddened by that thought. We can't be lovers because of my status in life. Why am I thinking that? Luke will not like me. He treats me as a friend. I suddenly remembered the day I found out that he was going to study in Canada.

'We are outside now, in the garden. Looking at its beauty. This is the part of the hacienda that I love. It's a sight to behold and the breeze is fresh.

"I have something to tell you, Athalia. I'm leaving next month. We're going to Canada. I'll be studying high school and college there," he said. She can feel the sadness in his voice.

"Are you going to leave me? When are you coming back?" I asked him.

Tears dripped down from my eyes. I got used to being with him and now we're going to separate. I couldn't stop crying. He lifted my head and wiped my tears with his fingers.

"Silly, don't cry. I will stay there for a few years and then I will come back here. My parents said that I will be in charge of the hacienda so I need to study abroad because they say that the education there is more advance and of course, I will learn a lot."

"I will miss you best. That's your promise, huh? You'll be back. Best friends, forever?"

"Best friends, forever!" he shouted. We hung up our little fingers as a sign that we promised each other.

When we accompany them to the airport, I cried when he bid farewell to us. I cried a lot during those times. My thoughts were interrupted when my mother called me.

"Come on," she said.

I took the bag and hurried out of the house. We boarded the tricycle that stopped in front of us. The house is quite far from the mansion so we have to commute. It's about fifteen minutes away.

When we arrived, we found everyone busy at the mansion cleaning and changing the curtains and placing new vases. With that thought, I felt excited.

I will see Luke who has also been separated from me for several years. I hope he hasn't forgotten. When we entered the mansion, Melissa greeted us. We also greeted her back. I carried a paper bag containing a freshly washed bed sheet and pillowcases and carried it to the second floor. I will change the bed sheet and pillowcases in each room.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by the gray paint of the room. Luke's favorite color. When his mother buys something, whether it's shoes or clothes, it's should be gray because he will not accept it if it's not that color. It's a kid trait and maybe now he changed.

I went inside and looked around the room. I just saw it again. It's still the same as before, nothing has changed in the arrangement of the room. The assistant only cleans it once a week and is afraid to re-arranged it.

I saw two small tables arranged on one side. I approached it. This is where Luke and I often do our school assignments.

I have changed the bed sheet and pillowcase. Then, I went to the bedroom bathroom to get a washcloth and water. After all, I'm already here, I'm going to clean his room. I looked up at the picture on the table. It was a picture of Luke when he graduated from elementary.

I smiled. How is he? Is he married or has a girlfriend? I felt my chest tighten at the thought of Luke being married or having a girlfriend. My thoughts were interrupted when my mother called me from outside the room.

"Athalia, come on, let's have lunch," mother invited me. The look on her face was also tired.

"Alright. I'll follow," I said. Mother nodded.

"Hurry up because we still have a lot to do," she reminded me and left.

I glanced at the picture again before leaving the room. I descended the stairs and went to the dining table. I was spooning rice when Daisy suddenly spoke, one of the assistants here in the mansion.

"Sir Luke will be coming home with his girlfriend who is also a Filipino. She is very beautiful! A famous model," she exclaimed excitedly.

He has a girlfriend. There is a dagger pierced in my chest, so painful. We can't recover the times we were not together because he has a girlfriend. He has something to focus on. I can't force myself on him. His girlfriend will surely be jealous.

After I had lunch, I continued what I was doing earlier until I finished all the rooms that needed to be replaced with pillows and bed covers. Will his girlfriend sleep here? Will they share the same room? Have they already had sex? It is unlikely that will happen. Canada is a liberated country.

Why am I thinking that? What if something has happened to them? I have no problem with that. We only promised each other at a young age. It was a childhood promise. He may have forgotten his promise to me. I only have to do one thing now, forget him.

"We'll have to go, Melissa. I still need to write a letter about my absence tomorrow, "I said bidding goodbye.

I don't want to go tomorrow. I'd rather focus on work than see him with his girlfriend. But I have to face him! I'm not a coward!

"Oh, okay. Be careful Athalia and aunt," Ate Melissa said goodbye to us.

When I got home, I immediately open my laptop to write a letter. After passing it to my head department, I went to bed. Can I face him tomorrow? How will he react when he sees me? Does he miss me? There are many what if's in my head until I fall asleep.

I was here at the mansion around four in the afternoon. The entire mansion is being prepared for Sebastian's Family's arrival. Surely, a lot of visitors are coming today. Celebrities, businessmen, businesswomen, and politicians.

It was past seven o'clock when the guests arrived in their expensive cars. Which only the rich can afford. I was wearing a white polo blouse and a black knee-length skirt. I was a service crew at that time.

The guests were seated at their respective tables. I approached a table when someone called me with a tray of wine in my hands. I put the wine I was holding on the table. A man who was already sitting stood up, I guess he is about twenty-eight years old.

"Good evening. I'm Charles Andrew. And you?" He extended his hand to me in respect. I accepted that.

"Good evening too, sir. I'm Athalia Patricia Ramos." I said introducing myself.

I said goodbye to him to serve other guests. The compound of the mansion where the Welcome Party was held is crowded. Fortunately, we rented a lot of tables so we won't have a problem where the guest will be seated.

I saw a van coming. Is it Luke? A man came down. I was stunned. The man is familiar to me. Is he Luke? He is very handsome. He became mature. Since he studied in America, his skin refined even more.

He opened the door of the van and a lady, his mother, got out. It seems that Mrs. Sebastian not getting old. Next, a beautiful woman wearing a blue gown came out. The gown was fitted so her sexiness was seen. She felt jealous of the girl because she was perfect for Luke. Both are rich. She encircled her arm in Luke's arm.

Tita Olivia goes first supported by a gentleman in his mid 60's. I can't stop cheapening myself. The woman is very beautiful. I am nothing compared to her. She's a model while I'm just a lowly employee. But I'm happy for Luke that he found the woman who will love him no matter what.


I turned to look at the person who called me, Melissa. Pointing to the man I brought wine to earlier and introducing himself to me. I approached him. As I approached, he immediately stood up and pulled an empty seat beside him for me.

"Join us," he offered.

"I'm sorry but I need to decline your offer, sir. I have a lot of things to do."

I looked around in case someone saw me that instead of doing my job, I was doing something else. My eyes wandered ahead to where Luke's table, his girlfriend, and his mother were seating. Our eyes met. I feel like I'm going to melt in his eyes. Suddenly my heart beat faster. I looked away because I couldn't take his gaze any longer.

"Just only 20 minutes. I want to talk to someone quite close to my age," he said and smiled.

I also smiled back at him. He introduced me to his parents. I kindly introduced myself. I looked ahead. Luke is eating and talking to his girlfriend. Sir Charles put a plate in front of me and fill it with food that was served on the table.

"Thank you, sir," she gratefully said.

"It's nothing. I'm just happy because I met a beautiful lady tonight," he said smiling. I smiled in response.