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She Is A Demigod

She Is A Demigod

Autor: Authoress Angel

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She Is A Demigod PDF Free Download


Kylie, being a half vampire and a half witch. She never knew of her powers. Her father, Robby who was a very old vampire left his wife, Sarah, who was a witch. He left her with Kylie to protect them from danger. Kylie and Sarah moved to a new city where Kylie meets new friends and also a charming boyfriend, Jackson, who was also a vampire. What happens to Kylie when she finds out about her mother being a witch? Why her mother locked her power? Because she was a DEMIGOD!!!
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Chapter 1

The shout of the woman who was in labour filled the air. The husband of the woman, Robby, was worried he would loose his wife.

It was night time, the clock ticked and ticked. When it was 11 sharp, the cry of the baby filled the air.

The midwife brought the baby to her father but never allowed him carry her.

"Your wife wants to see you"said the midwife that was holding the baby.

Robby left to meet my wife. She was sweaty and all swollen.

He was talking to her when his daughter was brought to them.

The midwife whispered into Sarah's ear not to allow Robby carry the baby. Sarah look sad.

Robby could hear what the midwife said. He acted like he didn't understand.

"Don't you want to carry you baby?" Sarah asked.

"I wished to, but the midwife told you not to allow me" Robby replied.

" Robby, you know they are just scared you would bite her. Just for a few minutes, carry her" Sarah said with sadness in her voice.

Robby shook his head.

"I have something to discuss with you" Robby said.

"Tell me" Sarah said breathing heavily.

" Sarah, I don't want anything to happen to our daughter, I want you to keep her safe..." Robby spoke with his cracked voice.

Sarah who knew what was happening spoke. "You want to run away".

"Don't think I don't love you or..."

"I understand Robby, just go if you want to. Just know that If your daughter ask of her father when older. I'll tell her you're dead" Sarah interrupted Robby, she looked away from his eye. She had read his mind already, it was one of her abilities.

" Thank you Sarah, at least. I know that I have a family. You will be safe without me". Robby turned to leave "Please I want her name to be Kylie" He said and left.

Sarah burst into tears. She cried and cried till her little baby joined her in crying.

She didn't know when she dozed off.

*.* *.*.

Next morning

Sarah woke up and didn't find her baby.

"Where's my baby?" She looked round the room.

The midwife came inside the room with her daughter in her hands.

" You almost slept on her last night" the midwife spoke.

" I'm sorry midwife" Sarah said with her swollen eye.

" Go and take a bath and give her food" the midwife said and left the room with the baby.

Sarah had a clean bath and fed her baby.

"What would you name her?" The midwife asked Sarah as she pats her baby.

" Kylie, she would be called Kylie" Sarah said.

"Are you going to lock her powers?" Asked the midwife.

"Yes, I did already. She should be safe from this wicked world" Sarah replied.

" That's good. You should eat and get some rest" the midwife said and Sarah nodded.

* * * * * * *

Seven years later

Kylie was already seven years old. She stayed with her mother and the midwife, who she calls grandma.

They live not far from the city nor far from the woods.

Sarah was at home cutting some vegetable while Sasha, the midwife was outside, knitting.

Kylie came down from the school bus and stormed into the house.

"Hey Kylie" Sasha greeted but Kylie had entered inside already.

Kylie got to her room and threw her school bag on the bed, screaming.

Sarah who was in the kitchen heard the noise and went to meet Kylie in the room.

" What's wrong Kylie?" Sarah asked as she stood at the door.

Kylie didn't answer, she was sitting on the bed. She folded her hand and breath heavily.

Sarah came into the room and went towards her.

"You didn't knock mom" Kylie said.

Sarah went back to the door and knock.

"Come in" Kylie replied and moved her gaze

to her mother.

" Now tell me, what's wrong?" Sarah said and sat on the bed.

" I was teased today, again" Kylie spoke as tears dropped from her eyes.

Sarah embraced her, "Don't cry, it's not your fault that your father died".

Kylie cried the more, "They teased me that I'm fatherless. I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to us to move to the city".

Sarah held Kylie's face high,"look at me, are you going to let what they are saying let you down"

Kylie shook her head.

"Make me a promise that whatever they say to you won't affect you, you are a special child, just control your anger and make me proud,okay?" Sarah said and Kylie shook her head.

"Good girl, now go and greet your grandma outside" Sarah said as seven year old Kylie ran out of the room to meet her granddaughter

"Hi Grandma,I'm sorry I went inside without greeting you" Kylie apologized.

"It's okay my grandchild, how was school?" Sasha asked.

"Very well,thank you" Kylie said.

" You must be hungry, let's join your mother in cooking dinner" Sasha said as she kept the wool down and followed Kylie inside.

* * * * * *

Next day

Kylie went to school the next day. She didn't let what her classmate said the other day affect her.

She alighted from the school bus as the strong breeze blew her hair. She catwalked towards her classmates and greeted them, they came early because their father dropped them off.

"There she comes, our queen" one of the girl said starting to teased her.

Kylie smiled and turned, "how can I help you, my fellow subject?"

"How dare you call us that? You are not like us because you have no father. So don't feel among, fatherless girl" another girl replied, their leader.

Kylie tried to calm her anger, she tighten her fist and smiled like nothing was wrong.

"Hmm, later" Kylie waved and left.

"How dare she?"....

The girls were hurt that their insult didn't affect Kylie. They decided not to tease her again.

But what pained Kylie the most is the way her classmates talks about the city.

She had always wanted to live there.

After school.....

At home, while eating dinner. Kylie was lost in thought. She dreamt of how the city would be.

Sarah read her mind and discovered what she was thinking about.

"Sasha, once Kylie turn 18, we are moving to the city. At least, she could finish her education there". Sarah said.

Sasha understood and nodded her head.

Kylie who heard them, was trying to get if she was day dreaming or it's reality.

"Really mom, we are gonna move to the city. I can't wait". Kylie said and stood up wanting to run to her room.

"Wait Kylie, you haven't finished your dinner" Sasha called her back.

Kylie ran back and took a pickle and ran to her room.

Sarah and Sasha both laughed.

"At least, her mind would shift from her father, I want the best for her" Sarah said lost in thought.

"I understand my dear" Sasha said.

" Let me check on Kylie" Sarah said dropping her napkin.

Sarah knocked on the door, Kylie told her to come in.

Sarah met Kylie making a calendar.

" What's this for?" Sarah asked.

" I'm making it till when I'm 18 so you won't forget" Kylie replied.

" I won't, you know that" Sarah said.

"I also want a cat mom" Kylie said.

"No problem, just wait for 11 year" Sarah said.

"I'll wait, I'm going to make it" Kylie said as she hugged her mother.